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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Forever laughing. So sad that I can't watch this one live...probably won't be able to watch for several hours, actually. That's OK, I'll just fast-forward the DVR to the part I want to see and watch that first. Then it's back to the normal routine of checking comments before I even think of watching.
  2. Poor Oliver is barely on that new Arrow poster, but I guess he still doesn't have it as bad as Barry, who doesn't even manage an appearance on The Flash poster.
  3. I wish that they would get Miss Mardle out of Mr. Grove's orbit (difficult, I know, since they work at the same store and all). He was a gigantic jerk to her, so I don't ever want those two to end up together again. I thought that the Florian/Miss Mardle relationship was an interesting story, but then they had to go and kill the poor guy off :( I do not like Victor, I'm so happy that Agnes did not end up with him, and unfortunately, I really hate Victor with Violette. I think that she's the literal worst. The other two Selfridge siblings seem like much nicer people, why can't we spend more time with them? The poor girl that is married to the prince (I don't even know her name!) isn't even an active participant in her life! The entire story is about her shady husband and mother-in-law. Gordon is just lovely, I like all of the stuff with him and Grace, and I hope that he continues to step up as he takes on more responsibilities. I think that it's time to add some new, interesting characters and get rid of the ones whose storylines have run their course.
  4. Okay...Jill Flint's acting during the motorcycle confrontation scene with TC (at the end of the episode) was just atrocious. It was seriously bad, and at first I thought it was a joke or something, and she was going to burst out laughing in the middle of her hormonal rant. So...yeah...that majorly took me out of the scene there at the end. I started watching at the very end of the first season, so I have no idea how Rick was injured, and I think that I missed most of whatever happened to their relationship, but I like the two of them together. Plus, I have lots of goodwill for the two men built up from Brendan Fehr's days on Roswell and Luke Macfarlane's time on Brothers and Sisters.
  5. Huh, I thought that Community had been cancelled. Mad Men feels like it's focusing too much on people I don't care about when there are only a few episodes left. I don't care about Joan's new guy, who she's known all of five minutes, or Sally's flirty friend who has the hots for Don. What especially creeps me out, however, is Weiner's real-life son making the moves on Betty. That just feels so so very wrong.
  6. OG Team Arrow is one of the best parts of this show. They lucked into this awesome dynamic...why would they intentionally destroy that? I don't get it. This entire season kept Felicity marooned on Palmer island, MG said multiple times that the days of OG Team Arrow are basically over, and now there will be "irreversible" changes/damage done. Why are you ruining this?!!
  7. This group of EPs certainly have a knack for creating polarizing women characters. People complain about the way that Laurel discussion dominates all of the threads here, but guess what? The same exact thing plays out over in The Flash forum. Episode discussions are dominated by talk of Iris, the relationship thread is dominated by talk of Iris, and you'll never guess which thread has the most replies. That's right, the Iris West thread. I think that they've fucked this up...again. I might have to bail fairly soon. I don't enjoy self-torture.
  8. From MG's tumblr : . You also gave Sin to Sara & Laurel can't ride a motorcycle. WHAT ARE YOU DOING??! Why are you mistreating the character? Honestly, I think that maybe the expectations are too high here. The Laurel that we know had some basic self defense training and a few months of boxing lessons. She's hardly prepared to be one of the "best fighters in the universe." And the Canary Cry thing might look awesome in comics (I guess, don't know), but watching Laurel break people's eardrums by screaming at the top of her lungs would be awful. Fucking awful, in fact. As for the motorcycle? Yeah, no. If they had shown her riding a motorcycle back in season 1, maybe I could buy it, but I have a hard time picturing Laurel zipping around town in her pantsuit and biker helmet. Just curious, do you guys see many Laurel fans that are unhappy with her development, or is this comment an anomaly?
  9. There's always a chance that one of the people who "won't make it" is Laurel. Oh, who am I kidding? Laurel would probably survive a freaking nuclear apocalypse. I definitely think Thea is becoming the new sidekick...she's getting a mask after all. Maybe she can teach Laurel a thing or tw...enty.
  10. I can see why OG Team Arrow might become a traveling crime-fighting team. Left in the hands of Ray and Laurel, Starling City is doomed. It will probably cease to exist by early season 4.
  11. I figure that they were kind of forced to not give her too much lip color, anyways, or it would probably end up smeared all over Oliver's body, haha. "This started with the three of us. It's time we got back to that.", Part 2. Can we stick to that quote this time, though? PLEASE?!
  12. I really don't like what has happened to EBR's hair this season. It's almost like it is too layered or thinned out at the bottom, or something? And I didn't watch her on The Flash this week, but I saw gifs, and the styling was terrible. I can't believe that they didn't ask the hair crew (sorry, I don't know the technical name for those folks) to fix that!!
  13. If Team Arrow's new base of operation is going to be an airplane, I fear that we'll be stuck with Laurel all. the. time (I mean, unless TA plans on dropping her into the Atlantic as they pass overhead, or something).
  14. How awesome would it be if The Fern trended during this big Ray episode? Fuck Ray, what about The Fern??
  15. Just as long as nobody dies saving Fern. We don't risk our lives for things like plants...or filing cabinets full of papers.
  16. I think Fern will be toast in the explosion (the foundry is blowing up tonight, right?). Or maybe Fern will be one of the few things to survive said explosion. Maybe she can take a plane trip to Nanda Parbat...I think she'll thrive in the Honeymoon Suite.
  17. I saw a comment that was irritated about all of the crossovers and not happy that The Flash was being used to support Arrow/New Spinoff show. Haha, I laugh because you know that The Flash exists because of Arrow, right? And sorry Flash fans, but we've spent an entire fucking season supporting this upcoming spinoff with Ray Palmer firmly attached to Felicity Smoak's ass, so it's your turn now!
  18. Oh my gosh, this is actual dialogue from an upcoming episode? How cheesy.
  19. Oh my gosh. Maybe I should be watching this show because it sounds hilarious. I'm reading through the thread for the first episode now, and the comments are too funny. Maybe I'll just skip watching and follow the forum instead.
  20. I'm so jealous of all of you who have decent internet and can watch stuff on Netflix. Just curious, does anyone watch CSI: Cyber? I was wondering if it's as terrible as the previews made it seem. It looked like one of those shows that you watch just so you can come on here and snark about it.
  21. Yes, when he says "through the course of the next few episodes", I hope he has misspoken, because I effing hate the idea of Felicity sleeping with Oliver while she is attached to Ray. That's a shitty thing to do, and people would rip her to shreds.
  22. I'm not sure that I could buy Laurel as a private investigator, considering the fact that she failed to notice that Oliver Queen, her ex-boyfriend and a man she had been intimate with, was the Arrow, and Sara, her own flesh and blood, was the Canary. Observant she ain't.
  23. I can't watch right now. What in the world is this Fight Club promo all about??
  24. I think that one key factor to Ray's success on the spinoff is the amount of audience overlap there will be between the two shows. Arrow viewers have already made up their mind about Ray. I'm sure that the EPs believe differently, but removing him from the love triangle may not be enough to change people's opinions of him since people were hating on him before he showed any romantic interest in Felicity (just go and check the episode threads---people were put off by his behavior almost immediately). For an entire season, this dislike has been festering, growing to outright hatred, in some cases. If you watched Arrow and hated the guy, there's no guarantee that all of that is just going to fade away and everything will be fine and dandy. From what I have witnessed, BR just doesn't have the charisma and likability needed to overcome everything that's already stacked against him.
  25. Even if they wanted to pull Black Canary, you just know that the EPs would never get rid of Laurel. She would suddenly become Manhunter or some other character. There is just no getting rid of her EVER, it seems.
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