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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I thought that this show had already been cancelled, and they were just showing the remaining episodes. Whoops! I just have a hard time believing that someone with Russ's personality would have any problems asking Holly out. Maybe we're going to find out that he's afraid of ruining the dynamic that they have now, or he was badly hurt from his last relationship, or something. Of course, there's also all of the issues he has stemming from his mother... I thought that the scene with shrapnel sticking out of the back of Font's head was supposed to be played for laughs, and then the poor guy almost died!
  2. I hope that she knows that it's okay to be wrong...you don't have to spin every new piece of info to fit your theory. We all make predictions here that turn out to be incorrect...no big deal. What does she do when her theories turn out to be way off base? Is she wrong a lot, and if she is, why do people keep taking her predictions so seriously?
  3. I have like six episodes of Black Sails on my DVR, and I was having a tough time getting motivated to watch it. I started to watch episode XIII, but then I never made it all of the way through. Whoa, I just watched it and there was this revelation about Captain Flint that I had no idea was coming, and it blew my mind, and now certain things make so much sense. I'm surprised in a good way, and I love it when shows manage to surprise me. There are certain characters and storylines that I don't care for on this show, but I just love Captain Flint, John Silver, and Billy Bones.
  4. I think that there's always the chance that the show could revisit Oliver/Laurel. But the fact that they had Tommy out of the picture and L/O set up romantically at the end of the first season, and then completely decided to switch gears, separate the two, erase the island picture from existence, hook Oliver up with other women, throw a baby in there that was conceived while Oliver was dating Laurel, have Oliver sleep with Laurel's sister AGAIN, have Oliver tell Laurel that he's done chasing after her in that fairly hostile hallway scene, AND have Oliver refuse to tell Laurel that he's really the Arrow...well it seems like the writers went out of their way to completely turn the audience against a romantic relationship between those two.
  5. Have Laurel and Oliver had a lot of screen time together this season? It almost feels like the show intentionally goes out of it's way to keep those two apart (please correct me if I'm wrong...I've missed a lot of episodes). Personally, I feel like SA and the showrunners are very aware of the chemistry black hole that exists between KC and SA. It feels like they keep shuffling KC from person to person to find a dynamic that works.
  6. Colton Haynes was such a rage-monster on Teen Wolf, ha. I continue to watch only because I like Stiles.
  7. 1.) Apparently, we're actually adhering to Batman canon now, so maybe what happened in the Green Arrow comics doesn't even matter. 2.) As others have pointed out, maybe the EPs would LOVE to follow comic canon for this one particular relationship and give us BC/GA, but it won't be happening if the network refuses to sign off on it.
  8. I'm actually not even sure that we're going to get a GA/BC crime fighting partnership from this show. Their attitudes are pretty hostile towards each other, and Oliver doesn't seem too enthusiastic about the fact that she's out in the field, but he's past trying to stop her at this point. At best, I see her as a Roy-level sidekick since she's never going to realistically have the skills that Oliver or Diggle do.
  9. I'm disappointed. I was waiting to see what lovely questions Marc was going to answer on tumblr. But...nothing. Lol, have the angry fan responses worn him down?
  10. I remember that I would occasionally check into TWoP during season 1, and that's how I found out that Oliver and Laurel were supposed to be the destined BecauseComics! couple. I had no clue because I don't read comics, and the only big comics couple that I knew about was Lois & Clark. I remember thinking that SA had fantastic chemistry with Diggle, and I loved Felicity, but I didn't bother shipping them because I knew that it was supposed to be O/L. I think that the writers have really gone out of their way to make any sort of future romantic relationship between these two impossible (the sister swapping, the cheating, the lying). And I think that the only people who are probably going to care about a major deviation from the source material are people who are actually familiar with the source material (and there's no way that this is a majority of the audience). So yeah, I think that the show will be completely fine if they don't put Oliver and Laurel together...it hasn't hurt them thus far.
  11. I liked Outlander up until the show decided to take a midseason break...then I lost interest. There's a lot of nudity, a lot of violence, and the lead female started to annoy the shit out of me, so I have three unwatched episodes sitting on my DVR right now. Agents of SHIELD is okay...but it's not really must-see TV IMO. Orphan Black is excellent, and I think that the first season was the best so far. I liked Fringe, but I'm not sure I would want to binge-watch that one. Don't know why, just wouldn't. I like The 100 and there are some awesome female characters on there (Raven and Octavia, in particular). Since you seem to be into sci-fi (Farscape, yeah!), I'd recommend 12 Monkeys. And you know what, that show had several Nikita actors in it. Aaron Stanford is the main character (Birkhoff), Noah Bean was on there (Ryan Fletcher), Peter Outerbridge (Ari Tasarov) was in an episode, and Xander Berkeley (Percy) was in a few episodes. The leads had great chemistry, the story was interesting, and I think it would do well in a binge-watch situation. You might also like The Americans featuring Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys. It's about two KGB spies posing as a married couple in America. It's a pretty great show.
  12. I've not watched Daredevil yet, and I won't be able to see it until it's released on DVD, but Charlie Cox (Matt Murdock) was on Seth Myers about a month ago and talked about the role. Hee, I found the following funny.
  13. Well, now I need to watch it! Just need to get through the 50,000 shows on my DVR first...
  14. Hmm. Season 3.5 comics storyline, perhaps?
  15. I just realized that the guy from Daredevil was in that Stardust movie. I really need to watch that movie, it's been sitting on my shelf for years.
  16. I think that he has to be brainwashed if he's going to do something horrible to Diggle that will fracture their relationship (I mean, unless kidnapping Lyla was supposed to be the thing that causes problems for the two of them---but I was expecting worse than that). If he's going to do something terrible to Dig, the only way he can ever be forgiven is if it was beyond his control due to the brainwashing.
  17. With the Olyssa stuff, they are just asking to be bombarded with rage tweets. Seriously.
  18. I think that it's more about how the women are treated compared to the men. Robert killed himself so that his son would have a chance at survival. Tommy died heroically trying to save Laurel. Don't remember how the other men died, though. Now the women: Moira was run through with a sword while her hands were tied behind her back. Sara was shot full of arrows, thrown on a dumpster, and then her body was stuffed in a freezer. Thea was brainwashed with magical herbs and forced to unknowingly murder someone. Isabel had her neck snapped by Nyssa. Shado was on her knees with her hands behind her back when she was shot in the head.
  19. This probably means that she (Nyssa) is next in line to die :(
  20. I actually don't think that Oliver is faking the brainwashing at all. I've not seen this week's episode and don't plan on watching it (seriously, you're not even required to watch the show to figure stuff out anymore--just pick the dumbest possible scenario), but I suspect that any hesitancy or doubts shown by Al Sah-him are meant to show that Oliver is not so far gone that he can't be saved. I think that Felicity's ILY and the love scene was placed in the last episode for plot purposes because that will all tie into breaking Oliver from this hold that the brainwashing has over him (I can imagine a nice little montage of Olicity kisses, the ILY, the sex, etc.). It's all dumb...so dumb.
  21. I think that we're nearly upon that shark-jumping moment that MG discussed in an interview earlier this season.
  22. I don't think it's big enough....geez.
  23. I got a slightly weird vibe from that Laurel/Nyssa video...the music, both women stepping toward each other. Like, maybe they are going to try something romantic between the two. Probably just me.
  24. Yes, I didn't even read the Katrina Law interviews...I'm just figuring it's Nyssa and Oliver because that choice is the most offensive one, and it seems to fit with how the women on this show are treated.
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