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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I have a hard time believing that Remy is going to med school at Columbia because he seems a bit dumb, but I guess he did get involved in that medical program in Africa last season. I guess that Rosie's son just magically learned English in the four months that she was in a coma. I'm pretty sure that he's played by a completely different actor, too. I did get a good laugh out of Carmen kicking the dirty laundry in Spence's house and asking about Miguel (Rosie's son). "He's not buried somewhere in here, is he?"
  2. I had to laugh at Sean walking down the sidewalk in his scrubs with people looking at him like Who the eff is this creepster? And he just had a bag of clothes hanging out in the forest there? Weird. Claire suspected that her "dead" husband was a patient at the hospital, so why didn't she show the doctor an actual picture of Sean instead of the sketch? Then she would have had 100% confirmation that yes, he's still alive. None of these little kids are behaving normally. The little girl that asked Minx "How'd you do that?" and got the response "I told you...magic. Want to play or what?" should have run away screaming, threatening to tell her mother. I'm not sure why these children are so easily manipulated. I wonder if Barry Sloane is coming off a bit stiff because he's so focused on getting that American accent down. He was so much sexier on Revenge, and I think that it would have definitely helped the chemistry between him and Lily Rabe's character if he had been allowed to keep his normal accent.
  3. I thought that this episode was really bad compared to the pilot. In particular, I had a lot of second hand embarrassment from the entire rave scene. And yeah, I thought it was stupid that Kirsten didn't know how to dress for the rave even though she should have observed what people were wearing when she was doing her stitching thing at the beginning of the episode. I'm trying to figure out if the cop is going to be a love interest for Kirsten or Salli Richardson-Whitfield's character. If forced to choose (cause you just know they're going to pair Kirsten up with one of the guys), I guess I would pick the cop or Linus, but it looks like Linus will probably end up with Allison Scagliotti's character. Really, I'm not seeing a whole lot of chemistry from any of the possible love combos, but I realize that it's only the second episode.
  4. I'm enjoying it too, but I suggest you don't read the episode threads unless you want to be spoiled. I'm so effing annoyed that I was accidentally spoiled today because apparently people just can't stop themselves from posting shit from the book. One person was an accident because the spoiler tags messed up, and they apologized, but I guess the others doing it just don't care.
  5. Today's Jeopardy had a category called "My TV Title Character," and the answer (or is it the question? Whichever Alex Trebek gives you) was something like "Stephen Amell on the CW." The correct response was "The Arrow" but the first person incorrectly said "Green Arrow" and I think that the second person incorrectly said "The Green Arrow" (and I don't think the third person answered, haha). So you've made it on Jeopardy, SA (but sadly I don't think these contestants are watching your show).
  6. This seems like a fairly terrible idea. What happens if the show manages to cast a woman that GG has insane chemistry with (I'm actually not counting on that, btw), and then a sizable, vocal portion of the audience starts shipping Barry/Wendy? Why do these guys make things harder on themselves by pulling stunts like this? If Wendy is like Linda, fine. Barry/Wendy date a while, and then she leaves. But if they completely luck into the right casting, it's going to be a mess when the show tries to put Barry/Iris back together.
  7. After reading everyone's thoughts and questions, I agree that there may be another twist coming. Maybe it really is still 2014, and everyone is isolated on an island somewhere, and those in charge are telling the "1st Generation" that it's 4028. Did Dr. Pilcher create these Abbies? And if he did, I hope that he's not using the adult citizens of Wayward Pines as his test subjects. Oh, I need to perform another experiment today...guess it's time for a reckoning! Maybe these people who are getting their throats slit aren't dead after all... Good point by another poster that it's possible that WP isn't the only little community like this that exists. Oh, Ben. "They're my friends, mom!" Hasn't he been in town for like FIVE minutes?! And Theresa needs to be careful, or she'll end up dead for being too much of a "free thinker" (see how that turned out for Petey, Theresa?). I didn't like Hope Davis' acting choices during the scenes where she was explaining the truth to Ben and his "friends." WAY too many weird hand gestures there. The teacher is just weird, period. I was sad to see Justin Kirk and Juliette Lewis go, but I won't be upset if the crazy teacher is the next one on the Reckoning list!
  8. Yeah, Rachel's not too bright. She has important material on her laptop, but she leaves it sitting around with no password protection, so anybody that has access to it can take a peek? Great idea! Did Rachel really have to get in the shower with Adam? She couldn't have snuck in there when everyone was occupied outside? No, of course not, because I'm fairly certain that the show is setting up an Adam/Rachel/Jeremy (the ex) love triangle. I really like Faith, but I'm torn because I don't want to watch her be destroyed by this Bachelor-esque show (what is the show that they're filming called anyways?). I mean, there are some truly awful shits on the crew. I don't really care for Anna much, but it's disgusting that she wasn't immediately told about her father, and she found out about his heart attack too late to say goodbye.
  9. After watching the show, I know I'll never read the Outlander books. Book readers have talked about how the author goes on and on for hundreds of pages with the story really going nowhere, and apparently there are a shit-load of rapes in the series. Plus, I really really don't like Claire. To be honest, I'm not even sure if I can continue watching the show. Season 1B was interesting, engaging, and sexy at times, but the second half of the season focused on many things that I didn't enjoy. I don't think that I ever want to see Tobias Menzies' face ever again, seriously.
  10. I've been watching Outlander, and I still have the last two episodes on my DVR. I've been reading reviews, so I'm aware of the fucking awful shit that is coming, but I haven't been able to bring myself to watch yet. Anyways, many people were appalled by the last episode in particular (the term "torture porn" is frequently referenced in reviews of the episode). So anyways, back on topic here. I was reading reviews of the last episode, and I apologize if you are an Outlander book fan, but some of those people are just absolutely awful. There is this one particular recapper who I guess started off posting humorous reviews, but the book readers have turned on her and just rip her to shreds in the comments section now. I even saw one lady in the comments section who called another poster the C word! And many of these insults being hurled in the comments are coming from women (many times to the reviewer, who is also a woman). Awful! Sorry, but I can't deal with the Outlander book fandom, and I wait for the fallout when they decide to start ripping Ronald Moore to shreds. Probably gonna happen eventually.
  11. I'm not sure how this stupid show continues to get renewed, or why I continue to watch, but I'm hoping that this season focuses more on Harry and Joss. They were like the only couple who had any actual chemistry last season. I'm thinking that completely new love interests will be brought on for all of the other women.
  12. Oh no, I already despise Celia, so I'm just dreading the thought of her topping her awfulness from last season. The worst part is that Alan was a lovely man when he met her, and she's been slowly dragging him down to her nasty horrible level for two seasons now. I actually thought that Kate and Caroline had called things off last season. Hmm. I hate the fact that Kate's death is probably going to be used as a way to have Celia and Caroline reconcile. Celia's terrible...I don't want Caroline to forgive her for anything, ever.
  13. I think that the show is messing with us. They were making it appear as though the wife and son were searching for Ethan at the same time all of this crazy shit was going down in Wayward Pines. But I don't think that these two storylines were actually happening concurrently. I think that the wife and son were searching for Ethan in 2015. When Pope approached their car and told them that they were leaking oil, it was still 2015. The crazy version of WP where Juliette Lewis had her throat slit in a reckoning doesn't yet exist in 2015, and won't exist for thousands of years (a quaint little town called Wayward Pines does exist in 2015, but it's not yet the crazy version we've been witnessing). When we see Ethan's wife and son wake up after their car accident, it is actually somewhere near year 4020. Now we're in this crazy Wayward Pines where you get your throat slit for talking about your old life or spray painting graffiti. I don't know if we're doing time travel or cryopreservation or what, but the son, wife, and Pope all arrived in WP however Ethan did.
  14. My problem is that just like Cedar Cove, this show has become boring. Nothing seems to happen, there's no urgency. I watched this week's episode, and the only comment I had was Really, sawmill guy is going to use a golden railroad spike when completing the last link on the railroad? That will probably last for ten minutes before someone decides to steal it (apparently this was a real thing, and was something that happened with the Transcontinental Railroad). The show has decided to focus solely on the romantic relationships and nothing else. Can't we have some outlaws show up like last season, or actually show men working at the sawmill, or maybe something involving the railway workers? What about Jack being involved in some Mountie business? Not sure why the Mounties even need him when all he's been doing this season is traveling back and forth from Hope Valley to Hamilton. Even Timmy (hypothetical townschild) falling down a well would be more exciting than what we're getting!
  15. I have to wonder if maybe this is Matthew Macfadyen's final season. Maybe he was filming another project at the same time as Ripper Street, but it seems as though he's been missing from large chunks of episodes, and they completely dropped his romance storyline with Jane Cobden. I'm glad that this means more Drake and Jackson, but I won't be surprised at all if Reid is gone next season. Speaking of Jackson...so sexy. I don't find Adam Rothenberg attractive in real life like, at all, but everything about this role works for him. Very happy that he exited his Wicked City role to continue on Ripper Street!
  16. I initially didn't watch this show because I thought it was about children being possessed or something like that (I don't do demons and possession...or horror in general). When I came on here to read reviews and saw that it was NOT about that at all, I watched the rerun this weekend. As others have mentioned, that treehouse was terrifying. Who builds a treehouse that high up in a tree for their little child? And I can't rewatch since I deleted the episode, but it looked like someone hastily cut a hole for a door. Those parents must have hated their child, that's all I can come up with. Never heard of Lily Rabe, but I liked her in this. I thought that she was good with the little kids (I was happy that she didn't talk to them like they were little babies), and her son is just adorable. Wish that Barry Sloane would have been allowed to keep his sexy accent...strangely, his voice is much deeper with his natural accent and I find that greatly preferable.
  17. I have a bad feeling that the show is going to push a Kirsten/Cameron romance, and that's not something that I really care to see. I think that they majorly miscast the guy playing Cameron. With Kirsten being as cold and serious as she is, they should have gone with a love interest who is adorable, sweet, awkward, and charming. I'm thinking Zachary Levi on Chuck, or someone similar to that. I don't find Cameron to be any of those adjectives, unfortunately.
  18. Gordon really turns into a shit father when he gets inspired by his computers. Him asking his friend to pick the girls up from school did get a laugh out of me, though. "Find Donna, someone tried to kidnap her kids." Oh, Gordon. I love Lee Pace, but I wasn't very fond of Joe during the first season. Still, I don't like that he's separated from the rest of the cast and feels like he's on a completely different show. I think that this new hacker guy is going to be responsible for some really innovative stuff at Mutiny. He seems like he'll challenge Cameron, and I won't be surprised if he ends up as a love interest for her as well.
  19. So, I had watched most of season one of this show, but I had to give it up due to the visuals. The gore was too much for me to take...couldn't stomach it. I had read that would be joining the cast this season, and I really liked Hugh Dancy and Mads Mikkelsen during the first season, so I thought I'd give it another chance. Wow, this show is really confusing to follow for anyone trying to jump in at the start of this season. I had no idea what was going on in the flashbacks. I gather that Hannibal was preparing meals from Eddie Izzard's body parts and then they both were eating them (I guess??), but I really don't know why. And Gillian Anderson was sitting on a bench and then all of the sudden she's in a room covered with blood freaking out over a dead guy. Yeah, so confused. Also really confused about the fact that Hannibal and Gillian Anderson's character are married, and she knows that he eats people, but she seems utterly repulsed by the fact that he kills people. Not sure how or why she ended up with him. I'm also not a fan of the artsy visuals combined with dripping noises and such. No joke, that shit nearly put me to sleep. I'm going to hang in there to see , but honestly, I would have bailed straight away after this episode if I didn't know he was going to show up. This just isn't my type of show, I guess. Sorry, I know many of you love it.
  20. Darn, I was hoping that Marisol had been shot and killed at the wedding last season. Glad Rosie made it though, I genuinely like her. I didn't like that she was so judgy with Spence about his last "acting job" considering he's been caring for her son for four months and will likely be left covering her hospital bill, but she seemed to come around in the end. It sounds like Spence got screwed in the divorce, and he and Rosie will be left struggling to make ends meet. All of the blood in the Stappord's living room was major overkill. I'm not even sure what could have caused blood to be smeared all over like that...did the little girl decide to finger paint with blood, or what?! And sure, uh huh, Taylor thought that she would be able to clean that mess up with some spray bottles of cleaner? No, I don't think so.
  21. Darn, I can't watch this show live anymore, so it took me a while to see this week's episode. My thoughts: The townspeople sure don't waste any time. Pope's not even dead for a day and Ethan gets a yummy cake with edible pinecones and a photoshoot for the the local paper. And Theresa was offered Peter's realtor job before that poor guy was even dead. Thanks for the dates on Arlene's folder. I tried to make them out, but could only read the 4010. Peter was taken in 2001, so from that tidbit of info, it was pretty easy to figure out that these are dates written backwards. I'm guessing that Peter was taken on 10-04-2001, and Arlene was taken on 08-22-1993. So the last date on Peter's folder would be 01-17-4018, and the last date on Arlene's folder would be 01-04-4020. So yeah, I'm guessing all of this WP shit is going down over 2000 years in the future. Ethan told his family to play along, so I think that when the weirdo teacher was asking him "Ben, has your father never lied to you? How can you trust him?", maybe he should have bought a clue, realized that these weren't normal, appropriate questions for her to be asking him, and LIED! "I'm from Seattle, but WP is my home now." That's all she wanted to hear, I think. You know how when people are hypnotized on TV, you always see the hypnotherapist touch their shoulder or whatever? Maybe that's what the high-fives from the "teacher" are all about. There's some sort of brainwashing going on here (the Mayor mentioned that the focus is on the child and shaping the mind of the child). Maybe the high-fives are some sort of hypnotherapy related trigger? When Peter and Ethan were talking at the fence, Peter said "Most people want to leave when they first get here, just like you. I didn't. It let me be someone new, ya know, forget my past. Problem is, you can't forget forever. It will catch up to you. It's caught up to me. There's only one way out (looks at cliff wall). But this is the end for me." If Peter was so happy to be someone new when he arrived in WP, I wonder when things changed for him. At some point, he decided that it was so necessary to get out of this town, that he was will to risk death by climbing that rock wall to do it (he mentioned a rock climbing accident which forced the use of the cane).
  22. I have actually wondered about this as well. A Google search was not particularly helpful, except to tell me that Janette Oke's Canadian West series (this show is based on book one of the series, I guess) features a few books with grammatically ridiculous names (When Calls the Heart, When Comes the Spring, When Breaks the Dawn). I had thought that maybe the words were lifted from a poem or something, but apparently she's just fond of using strange little word fragments as book titles. Sorry to be of no help whatsoever!
  23. I really don't have a clue...what does a "book doctor" do? It seemed like Liza was actually completely rewriting parts of the book.
  24. Whoa. Refreshed a page and got a look at the new format. Sorry, but I hate it! I'm sure I'll get used to it, but everything feels crammed over to one side.
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