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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Celia to Caroline regarding Alan "He's no better than your father." REALLY?! Alan cheated on his wife (who was NOT you) one time fifty years ago. At one point, didn't Celia confess to Alan that she almost didn't call for help one time when her husband injured himself? You're telling me that Alan is as bad as this guy who was so awful Celia contemplated LETTING HIM DIE? Hell no. Everybody hold up! Cancel your dinner plans, call off the wedding. Celia's having a bad day. There is nothing that they can do to redeem this woman. She's a nightmare. She's childish and petty. She's selfish and inconsiderate. She's just a mean, nasty person. Alan dodged a major bullet by not getting together with her when they were teens. He deserves SO much better, and I'm afraid that she'll end up being the death of him.
  2. This new Australian guy, Wolf, is badASS! Can we keep him? Watching him kick the shit out of the punching bag while Tex and the other guy looked a bit terrified? Awesome. Watching him single-handedly take out a couple of guys using various weapons (a knife, a gun... HIS FISTS)? Awesome. A quick Google search tells me that this guy is Bren Foster, and he's highly skilled in martial arts (LOTS of youtube videos of the guy).
  3. Oh, Gordon. One week I like you...the next you're back to being a piece of crap. Don't think that Cameron liked the dressing-down that Bos gave her, but I loved it. "All Donna did is behave like you do every day!" Truth Bos, truth. What has Donna done to deserve this? Joe is a dick, Cameron is a dick, and poor Donna is stuck in the middle. She's incredibly smart and capable, and she doesn't need these guys, so why is she putting up with this crap?! Lol at Mutiny being among the first to deal with Broadband. Okay.
  4. Not gonna lie, Danny's perfectly chiseled face is a HUGE part of the reason I watch The Last Ship. He's a pretty pretty man. I think that the writers are holding out on us, though. No shirtless Danny scenes, no Kara/Danny hookup scenes. Why, show? WHY? I also watch for the laughs. I mean, one of the super dramatic lines from the first season was "They're burning the bodies to power the city." Ah hahahah.
  5. Last season, didn't Marlo go off her meds and then stalk and harass the guy that ultimately shot up the police station? How is she still a cop? Traci and Andy are cops, but they leave the balcony doors unlocked/open?! Wow, that seems really fricking stupid. I agree that Diaz gets the worst storylines...I don't think that they know what to do with him. They've completely trashed the character, too. I remember when he used to be this sweet, honest, honorable guy. I won't be surprised if they eventually kill the poor guy off.
  6. Claire doesn't believe in miracles, but she believes in an entity named Drill who can't be seen, but can talk to her child only in his head? What the what? Lena loses her kid, freaks out, and then turns her back on said child to have a long phone conversation with her husband? I totally thought that Minx was going to be gone when she turned around again. I hope that the gun Lena has on her nightstand is not loaded, but I'm sure that it is. I mean, at least keep it under your pillow, ha! This household has failed gun safety! So, is Drill going to jump into Wes's body in the next episode?
  7. I think that Gillian is my fave too. She's a mess, but I can't help but feel sympathetic toward her. She is a single parent, she seemed to look after her father before Celia showed up, she runs the farm all by herself, and she has another job on top of that. I admire her hard work. Poor Gillian, thinking that she's on a Valentine's Day date when, in reality, the guy is her half-brother! I, too, didn't understand why she didn't quietly have her DNA checked before confronting her father. I really hope that Gary is a good guy, because I would like Gillian to have someone to talk to and confide in. Caroline just can't be trusted, I don't think. I thought it was annoying that Caroline told Gillian that Celia couldn't be the one to question Alan on whether Gary could be his son, but once the whole thing was confirmed, Caroline was all you have to tell her or I will because if she finds out that I knew and didn't tell her, she'll never forgive me. Sorry, but Celia is a bitch. She referred to Kate and her daughter as "the lesbians." Her age can't excuse her hateful attitude and behavior...Alan is the same age, and he is quite accepting of Caroline and Kate's relationship. I don't see her ever changing her views when it comes to her daughter's sexuality. I can't wait to see how Celia is going to react to the news that Alan has a love child out there. My guess is that she will not react well AT ALL.
  8. Lucy is such a little shit. Can we just send her to a military school, or something? So, the principal (I think he was the principal...wasn't paying THAT much attention) was chopping wood shirtless while little children from his school were hiking around the woods? Um, that doesn't seem appropriate at all. I had to laugh at Vivian telling Karen that she gave her husband a pot brownie once, and he Gap folded some T-shirts and color coded his ties. I don't find threesomes sexy at all, so I'm not super enthused about this storyline. I didn't like Joss in the episode. Her super pushy attitude about finding a house irritated the hell out of me. But I guess that the show needed a reason to break her and Harry up for a while, so this is the start of it all.
  9. Shite! Childermass had better not be dead! For some reason, I had the impression that Strange and Norrell were the only two magicians in England, but Childermass clearly seems capable of some magic, and then there was the lady in the street practicing magic. And possibly Segundas?? Speaking of Segundas, I'm not sure why Norrell seems to think that he has authority over all other magicians (Childermass told Segundas that he must wind up his school of magic because Norrell would find out and shut it down, basically). Norrell is probably going to be very upset about his books being blown up. Poor guy who died while lugging those things around. I don't understand why Jonathan doesn't use his magic for practical things like giving that soldier some new boots. But we're gonna do things like move a forest? Huh?
  10. I have a tough time with this show because...well, I think that Halle Berry is fairly awful. Some of the really cringe-y dialogue doesn't help, but ooh boy, no bueno. That being said, I'm probably going to stick around because yum! Jeffrey Dean Morgan is one fine man. /shallow.
  11. Oh, I forgot about Parrish and Lydia (I tend to let this show pile up on my DVR--haven't even watched the 2 night premiere yet). I think that those two had good chemistry, and I'd be fine with the show exploring that this season (I wonder how much older he's supposed to be, though). American Odyssey was cancelled. I didn't watch, but I know that a few talked about it in here.
  12. I feel a bit bad saying this since so many people seemed to have liked her, but I was never a fan of Elizabeth on SGA. I think it was the actress...I could never warm up to the character. I watched for John, Teyla, Ronan, and McKay. I shipped John/Teyla for a long time, and I always wondered why the show never put them together. Damn real life getting in the way of my ships :) Not gonna lie, basically the only reason that I continue to watch Teen Wolf is for Stiles/Lydia, Stiles/Scott, and Stiles/his dad (see the common thread here?). I ship Stiles and Lydia, but I think that the show is messing with me, and doesn't plan on ever putting them together. Wasn't sad to see Allison go (I was not a fan of Crystal Reed's acting), and Kira >>>>>>Alison. Saw the news about Ben Affleck and Jen Garner today. I don't know why, but I've always felt that he is quite douchey! That whole business with Affleck and Finding Your Roots (PBS) irked the hell out of me.
  13. Well, this is Gordon, so you never know, but you're right. I wasn't thinking. Merely touching lead isn't a problem, I don't think. He'd have to ingest it, I guess. But I thought the doctor specifically mentioned all those years of Gordon working with the toxin, leaving us to infer that this is how he was exposed. Hmm, are we supposed to conclude that years of inhaling lead solder fumes are what caused his issues? So confused. Really, it doesn't matter, so I don't know why I'm even bothering to think about this! I was impressed that Cameron actually acted like a normal, stable human being in the meeting with Joe's future FIL. She didn't even take the presented opportunity to badmouth Joe. Instead, she just said that he's a hell of a guy! But I really hope that the show avoids putting those two back together. They are at their WORST when they are circling each other.
  14. I, too, thought that the doctor confirmed lead as the toxin. I'm a bit concerned for poor Gordon as I doubt he has any intention of avoiding future exposure by staying away from whatever components contain the toxin (especially since his newest idea is to build computers, and I imagine that at least some of the parts probably contain lead).
  15. I didn't think that Sister Quayle was so bad in the first episode, but I guess she is a bitch! Whoa, Thomas (Scottish doc) was a jerk all of the sudden. At least he kinda apologized to Kitty. I find it hard to believe that Officer Rupert Graves' wife could request to have him moved to the officer's wing. Her wishes would supersede his? No, I don't think so. If someone played a joke on me where I was left waiting around for a long time, they'd probably have a date with my fist (okay, not really, but I'd be very irritated). And no, Flora, I don't take you seriously because you kind of come off as a little too naive and a bit dense. But she's got grit, ya'll. You'll see! I'm sure it was supposed to be sexy when Kitty was coming out of the water in her undergarments(?), but the way her wet clothes were clinging to her was not flattering. The actress is gorgeous...but no, the undergarments were not. Thomas seemed to enjoy it, though, and I think that was one of the objectives of that scene. So, mission accomplished!
  16. Not gonna lie, I would have liked to see Harry in his "star-spangled underpants." Loved his reaction to learning that's what he was supposed to wear for the photo shoot. I wish that April would start acting like a parent to her brat of a daughter. She's a monster!
  17. I don't think that Gordon is considering killing himself. I just think he heard "your symptoms may worsen" and immediately jumped to DEATH. Maybe he should have asked for some specifics there? Gordon did briefly talk about building custom computers in this episode, but would it be safe for him to keep working with all of that hardware in the wake of his bad news? I couldn't believe that Gordon wrote a check for $23,000 without discussing it with HIS WIFE first, and I can't believe that the MIL took it. I mean, Gordon's money is Donna's, and vice versa, so she's taking that money from her daughter, even though she claimed that Donna didn't owe her a cent.
  18. It was totally bizarre how the camera zoomed to Danny's reaction when Foster and Garnett held each other's hands as they were getting ready to go look for their families. That camera tactic is usually employed when showing a jealous boyfriend (or similar) watching in the background. Weird. Quincy's wife looked like she was played by a completely different actress, but I could be wrong about that. I'm not sure what they're going to do with her. Will she disappear, or will she become Chandler's new love interest? I also cracked up at Chandler raking leaves and putting them in the garbage cans. Yes, I'm sure the trash pickup will be by on Monday to take those to the dump. What's even funnier is that the lawn across the street was littered with loose garbage. You just know that shit is going to blow into Chandler's yard the next time the wind picks up. Adam Baldwin's character just left the cure for his wife right out in the open like that? He should have put it in a safe or hidden it and then told his wife in the note "There are doses of the cure in the safe in our bedroom" or "There are doses of the cure in that place we hid X-Mas presents last year" or something! At least make it a little difficult for looters to find. So now the show brings up a past love interest of the doctor? Why do I feel like we'll find out that he is alive right around the time that Tex and the doc are getting close?
  19. So, I missed the first 20 minutes due to bad storms and multiple power outages. When the DVR recording kicked in, Henry was on his little bike excursion. So glad that on his outing to cause a nuclear meltdown, he was safety-conscious enough to wear a bike helmet. These children are little shits.
  20. I enjoyed this. The main character, Kitty (fun fact, that's Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter), had a major attitude problem for some reason. With as insubordinate as she was, I'm not entirely sure how she even made it as far as she did. Flora was so annoying, always questioning the Matron's orders, so I laughed when she was put on bandage washing duty. I'm pretty sure that Flora is going to end up in a relationship with the guy who was showing her where to put the toes she found (I think he's also the guy who was cheering the nurses on when they were making the beds), and I think that Kitty is going to end up with Scottish(?) doctor, Thomas. Knowing that this is a one season show, I'm hoping that it's mostly wrapped up at the end of the season. Ugh, I hate it when shows end on cliff-hangers and then get cancelled. And I was thinking that maybe Sister Quayle and Lt. Col. Brett had some sort of feelings for each other based on the fact that she was passed over for the Matron position (maybe the promotion would have meant that she could be transferred away from their camp, or something), and she hid the tag that was meant to go to the soldier with PTSD (I was thinking that maybe she didn't want Lt. Col. Brett to get in trouble when that asshole superior officer found out about it, so she made sure that there was nothing to get in trouble for).
  21. Joe = Admiral Eyebrows. Ha! Love it. So, it looks like Donna is well on her way to inventing internet dating. Oh, this show. I do feel quite bad for Gordon (he is soo much better this season than last), but he's a bit dramatic. When that lady at the club asked him why he wasn't dancing, he responded "I have brain damage. I think I'm dying." I'm sorry, it's mean, but I couldn't help but laugh. Slow down, Gordon. Nobody said you were dying. Your symptoms may worsen, but geez, the doctor didn't say this illness was a death sentence! I just can't with Cameron. "I'm not the same naive girl anymore." Are we supposed to believe that she was some sweet, innocent girl that Joe took advantage of? Fuck no. And then her little tantrum to Bos "I just want everyone to leave Mutiny alone. It's mine." I was actually really looking forward to Donna and Cameron this season, but at this point, I wish Donna would walk (and she needs to take Bos with her as well). I'd love to watch Cameron's life and company implode without those two around running things.
  22. I just can't get past Jamal terrorizing and repeatedly raping that one woman who tried to kill him last season. And then he went on to rape his future daughter-in-law. I don't think I'll feel very bad when someone finally kills this guy (Maybe Barry? Possibly his own son? I don't know). Yeah, the Barry scenes definitely went on too long. They'd show Barry huddled over in the sand storm, and I'd think okay, NOW the storm's done? But no, it kept going, and going, and going. Poor Barry, though, burnt to a crisp in the desert sun. That had to hurt like a bitch. I did feel a bit bad for Sammy when his love interest called to tell him that he was moving. Cause you just know that idiot (Sammy) is going back to Abu Din soon. I hope there's more to Jake Weber's storyline than love interest to Molly. JF couldn't manufacture any chemistry with her on-screen husband, so I don't have any hope for romantic sparks between her and Jake Weber. A love story here sounds about as much fun as watching Barry wander through the desert while being fried to a crisp.
  23. My brother and I used to go to my grandma's after school and watch Gargoyles, DuckTales, Pinky and the Brain, TaleSpin, Chip 'n Dale, Bonkers, and the Power Rangers (I'm sure all of these didn't air the same years). I also remember Aladdin, Dinosaurs, and ReBoot (pretty sure those were all morning cartoons). There's probably a ton more, but my brother would have a way better recollection than I do. Those were some really great cartoons.
  24. It was pretty easy for me to figure out where this story was going based on , telling us that . It would be fun for the show to throw one last twist in there to fuck with everyone, but sadly, I don't think there's time for that, so I doubt that's gonna happen. And all of the really great questions that people are posing (i.e. Where is the fuel coming from? Where exactly is food coming from? How are the vehicles in such pristine condition after 2000 years, etc.)...well I don't think that the show is ever going to answer those questions. I am grateful that I didn't waste six years of my life waiting for answers only to get nuthin' (oh hi, Lost). I have to think that there was surely a better way of getting people to cooperate than having them wake up in a hospital bed where they are greeted by a crazy ass nurse, telling them that they can't talk about their old life, telling them they must always answer their phone when it rings, making them view violent public executions, etc. The truth didn't work, so this was the best revised plan that Pilcher could come up with? These people are doomed and it'll be a miracle if they all don't end up as Abbie food! ETA: Eh, I'm not sure that my spoiler is really a spoiler since it's something I deduced from reading the episode threads, but I'll leave that covered up just in case.
  25. So happy that it looks like we're leaving Baltimore, as that whole storyline felt a bit too similar to Falling Skies. I prefer the weekly crises that the Nathan James crew face when at sea. I enjoy Tex and his flirting with Dr. Rhona Mitra, but I can't help but think that we're going to get a Chandler/Dr./Tex love triangle. Hmm, I'm just remembering that Quincy was killed off, so that frees his widow up to become a love interest at some point down the road. Danny is still very very pretty. Did they forget about his dog, though? I'm actually hoping they did since I don't want anything bad to happen to it...I'd just prefer that the show never mention doggie ever again.
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