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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Yeah, that definitely got a big ole' side eye out of me. Glad you brought it up because I thought that maybe I had imagined the conversation about the wife's Korean ancestor and the "profiling" of Karen's blood.
  2. I wonder if Gordon is going to go into business building custom computers. When he was speaking with Joe, he mentioned something about wishing that people would just tell him what they wanted, because he's tired of trying to guess. I really have no idea when customized computers became a thing, but if Cameron can invent the internet, Gordon can can be among the first to tailor computers to user's needs.
  3. So, based on Vinculus's little prophecy, I'm thinking that Jonathan is the first magician, and Mr. Norrell is the second. I'm betting that Arabella is not long for this world ("the first shall bury his heart in a dark wood..."), and I'm wondering if Norrell's forty magic books that he sent along with Jonathan (or maybe even his entire library at his home) are going to end up in the enemy soldier's hands ("the second shall see his dearest possession in his enemy's hands"). And I'd say that Stephen is the nameless slave that is a king in a strange land. These are guesses, so NO BOOK SPOILERS, please. Well, it looks like Mr. Norrell was the one in the "show me what my enemy is up to" spell that Jonathan cast last episode. That doesn't surprise me, as Jonathan wants to practice magic right now, and Norrell has a carefully constructed TEN YEAR plan. Those evil bastard fairies, ringing bells at all hours, and forcing people to dance against their will! Yeah, still enjoying everything but that portion of the story. ETA (rather than post again): Yeah, the first two lines definitely do fit better with Norrell as the first magician and Jonathan as the second (and it makes more sense that way because Norrell was literally the first magician chronologically). So then I wonder what Jonathan's dearest possession is (I would say Arabella, but "possession" is an odd word choice), and I'm confused about the business of Norrell burying his heart but still feeling it ache. I hope the show doesn't just forget about this prophecy and leave us hanging!
  4. I actually feel kind of bad for Gordon. He's pretty good at what he does, and I don't mind him when he's being a decent husband/father. I was thinking he might have MS as well, with him struggling with his hands in the last episode. Sad to see Yo-Yo leave Mutiny, but I don't blame the guy. It's basically a frat house, there's no organization, nobody's getting paid, and any future income depends solely on Mutiny being successful. I mean, I know that things are probably going to work out in the end since it's Cameron, and the show seems to be pushing the Cameron is awesome angle this season, but I would have bounced too. Working an actual 9 to 5 job has to be better than hanging out at Mutiny all day and then pushing shopping carts/stocking grocery shelves in the wee hours of the night. Bos continues to be great. He has a knack for reading people and saying exactly what they want to hear. I hope that he has a significant role going forward, he deserves something good after being in prison. Hey, I liked that one guy's idea for a game: find and kill E.T. before he steals your Reese's Pieces. That guy telling him it was the worst idea ever was wrong! Joe knows Gordon too well. When the two were talking about Gordon helping Joe out, and Gordon was making all of his demands, Joe said something like "What did you screw up at Mutiny." Ha! I'm glad that we're slowly connecting storylines here, because Joe was starting to feel pretty isolated. I don't really like Cameron, I think she's dismissive of other people's ideas, she disrespects nearly everybody, she tries to steamroll people, and I'm not sure why anyone would be attracted to her personality, but I think it's sweet that Tom has noticed what her favorite snacks are. You know what actor he reminds me sooo much of? Rupert Penry-Jones.
  5. There's some gorgeous scenery and lovely music in this show (the theme at the start is wonderful). It must have been pretty enjoyable filming--like being on a vacation. I think they did a great job casting Demelza. Watching her fiddle with her brand new cloak was adorable. It must be the nicest thing she's ever owned. I'm not very fond of Jud & Prudie (watching them sit on their butts while Demelza does her work plus theirs makes me angry), but I did have to laugh at the guy in the duel asking Jud if he can count. "Aye, sir. One, two, four, seven." Oh, that cracked me up. I mean, he didn't lie. He can count, just not in the proper order.
  6. I decided to purchase the DVDs so I could marathon-watch rather than waiting for PBS to slowly burn off one episode per week. I'd never even heard of Poldark, but I knew from previews that it would be just the sort of series that I love. I'm familiar with Aidan Turner, but I've never really seen him in anything. He's doing a lovely job and wow, that man is beautiful. He sure went all PolDARK when watching Francis fall in the water at the mine. The look on his face was a bit evil, and I thought for a second that he might actually allow Francis to drown. I'm slightly confused. Is Elizabeth living with Francis and Verity (and their father, Charles)? She's not yet married to Francis, so that seems strange to me. Jud and Prudie (the servants) are completely lazy and useless, and I guess that they're lucky that Ross feels some sense of duty to keep them around. Color me shocked that, believing Ross to be dead, they didn't just hock everything left in the house that was worth any money. I imagine that they both feel pretty threatened by Demelza, considering that she manages to accomplish more in one day than the both of them combined.
  7. Goodbye Savi...can't say I'll miss you. At all. I usually think that siblings trading romantic interests is disgusting as hell, but Alyssa Milano just had no chemistry with Brett Tucker (Harry) while Jess Macallan (Joss) had a ton. Honestly, Joss/Harry is the only reason that I continue to watch this ridiculous show. Haha, Karen lecturing the doctor about profiling her blood. "I could sue you!" Oh, Karen. You're not one to scold people on medical ethics. I am kind of interested in her story, so that's a plus. I'm glad we didn't go the usual routes of pregnancy or cancer. Loved Joss chasing Savi's car down and telling the guy inside "I don't even remember your frickin' name." Same Joss, same. Isn't Lucy a bit young (and quite immature) to be left alone at home? April just took off with Uncle Mark and didn't say one word to her daughter, leaving Lucy to babysit her half brother. I too wondered why April didn't just run Mark to Walmart for some cheap sheets. The ones they were sleeping on had holes in them...I think 200 thread count sheets would be an upgrade. Instead, Mark is now using April's expensive gifted sheets as a fucking tablecloth. How did she manage to find someone even dumber than her? Ugh, go away Emmanuelle Vaugier. I can already tell that I'm going to hate whatever purpose she serves (yes, it's likely to sleep with Harry). Wow, I know that Jennifer Esposito's character is supposed to be some famous designer, but her clothes (and hair) are awful. Who is styling her?! Probably the same person who was styling Alyssa Milano. Plus, I wasn't sure if she was supposed to be an alky or what. Why do I feel like her storyline is going to involve paying Joss to seduce her husband so she can get pictures (probably for proof of infidelity to use against him in a divorce)?
  8. Oh, that makes more sense. Ha! And I don't even remember that lady from last season (the one who was on the plane with Molly). I spent the entire episode thinking it was her sister but now I remember that the sister was played by a completely different actress. A year between seasons is a bit too long for me, I guess. Oh well.
  9. At one point, Molly said something like "To think that I came here for a wedding." Yeah, and to think that Barry came here due to your insistence and now he's a dead man walking! Jennifer Finnigan was horribly miscast in this and I get nothing from her scenes. I think that Molly could have been an interesting character if she had been played by an interesting actress. I don't feel much sympathy for Leila...she's nearly as ruthless as Jamal. She was the one whispering in his ear, telling him that he needed to execute Bassam, and he needed to do it now (don't want to ruin the little event we're hosting tonight by having the execution looming, let's just kill him now so we can PARTY!). I guess the Al-Fayeed's don't hold that big of a grudge since Molly is flying on a private jet and the kids have a car service back in the States. Hey, your husband/father betrayed me, but no biggie, we're still cool, right? We're faaamily. This made no sense to me as I would have expected Molly and the kids to be cut off as soon as Barry's ass was thrown in jail. I knew that Jamal couldn't bring himself to have his brother executed. If Barry had half a brain, he'd haul ass back to the States. Actually, now that I think about that, someone could be sent to assassinate Barry, so I guess he's not safe anywhere. But ugh, I'm really not looking forward to Barry wandering the desert, off in his own isolated storyline. From the looks of next week's preview,
  10. Ya know, I don't even really know. It could be the fact that I just finished watching The Musketeers a while ago, and Marc Warren's character definitely overstayed his welcome there, but I'm not sure. I'm fine with fairies and mystical elements and all that, but I guess I would have preferred it if The Gentleman never showed up, and Mr. Norrell was the one to perform the resurrection spell without any assistance (actually, I would have preferred that the dead stayed dead, and magic was not a means of bringing people back to life). I think that I'm probably reacting to the casting, as I would have liked to see someone with tons of charisma in this role, but I guess this is what I'm gonna get. I'll keep watching, though, since I pretty much loved everything else, and perhaps it will get better.
  11. That SpoilerTV article revealed quite a few things, actually. I knew Alyssa Milano wasn't returning this season, and I can't say that I'm sad about that at all. She had no chemistry with any of the men on the show, and unfortunately for her, the best part of her storyline involved her ex falling in love with her sister! I'm hoping that Joss and Harry take center stage now, but I'm afraid that with Savi gone, the show is going to have to introduce some sort of complication/roadblock in their romantic relationship. Hello love triangle...ugh! It looks like Justin Hartley (creepy shoe fetish fiancee) is out of the picture when the wedding is inevitably called off in the season premiere, so the third part of the triangle will have to be a new guy, or maybe even a new woman chasing after Harry (maybe Jennifer Esposito?).
  12. Oh, damn. I just looked on wikipedia, and apparently the fairies feature heavily in this series of books. This is a major problem as I'm already over the one played by Marc Warren in the first episode. Such a disappointment, as I had an immediate negative reaction to that whole storyline, and it looks as though it's not going away any time soon. Hopefully I will find enough to enjoy otherwise and can overlook the fairy stuff, or maybe fairy Marc Warren will be replaced by some other fairy after the first season (I hope?). Really, the problem could very well be the actor, as I haven't found him very enjoyable in anything I've seen him in (The Good Wife and The Musketeers).
  13. I figured that he was able to shut the fence off too. I don't get why the doctor was yelling at him NOT to touch the fence when five minutes earlier she was crashing her car to get away from him, but whatever. I'm confused. Are we supposed to think that Sean is the one whispering to little children under the identity of Drill? I think that he's connected to this whole thing, obviously, but I kind of assumed that Sean and Drill are two different...beings? I could have missed something, though. And yes, this episode did feel like major filler and I'm quickly losing interest (but will probably continue to watch until it's cancelled because I'm dedicated like that).
  14. Do you watch Hallmark movies? Because she was in at least two (with the same guy, even): A Bride for Christmas and Bridal Wave. That's where I've most recently seen her, anyways.
  15. Taylor, Max, and Grant (Elizabeth was alright, too) were the few truly likable characters from the first season, so I'm not sure why the show decided to ignore poor Grant (again) this season while entangling the first two in all of this relationship drama where neither side comes off looking great. It seemed as though the showrunners really liked Alex Saxon (Max) in the first season, so why in the world did they decide to stick him in this shitty storyline in season 2? I wanted to see more happy Taylor/Max in season 2, not this crap that we're getting. They've ruined the cuteness from the first season, and I'm not sure I can root for Taylor/Max to ever get back together again. Poor Alex Saxon, what has he done to deserve these "sleeping with the ex's sister" storylines (see The Fosters)?
  16. I know that this show is called Beauty and the BEAST, but I'm actually not very interested in the beast angle anymore. I don't want to spend an entire season watching Cat and Vincent track down beasts...that feels like a rehash of some of last season. If they were gonna go this route, they should have somehow brought Evan back as a beast so I would have at least been invested in the storyline. I missed about 20 minutes of this episode due to a storm (satellite outage), but most of what I did see was kind of boring. I did enjoy the proposal scene and thought that Vincent's hesitation was cute. I wasn't sure if he was going to ask or not, but I'm glad that he did.
  17. You should watch. I thought that the first episode was very entertaining, and I enjoyed most of the cast (never read the books). The first episode is available on BBC America's website here for those who don't have the channel.
  18. That summary was extremely helpful, so thank you very much! I really hate trying to jump into shows without watching from the start, and I've been struggling to understand what in the world is going on, but that cleared a few things up for me (until next week when I'm completely lost again, that is). I would go back to season 1 and watch all of the episodes I missed if I thought I could handle it, but...nope. No way.
  19. Maybe it's because I missed the entire second season of this show, or maybe it's because I'm just extremely dense, but at times the dialogue felt really cryptic. I was confused as fuck by all of the talk about how it did happen in some other world, and everything that can happen happens, and it has to end well, and it has to end badly, and it has to end every way it can. Like, WTF?! Now, knowing absolutely nothing of how Hannibal and Will's relationship progressed last season, the flashback to Hannibal stabbing Will made it appear as though the two were lovers or something. There was a hug and talk of how they were all supposed to leave together (like some happy family or something?). Where were they all going and why was Will asked to leave with them? So, initially I was like well, no way Abigail could survive her neck being sliced open. There was arterial spray and everything. Surely she would have bled out in minutes. But then the show explained that she survived because of Hannibal's surgical precision, so I just figured that yeah, I'd accept this explanation even if it wasn't exactly believable. So imagine my utter annoyance to discover that it was all bullshit and Will was imagining all of that. REALLY? This show doesn't have enough story to tell that we have to waste time watching flashbacks, imaginary conversations, hallucinations, and a teacup shattering in slow motion? No joke, at times this show makes me want to rip my hair out. The quiet drips and drum beats were enough to lull me to sleep right after the episode finished, so thanks for that, I guess. I really hope that the actor that I'm watching for shows up pretty damn soon!
  20. Aw, that was very sweet of Barry (Mike Pniewski) to store Bos' car for him. I genuinely smiled when Bos was cruising down the road jamming to what sounded like Johnny Cash. I'm starting to think that there actually is something medically wrong with Gordon. He struggled with his hands twice this episode; once when he was trying to open the pop/soda can, and then again at the end of the episode. Gordon's line to Joe, "You traded up"...ooh burn. I mean, it's not untrue. Cameron is a fucking disaster compared to Joe's new fiancee. Well, Cameron is a disaster compared to most people, actually. Why worry about grown-up responsibilities like paying your bills, right? I'm sure these things just take care of themselves. She'd be so screwed without Donna, seriously. All of that being said, though, I won't mind if they pair her up with Tom (new hacker guy). I can't imagine that he'd put up with any of her crap, so he might be a good match for her (until the show decides to return to a toxic Joe/Cameron relationship, that is). Oh, and LOL at Gordon totally fucking things up with his new program. Yeah, that sounds about right.
  21. I was highly entertained up until the point that the David Bowie dude showed up to bring that dead woman back to life. Then I thought, well, if it's just for one episode, I can deal with this guy. Sadly, I think that magical David Bowie is going to keep showing up, blech. Not interested in that part of the story, but I'm enjoying everything else. What I would have been interested in is watching Mr. Norrell as a sort of very reluctant mentor to Segundas and Honeyfoot. From the sounds of it, though, not just anyone can do magic, so I'll settle for friendship or something that keeps them all interacting with each other. Norrell, Childermass, Honeyfoot, and Segundas for the win! This show was surprisingly funny. I loved Segundas little speech to the York Society of Magicians where he praised their "extensive library of magical books" *camera pans to four books on the shelf.* Ha! Most of the casting is spot on, and I immediately took a liking to several characters, but I wasn't so sure about Jonathan. I think that I'll like him since he had some fantastic lines ("I drink very little. Scarcely more than a bottle a day."). I had to watch the whole bit with the two common men attempting to "accost" each other just so I could laugh at Jonathan poking that Vinculus guy with his large stick. "You do not make it sound very appealing. Choose someone else." I'm a bit confused. When Jonathan did the spell to view what his enemy was doing at that very moment, was the person on the other side of the mirror Mr. Norrell?
  22. Saw a "this season on Stitchers" type of preview during Baby Daddy, and Oded Fehr will be in a least one episode, I guess, and Kirsten's ex will also show up.
  23. I can't root for Drake and Rose, I just can't. Back in the first season, she didn't want to be with him, didn't want to be a cop's wife, and told him they were just friends. Plus, I remember her being pretty dumb and nearly getting herself killed (possibly more than once, though I'm not positive on that). Can't say I'll be even a little bit sad if Susan goes down for all of the terrible shit she's done this season. Don't know why the writers decided to go this route with her character, but she's become completely awful. I'd say that it ends in death or jail for her. Each episode I become more and more convinced that Matthew Macfadyen is leaving the show. Why'd they nix the romance with Jane Cobden? Why'd they kill off Emily Reid? Why'd they bring back Matilda? With Matilda returned and Emily dead, Edmund is the only parent left to care for her. I think that Reid's going to decide that he needs to spend time with his daughter, and he'll decide to leave his job, so they didn't further develop the romance with Jane since there would be no point. Loved the entire scene with the safe and Jackson (although, apparently BBC America cut out a part with Matilda/Jackson?). The look of confused disgust on Reid's face when Jackson said that he couldn't crack the safe and Jackson's "I'm not sure" response to Reid questioning if he was sure that he wouldn't destroy the safe's contents and half of the station house were both super entertaining.
  24. I really hate Bill's wife (ex wife?) Nora and her obnoxious voice, and I was rooting for Abigail to punch her lights out during their confrontation. I know, that's not very nice. When Jack was at the school house fixing the window, the little girl's imitation of Elizabeth's facial expression cracked me up. Not sure why all of the other kids in the class were laughing at the young girl since they were sitting behind her and couldn't see her impression, but I thought it was funny. I was pretty disappointed that Lee decided to play games in order to make Rosemary jealous. I'm surprised that the other woman went along with it...it was a bit cruel. Thank goodness nothing bad happened to Jack's dog, or Elizabeth would have been dead to me. Dead, I tell you! The entire time they were conversing in the mine, I was thinking But what about the dog? What if he gets hit by lightning or the mine collapses on him?! With the concerns that Elizabeth has about Jack's dangerous mountie job, I'm not sure how the two of them can ever end up together. She freaks out every time that she sees him in a risky situation, so I imagine that if they eventually marry, she'll be on him to quit his job. Oh, of course Charles proposes and Jack sees it go down. I was hoping that we were done with Charles, but now I'm wondering if we'll have to put up with him again next season (if the show is renewed, that is).
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