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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Actually, the Ra's pronunciation thing bugs me too because when someone says their name to you, you do your best to repeat it accurately. Considerate people don't just make up their own version of what they've heard. You ask for clarification if you are confused! "Excuse me, sir, is it Rahs or Raysh?"
  2. Yeah, if it's really Shado, it feels like a major retcon that is happening because whoopsie, we regret killing this character that many people happened to like, so we're just going to wave our hands around, and now she's alive! Honestly, I believe that if Colin Donnell was available, his ass would be back in the Land of the Living as well...they seem to regret killing him off based on how much he's shown up on Arrow since he died.
  3. See, I was thinking that the two comparison photos look similar enough...the top photo just has more eye makeup on. Hmm. Also, I am actually expecting an EPIC Olicity scene in episode 20. If many Olicity fans think that the scenes from last night were wonderful, but SA considers the scene in episode 20 to be even better, I'm really curious about what's going to go down.
  4. Ha! When I heard the news that Maggie Q was engaged to Dylan McDermott, I thought of that blind item. Here it is if anyone is curious: http://www.blinditemsexposed.com/2011/10/lainey-action-homewrecker.html I mean, I don't know if it's true, but if it is, damn.
  5. For me personally, the biggest issue with Laurel is not the writing, but one of the problems with the writing is that when the character gets to a place where detractors find her either tolerable or likable, the writers have Laurel do something absolutely heinous. It seemed like people were warming up to her earlier this season, but then she continued to hide Sara's death from her father and went way too far over the line with the voice modulator fakeout. So honestly, I'm fully expecting her to do some completely awful shit before this season is over.
  6. See, this is why I said that they need to end Raylicity right now. If you are dating someone, it's definitely shitty to flirt with someone else. BUT I don't like Ray and I love Oliver/Felicity and crave interactions like we had in season 2. I don't want this whole thing to reflect badly on Felicity, so I'm hoping that things are broken off between Ray and Felicity very very soon (before anything more substantial happens with Oliver).
  7. All of your comments have convinced me to watch this episode when I get some free time, but they need to have Felicity break up with Ray. Like, now. I don't wish to see Felicity flirt with Oliver if she is still in a "relationship" with Ray (well, I mean I do, but I don't want Felicity to look bad). They are pulling the same shit over on The Flash, and it's really bugging me there. I mean, here I'm a lot less bugged because I don't like Ray and I live for Oliver/Felicity and OG Team Arrow scenes. But please, showrunners, end Raylicity quickly so Felicity doesn't start to look bad from emotionally or physically cheating on Ray with Oliver.
  8. I believe that SA has said that while wearing the leather you are either freezing cold or super hot. So, I'm with DP. Why would I want to try on some leather that another person has spent days upon days sweating in?! Yuck! I mean, can you even remove sweat stains/smell from leather?
  9. From the Comic Book Resources interview: Yeah, they're definitely doing the insta-friends thing. Nyssa: "I spent my entire life training to inherit a position from my assassin father, and now that has been ripped away from me." Laurel: "Well, my dad is mad at me, so I can totally relate." Seriously, these writers come up with the dumbest storylines to advance the plot (because I'm like 100% sure the only reason that this is happening is because Laurel needs training and it can't come from Oliver or people will probably riot).
  10. In the spoiler thread, the episode description for 16 was "Meanwhile, Laurel and Nyssa bond over their issues with their fathers and Thea is forced to come to terms with her father after Oliver brings Malcolm to the loft to recover." So, I think that they are going to try and make them friends who bond over their Daddy issues even though one woman has real issues and the other has a stand-up dad who is mad at her for being a liar who lies.
  11. From that Hollywood Reporter clip, Laurel and Nyssa are friends now? Whut? I haven't been watching, and apparently I've missed a lot.
  12. Haha, some of her reactions resemble SA's face when Raylicity is mentioned.
  13. I like that many of the answers are close family members (mom is a popular choice). I'm hoping that Arrow's version of BC is not KC's personal superhero...but since she's apparently not read the comics, I'm guessing that's who she's referencing. Eh.
  14. Geez, Jake was super crazy. Little Jake killing his mother? Didn't see that coming, but I should have. I love George and his reaction to the dead body was great. Even though I really don't care very much about the kidnapping of Lindy's sister, I hope that this show is renewed for another season. If it is renewed, I hope that they follow the same format and have the big story focus on some sort of murderer or criminal with the kidnapping staying in the background.
  15. I'm actually very happy about that because the ending of the last episode was not very satisfying! Another one that I'm hoping is renewed is Eye Candy. Not a masterpiece to be sure, but I found it entertaining.
  16. Maybe the episode is "Acclaim" and Oliver's identity is revealed to the public and welcomed with praise. He could use the win, that's for sure.
  17. No, not just you. I missed those the first time they were posted, so I thought that was from a much older episode because KC's hair looks quite dark. Maybe episode # 20 is "A Dream" like some have been speculating (hope not, though). I don't think it's Asylum...it looks like seven characters.
  18. Per Felicity: "Okay. Well, I don't understand anything anymore." I'm right there with you Felicity. Yeah, that's how I interpreted his comment too.
  19. This may be the interview that Morrigan2575 was talking about (very last paragraph): http://forums.previously.tv/topic/8621-the-starling-city-times-news-and-media-about-arrow/?p=904600 Eh, not enjoying all of this talk about epic game changers and fundamentally changing the show at the most basic level. I'm glad I've stopped watching because I fear that the show is going full speed ahead in a direction that I will not enjoy. Resurrections, superpowers, maybe time travel?! No thanks.
  20. I'm afraid that one of the eleventy hundred game changers this season will be Arrow going full on balls to the wall with superpowers/crazy shit like shapeshifting. That's fine on The Flash, where all of that was introduced immediately. Here, it's going to feel like season four of Felicity where suddenly this reality based show was dealing in time travel. Like, WTH?!
  21. This is my hope because I'm a petty petty bitch.
  22. I decided to watch Empire this week after I saw a commercial with Jussie Smollett looking so freaking adorable while singing this song Conqueror with Estelle. I really didn't know what was going on with most of the characters, but I'll probably watch the finale next week. The finale is two hours, so it will be competing with Arrow for the first hour, haha.
  23. I have a pretty strong suspicion that comic stories featuring Laurel would not get them their best sales possible. Just my opinion though.
  24. Why is Superman's head so tiny? He kind of reminds me of Hugh Jackman (as Wolverine) in that one photo with the bloody fists. I wonder if the name Botman will catch on. He looks like he has an outboard motor strapped to his back.
  25. I don't know. Oliver looks kinda turned on by the flowers. "That's my future wife right there."
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