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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Those LED lights look super cool. Not.
  2. I like Thea, and I am fine with her getting a mask, but it really is starting to feel like an Oprah giveaway episode up in here with everyone getting masks. My question: When do we get to start prying the masks from some of these "heroes" white knuckled fingers? (I know who I'm starting with first).
  3. Haha. See, the dress doesn't even looked washed out to me. It looks like the same periwinkle color from top to bottom. This picture is so crazy.
  4. Hope this means no more Huntress because I was not really a fan of De Gouw's acting, to put it nicely. But yay! for Aldis Hodge! I like some of the cast, so I would probably check this one out.
  5. That article was interesting, and it freaked me out a bit with those optical illusions. The dress doesn't even really look blue to me...it's like 100% periwinkle. I had my brother and mother look at it, and they saw gold and white. My brother asked me what color I thought it was, and I told him periwinkle. He was like, "No, an actual color." OK, then lavender (it's really not so much, but I thought that color would register better with him). "No, a real color." WTF men, do you not know that these are actually real legit colors?!
  6. Steven McQueen is the grandson of Steve McQueen, I believe. But no, I don't want him. He worse than KC and CH. Can we have Madeleine Mantock from The Tomorrow People, please? I'd also like Boomerang and Clock King to show up on this new show.
  7. I'm sure that a lot of people have seen this already, as it's making the rounds, but it's kind of freaky. I think that the dress is obviously blue and black, but apparently 70% of people don't agree! http://www.buzzfeed.com/catesish/help-am-i-going-insane-its-definitely-blue#.bvrZd6v2e
  8. I would hate to do a Flash time travel thingy that changed the present so that Sara was still alive, because would this mean that all of the stuff that we just watched for the last 2.5 seasons never happened? But, I would love it if the time travel changed things so that Laurel was never born and never existed in this universe. Goodbye!
  9. I find this hilarious. KC was not happy that Caity Lotz "stole" her role as BC, and as long as Caity is out there on a show in the same universe, there is always always always the threat that KC can be replaced by CL again. I know that MG just promised Laurel fans that they have nothing to worry about, but...this dude lies all. the. time. I'm hoping that Laurel goes off to San Francisco to take a corporate lawyer job and Caity can cross over to Arrow occasionally as Black Canary. I do find it really obnoxious that we have to slog through this stupid ass Ray storyline on Arrow as he continues to dominate Felicity's screen time, but I'll be so happy to be rid of him when he starts filming for this other show.
  10. Maybe MG can move to The Flash. That would be fantastic since I'm not attached to that show.
  11. With as nasty and petty as he seems, I'm a bit worried that MG is going to take the rejection of Ray out on Olicity fans. Like, if an Atom spinoff doesn't get picked up, he'll punish us by either keeping Ray and Felicity together for as long as possible or keeping Oliver and Felicity apart indefinitely.
  12. Maybe the Lazarus Pit is where we reach the "shark-jumping" portion of the season (assuming that hasn't happened yet, hard to tell).
  13. I'd absolutely love to believe that SA was making some kind of statement, but I really have no idea. Maybe he's happy with the show, or maybe he's checked out and this is just another job, and he shows up, gets his paycheck, and goes home for the day. If he is unhappy, I can't imagine we'll ever hear any stories until the show is over with.
  14. I would like to know if someone compiles all of this data and reports back on their findings. Because if there are a lot of tweets on one topic but a huge majority of the tweets are negative, I think it would be good for the EPs to know this (not that this feedback matters, because the EPs will still give us what we "need", not what we want)!
  15. I mean, the tweets were up 2.17%, but that hardly seems significant. It's my understanding that impressions and unique audience pertain to the number of times a tweet is seen and the number of twitter accounts that have seen those tweets, is that correct? So more people saw tweets this episode, but I don't really know what good that did since it didn't lead to more people sending tweets.
  16. Well, I follow spoilers, so I can PM you if you wish :)
  17. The Nielsen's TV Twitter ratings were pretty much on par with last week. I just don't get the impression that there is this massive level of excitement to see the superhero Atom because I would expect a social media explosion if people were really interested. But, what do I know?
  18. I basically don't see anything drastic changing unless this show goes the way of Sleepy Hollow, and TPTB are forced to step in. I know that people are thinking "well, maybe things will turn around in season 4," (ha, wrote that before I saw your post, wonderwall) but I don't think that's gonna happen as long as MG is in charge. The ratings are steady, and I think that they will continue to be because for every one of us that thinks that this season is complete shit, there is another viewer proclaiming each new episode as "the best evah!"
  19. I hope that Ray shrinks and Felicity squishes him to the bottom of her shoe like a piece of gum on the pavement.
  20. Not sure how they made it clear that Lauriver is over (since I didn't watch), but I'm guessing that was done so that we know that Oliver and Laurel will not be happening while Felicity is moving on with Ray.
  21. I find it really stupid that Felicity seems all worked up by Ray in a towel since she sees Diggle and Oliver half naked all. the. time. I'm guessing that she's at his house in that sneak peek, but why does he feel that it's appropriate to walk around in nothing but a towel in front of his employee? Ugh.
  22. So Ray is already flying tonight?!! What the?! When asked if there would be more moments between Diggle and Felicity, DR said: That does not sound like a yes to me. It reminds me of how MG promised us Thea/Felicity scenes that weren't actually happening.
  23. I have the feeling that many intimate scenarios (outside of dating and sex, I mean) that I would have liked to watch Felicity and Oliver engage in are actually going to happen between Felicity and Ray.
  24. From Laurel Brown's spoilers: "There’s a towel. You won’t forget that towel." I so hope that this towel is not wrapped around a freshly showered Ray. Please, no!
  25. I really don't like Laurel, but I'm pretty sure that I could handle her if she was off with Wildcat and away from Team Arrow trio. Or they could put her with Ray and then I could fast-forward those bits of the story. Basically I would just like to return to the happy times where Laurel was missing from whole episodes and nobody noticed, she was off in her own little storyline, or she only interacted with her father.
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