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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Well, it's only professional stalking, dontcha know? That's totally not creepy or outside the boundaries of acceptable behavior. /snark So are the writers going to lift more Laurel material from here for this next episode? "It’s hard to imagine there was ever a time when I was in love with you. You slept with my sister and our relationship was completely toxic. Don't you think I have any self-respect?"
  2. The show is really stupid right now, but I could probably handle it if we were getting the Oliver/Felicity interactions from season 2B. But I'm out for a while because I just can't watch Felicity date her stalker. Blech. Is there a chance that it is Oliver to Laurel? Probably not, but I would enjoy that more.
  3. Ahhh hahahaha. I look forward to reactions to this after the episode airs (definitely not watching this one).
  4. I happened to finish watching something on the DVR just as SA came on, so I listened to the segment. Many times the guests will promote the show or movie that they are in, so I thought that he would talk quite a bit about the show, but not so much.
  5. I would rather have a new car!
  6. Darn, I fell asleep during Sleepy Hollow, so I missed it! I might check out the forum to see what people are saying. I would hope for network interference to get Arrow back on track, but they're most likely pleased with the ratings and seem to be huge KC fans since she's been on multiple CW shows, so I think that we're stuck with what we've got unless ratings start tanking.
  7. ^ I particularly love Sara tossing the $100 bills around and the little alien guy off to the right.
  8. Oh geez, now 319 is a game changer? Weren't 315 and 318 game changers as well? "Game changer" is the new "epic." Am I going to find it "game change-y" if Ra's offers Oliver his freedom in exchange for agreeing to knock up his daughter? No, I will find that sick as fuck.
  9. Sadly, I could see these writers doing this, with the way that they seem to hate women. Ugh, it's just so gross thinking of these writers coming up with a storyline where a man tries to force his daughter to be impregnated by some dude. If they go this route, I see some angry tumblr rantings in MG's future. Oliver is at Diggle's wedding in episode 17, so people were thinking that if it was this scenario, Oliver would refuse, but who knows anymore with the nonsensical storytelling happening this season.
  10. I'm going to guess that Ra's will ask Oliver to possibly recruit and/or train new LoA member because sure, why not?
  11. I know that Olicity fans do organized Twitter trends weekly, but I'm kind of curious about something if anyone knows. Last season, did Olicity stuff trend regularly during the Wed. night episodes? It doesn't seem like there have been many Olicity related trends during the episodes this season, but there hasn't really been a whole lot of Olicity moments this year, either.
  12. KC interview where she mentions that Tommy took advantage of Laurel (from July 2012): http://collider.com/comic-con-stephen-amell-and-katie-cassidy-talk-arrow-playing-a-superhero-and-the-possibility-of-black-canary/
  13. I will post the interview that you guys are talking about in the News & Media thread, if anyone is interested.
  14. ^ I would give you a thumbs down if I could :) Child's Play really did a number on me...I checked under my bed for years to make sure Chucky wasn't hiding out under there.
  15. Ooh, going super dark here :) Another show I watch just did that and it freaked me out, but it ended up being fake. It's funny because Oliver is all "See ya!" with his body running in the opposite direction. Also, if Laurel is arrested, does that mean it's the end of her law career (not that they ever show her doing that anyways). I'm guessing that in real life it would probably mean she's done for, but on this show, it probably means one more person to blackmail.
  16. In one of those photos of Laurel on the Tom & Lorenzo website, she is clutching her neck. I'm hoping that she's been hit with another tranq dart, but KC is probably just going for "surprised reaction."
  17. Someone should ask MG why he has the inability to receive criticism. If multiple people are pointing out the same issues, maybe they're not just bitching to bitch. Maybe they, ya know, have valid points.
  18. Iris made a comment in the last episode about how Ronnie looked familiar, and he said that he just had one of those faces. I was wondering if it was supposed to be a joke regarding the two Amells because she had the hots for Oliver in the crossover episode.
  19. See, I'm conflicted. I will be super pissed and feel completely mislead if I slogged through this crapfest of a season for "there's only one woman for Oliver this season, and that woman's Felicity" when that is not happening. On the other hand, I will be angry if I miss all of the good flirty romantic stuff between the two yet again.
  20. I'm not at all looking forward to where this season is headed. I'm ready for Malcolm to die, Ra's was a casting fail so I'm not happy about his increased presence in the back half of the season, jeepers creepers I'm not looking forward to more of Ray's peepers, and with Laurel and Quentin on the outs, this probably means she'll be in the Arrow lair even more. Ugh!
  21. Laurel dying or KC permanently leaving the show would actually explain her speedy "rise" to BC and everyone suddenly thinking that she's the bestest ever, but I'm not even going to go there. I got my hopes up last season, and I was left oh so disappointed. It's kind of evil that Stephen phrased it like that because he's gotta know that people are immediately going to jump to the conclusion that maybe KC is on her way out. Don't mess with my emotions!
  22. Stephen King's books are the stuff of nightmares! My sister watched all of those creepy movies growing up (Pet Semetary, Cujo, IT), and to this day I find clowns completely terrifying.
  23. Ray looks ridiculous in the promo for next week's episode, and I'm not watching, but I'm so looking forward to maximum mockage on Wednesday. Game changer people, epic game changer.
  24. Well, you know, smart people who live in rural areas have generators, but those things are such a pain in the ass. I always have plenty of bottled water, but that doesn't last long if you are using it to wash your hands, water your animals, etc. I guess that I shouldn't complain since there are people who sometimes have to go weeks without electricity, but it really is inconvenient. But I received a letter saying that they are upgrading my setup (there are miles of power lines running through the forest---hoping they will run a few poles down the road and tie me into the same lines as the neighbors half a mile away), so hell yeah! Maybe this won't happen anymore.
  25. Only took 2.5 hours, whew. It's always panic-inducing when this happens because I've gone a few times for 3 days without power, and it becomes a nightmare when you don't have water, don't have heat, and have animals that need to be cared for.
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