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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. The Felicity picture thing didn't bother me because I didn't get the impression that Oliver really got a good look at her. He was pretty far away (although between this scene and the "spying on Tommy and Thea from behind some trees" scene, this dude has some super-powered hearing) and he was peeking around a corner. In the present, I don't think he even connects the dots that it was her at QC (and maybe he doesn't even remember the incident, who knows). One thing a lot of us seem to agree on, though, is that Oliver with facial hair is like a 10 and clean-shaven Oliver basically looks like a demented serial killer.
  2. Unfortunately, we have no water when there is a power outage because we have a well with a pump that requires electricity to run! I'll be praying to the ComEd gods to please get my power restored ASAP.
  3. Damn, my power just went out, and it's -2 degrees F outside. Fuck!
  4. I missed all of the stuff with Laurel "heading toward the mask" and pouring the alcohol on Sara's grave, but I was probably either typing when that happened or off in space somewhere, as I tend to be during Laurel scenes. My standards must be super low...like down in the gutter because I liked this episode, and reactions seem very mixed! I guess I'll take whatever I can get, anymore. Flashback Oliver was kind of a creeper...hiding in the trees watching Thea and Tommy at the gravesite...hiding around the corner at Tommy's party.
  5. I actually really enjoyed this episode. Can we trade Laurel for Thea? She'd be a great asset to Team Arrow, and I'd love to see her interact with Diggle and Felicity. The Felicity flashback scene was cute. Oliver broke into Queen Consolidated (I think that's the name of the family company) during the night to get some files off of the system. Maseo told him over the comms that he needed to go because someone was coming. Cue Felicity walking down the hallway in her Mary Jane's. Oliver hid, and she went into the office that he had just been in. She looked at a photo of Robert and Oliver on the desk and said something like, "You're cute. It's too bad you're dead, which is obviously a lot worse for you than me. I really need to learn to stop talking to myself." Seemed like classic Felicity. Oliver told Thea that she was the one who killed Sara, so there's no more secrets between them now, right? I'm not sure how Oliver (with his long arms) could not reach the button to open the Argus prison cell door, but tiny little Thea could dislocate her arm and reach around the corner. O...kay. Yeah, the writers are DEFINITELY lifting lines from the internet with respect to Laurel. I am 100% certain that she has been referred to as a gold digger on here before (Quentin, while drunk, says something about her chasing after rich billionaires, and says that she's a gold digger). They're just mocking us now, aren't they? I enjoyed the stunt with the spiked booby trap. Thought it looked cool when Oliver shoved Thea out of the way. Slade asked Oliver about Felicity, "How's the girl with the glasses? What's her name? Felicity? How many people can Oliver Queen lose before there's no more Oliver Queen?" Present-day pissed off Quentin is the one who refers to Laurel as Black Canary, whew. Thea agrees to be Malcolm's soldier to defeat Ra's, but she'll never be his daughter again. New episode next week. I recommend that you watch this episode, it will not make you rage at all.
  6. If you look at Buckle's left leg here, it looks like there is a large gap between her leg and the top of the boot...so yeah, how exactly do these boots stay put?
  7. Things have become so awful that I would gladly go back to season 2, where she was a pill-popping boozy sequestered in her own storyline of suckitude (or missing, and nobody even noticed).
  8. Oh, the gorilla is supposed to be telepathic? I didn't get that at all...I thought he was like part man part gorilla, and he was speaking, lol.
  9. From the back, the bottom of BC's legs look like a robot. Very bizarre.
  10. ^ I was so distracted by the buckles, I didn't even see the guy in the picture.
  11. If the pics are from 3x19, maybe the red and blue lights are from Atom's suit.
  12. So we're definitely going full-on superpowers on Arrow, then? Not at all happy about that. I could hand-wave the Mirakuru and magical healing herbs, and other stuff, but how does The Arrow, a normal human being, compete with super-powered villains? I suppose he doesn't, and that's why the episode is called Broken Arrow.
  13. I'm actually thinking that I might watch tonight solely for Manu Bennett, Lian Yu, Oliver, and Thea. I did not like how the whole Deathstroke story played out, but this season is making me long for the days of season 2.
  14. It just pisses me off to no end that this all started with Laurel deciding to keep Sara's death from her father, but now the whole team is being brought in on it. They had Felicity helping to fool Lance with Sara's voice, and now everyone is probably going to end up in jail. All. Because. Of. Laurel's. Lie! I'm now assuming that Felicity isn't arrested, and MG's statement that "we’ve got a scene coming up in a future episode where you won’t believe who she stands up to, and how she does it. It will really surprise people” involves Felicity doing something to Quentin that will further piss me off.
  15. Someone remind me again, what it the Hannibal Bates theory?
  16. In the BTS photos you can see red and blue lights, so I'm guess that this is where they are being intercepted by the police and thrown in jail. None of these spoilers are making me want to watch. I can't handle the increased presence of Laurel, I just can't.
  17. The book has good reviews, and I love a good friends to lovers type of story, so I may actually read that and just pretend that it is Oliver and Felicity, haha!
  18. The Flash is going on a break until March 17th (when it will return with episode 15), so in order for episode 18 of both shows to line up, Arrow would be on a break until March 25th (hope I figured that correctly). After episode 15 of Arrow on February 25th, that means a month until new episodes.
  19. With Arrow dangerously close to imploding, you might consider switching it out for 12 Monkeys. I'm finding that I'm liking it more and more as the season progresses, and it won't cause your blood pressure to sky-rocket.
  20. Referenced earlier from MG's Tumblr account: With MG's knack for incorrectly predicting audience reactions, I'm now wondering if he thought shooting Sara full of arrows, throwing her on a dumpster, and stuffing her in a freezer would be welcomed by the Arrow audience. I get the impression that he equated hatred of a storyline by a portion of the audience with hatred for the character of Sara.
  21. That would be kind of funny if they killed Malcolm off. Oliver doesn't need him to beat Ra's...there's Maseo or Nyssa, who I'm sure are both proficient enough to teach him everything that he needs to know. Or heck, at the rate we're going, Nyssa could train Laurel for a month, and then Laurel could train Oliver. Really, I don't think that they will kill Malcolm off, but I would be pleased if they did.
  22. I saw the Katia Winter interview on TV Guide's website the other day, so I went over to the Sleepy Hollow forum to see if it was already posted. Damn, people don't like Katrina at all, do they (not a criticism, just an observation)? Seriously, the level of dislike seems to rival Laurel's. I watch Sleepy Hollow when I can (there are way too many shows on in that time slot on Monday night!), not a Katrina fan, and it's looking like the fans could possibly succeed in getting rid of Katrina. I'm sad because I was hoping for a similar scenario on Arrow :(
  23. Another thing that I'm bitter about is they way that MG uses Olicity fans for financial gain. He puts all of the good Olicity developments in the comics and profits off of the fans who are yearning for these moments in the show. When asked if he would release the deleted Olicity mansion kiss, he said "maybe we'll use it to raise money for a good cause or something" (this was back in December before the Twitter trend that got it released). I mean, yay! for fundraising for good causes, but has anyone ever seen him say these types of things to other portions of the Arrow fandom? Then after the deleted kiss was actually released, MG retweeted some Olicity fan's tweet that said that people should buy his book as a thank you. It must have worked because later MG tweeted something about how his book sold out and he probably had Olicity fans to thank for that. I feel like he doesn't respect his audience at all, but he has no problems profiting from their loyalty to this show.
  24. I've been wondering if they aren't allowing Felicity to voice her feelings because they want everything to come out after she (probably) starts dating Ray. So it will be played as this big moment or some enlightening admission of her romantic feelings for Oliver. Basically, you know, I can see them explaining that they did it for "drama." That's what everything seems to boil down to. "For drama" or "it looked cool."
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