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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. Winner winner chicken dinner! He is suuuuuper laid back. I wonder if he is on some medication. He appears to have been a very successful attorney prior to his addiction issues.
  2. I am waiting for the Instagram pic of her drinking the Unicorn!
  3. I would think that she could find cute clothing. Torrid offers really cure clothing up to a 6X and that's a hip circumference of 70 inches. What size do you think that she is? I would think that she has some TV money to spend. Nordstrom and Lane Bryant offer some kind of meh plus size clothes also. I think that she is just depressed and in a funk. And depression is a bitch. Losing weight is freaking IMPOSSIBLE for me. I was hoping that this show or Ruby would be an inspiring success story like Biggest Loser without having to live in a fitness bubble to accomplish it. My acquaintances who have had weight loss surgery have had mixed results. One of them died during the operation. Another gal had lots of side effects that required additional surgery and she picked up an opiate habit after using painkillers post surgery and ended up overdosing - before she dies she often commented that she should have just stayed fat. Three of my friends gained their weight back. Two others have lost significant amounts of weight and deal with nauseas and elimination issues but their weight is at a much healthier level.
  4. That is a perfect example of why the families need to keep the pressure on about these unsolved cases. Many, many of the police officers and detectives are devoted but the organization may have to authorize funding for testing, overtime, etc. I always remember Domenic Dunne saying that staying on his daighter's case was the last busness of her life and that he was going to handle it properly.
  5. I had lunch at Tiffany Faisson's Tiger Mama. It was fantastic. The décor is very low key and they have a living wall in the foyer which I love. I had a raspberry rum fizz and it was one of the yummiest cocktails that I have ever had. I also had a Mai Tai which was OK - I have had so many perfect Mai Tais in Hawaii that its tough to get it perfect for me. The ribs are the best damn ribs that I have ever had. Worth stealing off of someone's plate! They coconut sticky rice is served in the coconut cream can which is a fun presentation. Really interesting dessert of a coconut cream popsicle coated in white chocolate, crushed pistachios and spices.
  6. You should catch one of the specials about the murder of Ted Binion - he was a lowlife who was impossible to whitewash. He and the murderous stripper deserved each other. One of my sisters is an addict - She has been sober for three years but made some very bad choices and acted in a destructive and violent manner. I could say a thousand wonderful things about her and her stint as an opiate addict isn't representative of her entire life or her entire being.
  7. She really wasn't moving around very much at all during that video.
  8. This is such a sad story. At least Charles and Camilla ended up together in the end. It is very tough not to end up with your soulmate.
  9. She looks like a snotty little brat. I am having such a hard time continuing to watch this show. The acting is stellar but the women are so terrible to eachother. It's why I stopped watching the Bravo housewives. So needless - if those two combined forces that could have really made things happen. There was an excellent interview in Vanity Fair on DeHavillad - well worth a look. I think that CZJ is dead on.
  10. Very interesting. I can't stand Cohen so I was assuming that it was more of his dickishness.
  11. Please don't do a second season. It's going to be like shitty Desperate Housewives with better acting.
  12. She looks terrible Not because of her weight but her hair. skin tone, energy level, smile. n the early seasons she was a vivacious beautiful girl. Fame has not done her any favors. And Buddy looks like he is at death's door. I think that the producers should direct some of the show back to the medical issues that these two face because of their obesity and unhealthy lifestyle. Positive body image doesn't mean a think if you are half dead. I struggle with my weight constantly and while I am not as overweight as Whitney is my doctor's are ON me about it. ON ME! I have a nutritionist, a therapist, a stress eating support group, etc. I don't understand why she isn't looking for any support beyond Buddy and her parents who are of no help whatsoever.
  13. This show is funny. Mindless fun. I do hope that Andy Cohen doesn't ruin it by encouraging infighting and shitty behavior. All of those NYC ladies used to be friends and act lke human beings. I am looking askance at how the show shows it's East Coast view of the world by interviewing Oklahomians about life and customs on their flyover planet. I don't recall seeing any of that shit on the other franchises. Disclaimer - I live in the Northeast and have that same tude towards flyover states that I am constantly working on and am trying being less of an asshole about it.
  14. https://cryptidantiquarian.wordpress.com/2016/02/20/bostons-mysterious-vanishing-men/comment-page-10/
  15. Her skin and hair looked so healthy and her eyes were sparkling. Very jarring to see how tired and wiped out she is looking now. Buddy looks terrible. Terrible like he is very ill. I hope that someone gets him to a Dr.s for a workup.
  16. Is it Cairo, GA maybe? They pronounce it as Karo like the syrup pretty little town
  17. The funeral was a great day for Jane. I hope that she wore red underwear to celebrate like it was Christmas!
  18. Everyone in this video including the narrator comes off like a jerk excluding Megan. Who is this hat person?
  19. The media needs to start focusing on all of the young men who go missing and end up drowned in the harbor or the Charles river. Far too many of them. And its hard to fall into the rivet or the harbor from the locations that the men disappeared from. The victims all have a similar physical type also.
  20. What a sick, sick, sick bunch of losers. I want to give Marvin a hug. But the rest of them? Gross. I hope that they are shamed into leaving that town. UGH.
  21. Is their approach similar to Mike Pence and his wife i.e. not being in social situations with other women without the wife present, not attending any events that include alcohol without the wife being present that sort of thing? She gives me the heebie jeebs and I can't even say why. I don't know why they would want to mess up their footloose gypsy lifestyle to be tied down with a baby. That is exactly why I didn't have children.
  22. Sometimes it does. My Mom 35 years ago people shouldn't lose all hope! It is not going to be my sweet, sweet coffee man. No way and no how.
  23. Nicole Kidman is killing it in her therapy scenes. Her character is so much like my Mom back in the day. Beautiful, wealthier that most of the other neighbors, gorgeous homes, world traveler , scratch golfer, amazing hostess and cook, adorable kids and charming handsome husband who could just go OFF. Nobody had a clue. Nobody. A therapist had to help her with a plan which got fucked up a little bit I was there to threaten to call 911 until things calmned down. She went on to marry a wonderful man and have a happy life. If Celeste is the victim I will be distraught. Her scenes are so on target that I am nauseous or glugging tequila into my glass to get through the show or both. I totally buy becoming nauseas when you find out that hippy dippy step Mom knew your underage kid is prostituting herself on line. I would have broken everything on that table. I think that Celeste and Perry's boys may be acting out the presumably loving gestures that they see at home on the other children This show is mindblowing.
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