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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. I have a close friend who is American and lived in Thailand for years. She has such beautiful and amazing stories about her time there. I a planning a visit to Thailand with her in two years to experience it myself. Why does everyone get so OMGahd someone wants to move somewhere that's not Amurica. They seem to really love each other. Hopefully they can figure out how to maintain her green card to give her more options in the future. But I don't see it as the end of the world for him at all.
  2. Who can I appeal to about have Jorge's drivers license revoked? Reckless isn't even the word for that moron. TLC shouldn't put the producers at risk by having them in the car with that fat clueless ahole is texting and driving. I hope that his insurance carrier catches this footage and cancels his policy.
  3. http://jezebel.com/2-moroccan-girls-may-face-years-in-prison-for-kissing-1788579545
  4. Why are they blowing money on another ceremony. When they are already fighting about money. SMH. He must be a dynamo in the sack
  5. I think that the younger sister is a wife or babymama
  6. And let me guess - this client if your is the same guy who posts the John Wayne "Why do I have to press one for English" memes on Facebook right? Ugly Americans are an embarrassment. I try to dress euro chic when I travel abroad so that I don't get lumped into that category - at least before I do something dumb to put myself in it!
  7. Right on! Some of these flyover burgs look like a nightmare to live in.
  8. Legal weed comes in a Prescription bottle here in Mass so I don't see the need for the bags. Weird. He is going to end up like Theresa Guidice with all of this bragging.
  9. I am team diver on this issue. That education will give him plenty of opportunity to make lots of money when he returns to Jamaica to live with his sisterwife and his kids. His older sisters were cackling up a storm about something that hasn't been revealed yet. Life in America was probably not what he bargained for - I wouldn't live in the flyover zone that he ended up in for more than a week without being bonkers. I need to be close to the ocean. Need it. I do think that Melanie's phone call to Bev was a goof. Bev is spectacularly rude - I can't imagine that she would ask the same questions to a good ol' American white biy who was dating her sister. Pao is too old to begin a modeling career of any significance. She made a poor choice of husband and needs a reason to exit the marriage gracefully and retain her green card.
  10. Anfisa should win an award for being the only honest and pragmatic person to ever be on this show. Love her. Everyone else pretending to be in looovvveeee or pretending to be worthy or loooovvveeeeeed by someone clearly out of their league intellectually and physically is what makes this show so fascinating to watch. Jorge needs to learn that NO means NO. Chantal and her brother remind me of Will Smiths dopey kids. I hope that the family has a lot of money to support them in the future as they are clueless. I am VERY surprised at her fiancée holding out on the prenup - who would care about the possessions and holdings of a 20 something? Very sketchy along with his English improving tenfold as soon as her family leaves the room. Nicole should call Danielle to see what her life will be like in ten years, Her friends and family must be MORTIFIED by the footage. Azan should be following the Nigerian Prince's seduction strategy for the zaftig American gal - dozens of cupcakes! That poor woman marrying the three time loser bumpkin. WHO has a bachelor party in a van where you hire the talent by pulling over to the corner. Other than Ted Bundy that is. This season is fabulous.
  11. Possibly marriage means something entirely different in his culture. That it isn't all moonlight and roses but a means to an end for business, property, procreation, etc.
  12. I really enjoy Afisa. She is giving Jorge no illusions about what he needs to do to keep her in his bed. That is a marked improvement over the other fiancées poor attempts to fake being in love. She isn't a good gold-digger though - the resale on that dress will be 5K max. Not sure about the resale value of the vulgar designer bags either but she needs to change her place of study from the Carrie Bradshaw school of economics. Nicole is a typical Bradenton redneck gal. He should NOT move there - it's a terrible place.
  13. That blonde in the sunglasses. Red nose. Twitchy. She's on drugs get her away from those kids. She should study some photos of Jackie O to learn shade game. She's not doing it right.
  14. Bradenton is full of Nicoles. He is in for a shock if he is imagining Miami or Palm Beach. It is very unsophisticated, crime ridden racist backwater. Lovingly known as Bradentucky.
  15. The most important topic should be WHERE are the sugar gliders? Sam and Neil don't live in that house because the menagerie isn't there.
  16. And acting like a bratty sub won't turn him into Christian Gray! I don't know how they missed that during the vetting process.
  17. David's outburst was very WTF for me. Impulse control issues - no thanks. Ashley may be very smart to stay guarded around him. Sam - Please go on Bondage.com and find a Master to help you work out your control issues. If Neil don't go that way he don't go that way. Stop making him feel bad or being himself. Tres is a party boy - lots of happily married men still like to party occasionally. I wonder if he pulled some awful stunt or puked everywhere. Because the Mrs. is not happy about it.
  18. You have to step back a little bit on Ashley. She was in a relationship for nine years - they guy may have been a bum. A bum who strung her along. A freeloader perhaps. And she is having some postnuptual jitters that she is with another bum who she doesn't know at all. And when Dave turns out to have some means it was all puppies and rainbows for her. Now being a gold digger isn't cool. But a girl who may have been raised on a steady diet of rom coms and Disney Princess movies and a man suddenly being exposed as the Lord of the Manor/Prince of the Realm/Owner of the bookstore chain, whatever gives him romantic street cred. Sam - Chill the fuck out.
  19. Girl use the good dishes! I had a harrowing bout with cancer six years ago and I learned a few things. Life is short and hard. Your ancestors bought that beautiful china to bring some grandeur and joy to their lives. Don't leave it in a box. I drink my morning OJ out of the Waterford that I have from my first wedding and I eat my toast and eggs off of my RD china. If you are too nervous about damaging it just take one plate out of the box and smash it - you will most likely survive the single plate massacre and not be so nervous about using it. Or donate it - too many dreams to be left in a box. xoxo Mark is not living frugally. He is cheap and there is a difference. You don't have doors with kick marks on them and outdated everything if you are living an abundant life. He doesn't splurge on himself which is sad. Sleeping on a twenty year old mattress is unsanitary and disgusting. Five years on a mattress - new pillows every year at the least, And replace those sheets Mark!
  20. I feel bad for Sam. She is acting horribly on national television. I don't know how you get around that and go on pulling together a career, social life, etc. The only person who was a heinous bitch on a reality show and dug herself out of it was Tiffany Faison on Top Chef. She came on the reunion show and flat out said that she was horrified by her behavior, had personally apologized to everyone she had offended and has been stellar on all of the food porn shows since. What is so bad about Sam's situation is that she is being shitty to a nice man. A nice man who is trying to accommodate her odd behavior and try to cobble out some kind of a friendship if not a marriage.She is fucking up an all expenses paid trip to a beautiful resort that some people may never be able to experience once in their lives. She is fucking up Neil's all expenses paid trip to a beautiful resort that some people may never be able to experience once in their lives, I am thinking that Sam must miss out on many great experiences because of her horrible social skills - maybe that's why she is an animal lover. I am even leaning towards one of the producers "suggesting" that she find some reason to appreciate Neil and stop acting so terribly. That girl will be digging out of this mess for years! And Neil will have a legion of female fans. If I was her I would spend a lot of time talking about heinous Mark Shoemaker as a diversionary tactic,
  21. Throwback but someone just posted about Jaclyn and basement Ryan. I thought that things went South after they finally slept together. Not for the old men just want to hit it and run - I think that Jaclyn was into some kink that Ryan couldn't keep up with. Remember when she was ordering his dinner and all of that Dom-ish crap? I also think that Jac was on the show to pitch her vodka or tequila whatever it was. There was ALWAYS a bottle in the shots - with the label covered up. She must have treated the shoots like an easter egg hunt - and the producers had to seek out the bottles to cover the labels. It was like Oh I am in the bathroom brushing my teeth and here is my bottle of vodka sitting on the toilet tank. I have such hope for Neil and Sam.
  22. I have hope for Sam. She will be mortified when she sees the footage. But in her TH in the first episode she was very endearing and sweet.
  23. Sam - Such a beautiful dress and she was stomping around like Lucy and Ethel making wine - OY! She is so awkward. I was hoping that she would be an endearing nerd. But sheesh! She may be on the spectrum a bit - The Mr. is and I had some interesting moments with him when we were dating. Ashley - Slept with her makeup on the first night - she needs to give him full face right up front! And then she just chills out and is so cool. Vanessa - She is beautiful and so in the game. Loved her hairband and joy over the gifts, Tres talks about being a normal bachelor back in the day should not throw her off - I hope that she lets her guard down and enjoys herself. Neil - He is great. The PJ's were a riot - I feel bad that Sam didn't get the joke. He was very composed when she said that he was unattractive. Dave - Liking him - he is just letting it roll. Tres - He isn't ready to be dream mystery groom.
  24. Neil is HOT. He just stood there calmly looking crazypants Sam in the eyes. He will be ALL kinds of take charge fun in bed. Sam should consummate the marriage ASAP as she is a hot mess. Her manners are terrible. She has no control over her facial expressions or body language. And for heaven's sake BRIDES hold out bouquets at your waist. Bouquets are not Olympic torches, maracas or cymbals. Hopefully her ridiculous behavior was just wedding jitters. Neil's alm demeanor will be a nice balance to Sam is she isn't completely BSC. Tres and Vanessa are a beautiful couple - hoping for them! Ashley and David both seem like jerks. She is snobby princess and he is an aklie bro. Excellent chance of the her Pandora'd hand grasping his fake Rolex arm as they drive off in their Hummer towards the nearest Guy Fieri restaurant.
  25. These posts are so on target. I was on Match.com in my late thirties. I was cute back then and ended up with dates with a few older guys because they would routinely lie about their ages and want to date way too young for their age. One of them had this lame ass surprise planned for our date where he would show me a picture and I had to guess which one he was. We met at a BoneFish grill (What IS it with Match.com guys and Bonefish grill?) and he came waltzing in wearing a suit carrying a rose and looking like my Grandad. I wanted to become invisible.Needless to say I didn't have to pick him out of the Magic Mike line-up. He was at Disney between Pluto and Goofy. WTF. He was also many years older than his profile stated. I thought of him every time that I saw Mark present one of his cute charming rom-com vignettes. I did date one man who was 20+ years older that I was. He was brilliant, funny, took me everywhere, knew good food and wine, was a millionaire but I never would marry him. 20 years older is still 20 years older. I can't imagine 40 years older.
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