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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. The egg challenge was beyond gross. No need for that waste.
  2. Whys is it that the spouse who maces the least investment financially and career wise also have the most opinions?
  3. The Mr. and I are heading down to DC to see Ally Wong and we are hoping to get a seat at the Chef's Table at Volt. The website won't even let you reserve a table prior to 30 days out so I am tapping my foot until it's booked. Has anyone been there and have any tips on what to try? On a side note - am I the only person who yells at the TV when Househunters International is on? I want to set up a Go fund for the husband on the Barcelona episode to divorce his asshat wife. You don't live on the beach in Barcelona instead of the Gothic!
  4. Jim is my favorite. Very knowledgeable and a class act. I am all set with bringing back the contestants from previous seasons though. It's a yawn. It was fu to watch Stefan on the show again because he is a very witty diabolical genius. But I'd like to see some new faces to map out some new restaurants to try.
  5. I mentioned Lifetime because that is where Project Runway ended up. I feel like I am supporting all of the mean girl antics of the HoWives whenever I watch Bravo. : (
  6. My MIL who knows exactly ZERO gay people said the same thing. Why did you think that? Because he is slight? Or dresses like a Southern gentleman? I am fairly mortified not to have recognized the Surgeon General. I am thinking that it may be because the First Lady was the health crusader so she did much of the health related press and events. I am even more mortified at not knowing who Edna Lewis was. I have over 100 cookbooks, watch every food related show I can (Seriously - I even watched that Bourdain's horrible The Taste) and lived in the South for many years. And here I sit clueless. I have already ordered her cookbook on Amazon. I love this show. Is it some of the Best competitive reality television out there. The they have an ad for Andy Cohen's gross drinking show. I hope that this show migrates to a more reputable network a la Project Runway and can just leave Bravo behind.
  7. Chelsea wasn't supportive of his career at all. She seemed to have Yamir all to herself and let her parents foot the bill. I am really having an issue with the Americans luring these folks out of their country with the promise of having some kind of lifestyle when their actual situation is that they are broke/living with their parents/unemployed/criminals, etc. I know that *some* of the fiancés may not have the purest intentions in accepting the proposals. These people end up thousands of miles from home, sometimes with only a small grasp of the language and culture and no resources. Many of the Americans who meet them come right out of the gate with why are you marrying my brother/Mother/sister/friend is it just to live in this most excellent country like a royal? When that is not the case. Not the case at all.
  8. Is the brand and cheapo leather binder for sale on their site? The could market thgthgat like the Sister wives with their meh jewels
  9. So greedy. Doesn't thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions rate as a sin in their religion?
  10. They seem like stoners to me but it just may be the laziness coupled with the low intellect.
  11. Why? Is there some master plan? He is certainly capable of pulling the wool over Amys eyes. What do yoiyoiu think he's up to?
  12. Jeremy is the worst. He and his wife need to get real jobs and get their hands out of Mom and Dads pockets. Matt may expect Jeremy and the Mrs to replay him for handing oiver the farm by taking care if him hence the attached housing. I wouldn't let those two babysit my cat.
  13. Cubbies are silly. I have a three tiered metal shek in my shower. A cubby wouldn't even hold my hair products.
  14. The old throne chair was perfect for that area of the farm. But the other crap in the barn - not exactly cool junque. Jeremy and the Mrs. are going to end up curating an awesome yardsale to monetize their inheritance
  15. I hope that she is paying as much attention to the books as she is her pool parties. It is critical that she keep an eye on the money before it gets frittered away on the hoard.
  16. Hopefully she conjured up a gag reflex of her own to inconvenience him. What a jerk.
  17. I wasn't slut shaming the shorts. They are too small and too short - She must go by the Amy Schumer guideline of buying two sizes too small.
  18. I can't imagine going from living in London to Kentucky. You must have a very satisfying hoimelife to go without the culture , food, diversity, etc. It sound like your husband chose to live there which is a biug different from these films being dropped into smalltown USA. They may have gathered mist of their Intel on living here from TMZ or the housewives franchise and be expecting a limo to Nobu! Nicole certainly had skewed expectations when she landed in Morocco. She was waiting foir her flying carpet!
  19. I think that she desperately wanrtef to be on the show. She isn't as charismatic as the other folks.
  20. Does Faye count cards? I think that Lindsay has a pretty severe eating disorder. It must be very hard to be less attractive than your parents and siblings in a family obsessed with how they look I love this show. The Halloween episode was my favorite
  21. Zach and his wife are adorable. They made me smile which was a welcome change after spending the day crying over Carrie Fisher. Thanks Zach! Amy is way too into that guy. She doesn't know him. And he is a career bachelor. Amy - shop around! I like Matt this week to - I enjoy pickin' at auctions too That Jeremy kid is the worst. And his wife's shorts are too short
  22. Zach and his wife are adorable. They made me smile which was a welcome change after spending the day crying over Carrie Fisher. Thanks Zach!
  23. Can you imagine the two of them after a few pops at Happy Hour? They may need their own show.
  24. Did Jer ask for the farm? That is SO weird. I work for a real estate development firm. There was a sunflower farm for sale that had been in this particular family for several generations. One of the siblings (these folks were in their 60-70's) was still growing sunflowers and the other four people had part ownership. The non farming siblings decided that they wanted to cash in so they put the parcel up for sale for 1M - turns out that the place is great as a farm but the ledge and wetlands make the prohibit the land from being divvied up into a subdivision and no one is gong to pay 1M to build three homes. The look of shock on their faces when they found out was chilling. I am sure that their retirement planning was based on their magical thinking about the value of the land. Luckily one of them still knows how to farm and actually work. Hopefully the Roloff's will give the kids a realistic idea of the value of the land and the value of the farm as an attraction after the show is off of the air. You can throw whatever shade you want to at Matt but he is always hustling to think of new ideas to bring in revenue - I don't see Jer doing the same and I don't think that his siblings will kick in to support the farm so that he and the Mrs. can spend the days boinking on the hay bales.
  25. Is Amanda the lady who wears the sunglasses and is sniffling all of the time? She looks like a total drugged out eye job gone bad mess.
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