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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. I think that any millennials live at home until a later age. Her parents clearly adore her. And don't forget the dip!
  2. Loubitons scream escort/yacht girl. Pao is going about this all wrong. The cheap blonde extentions. Shaking her booty at that creepy "model networking" party. She is cheapening her brand.
  3. Jesse's Mother's garden is terrific! Very joyful and there was some cool sculptures. I like her already. I am more worried about Karine than I was about Nikki. Her dad should be chasing him back to the ferry at the end of a shotgun. He is a fucking creep. I didn't realize how awful us American women are. Dayum
  4. She looks much more attractive without all of the makeup. She may just not be photogenic. One of the OC Housewives Lori Waring looked like the madame puppet on screen but people say that she is stunning in person.
  5. Pao is trying to set up Russ to stop him from filing an annulment claim. I have more respect for Anfisa at this point.
  6. What's the difference ? I am from Boston and don't have a clue. Is it a nuance thing like county music vs Western? I was very disappointed in the finale. Because it wasn't a finale. It was a tune in next season folks! Lame. Great acting throughout and interesting characters. Not quite sure about the significance of the crowning scenes with the baby and daughter.
  7. Chris is in his fifties, doesn't have baggage i.e. kids, alimony, etc. He doesn't need to settle for someone with anger issues. I have broken things off with guys for being jealous, rude to waiters, having excessive debt, nightmare exes/kids and held out for a stellar man. That is what dating is all about. Finding out who a person actually is not having three dates and changing your FB status.
  8. I am looking forward to the makeover show. Danielle is a relatively young woman. Her skin looks good. I have the same type of thin kinda curly hair and it can look good with the proper cut and product. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw Mama June but she had pretty features. I can't gauge what Dani's face looks like as she either has on gigantic awful glasses or is crying and blowing her nose into a tissue. I cant think of a celebrity look to expect.
  9. Amen! Andy Cohen has manipulated his HWives into disasters
  10. Other countries have monetary systems and credit rating systems. Mo had sent Danielle money and gifts from time to time before he moved.
  11. It's not her baby. I reckon that she is setting a good routine not being the baby's round the clock sitter. I would imagine that Auj and Jeremy will want to continued traveling and goofing off and will be looking to pawn the baby off between photo shoots. Their Instagram feed is going to be all dollar store level Ann Geddes ..
  12. I want to see Anfisa on Dancing With the Stars! Please TV Gods make this happen.
  13. I believe that Danielle or one oif her relatives stole Mo's identity and did all kinds of damage to his credit. The two of them should just move on.
  14. It may work out. I know plenty of stateside young women who have married older men. They are young and hot and the men are rich and horny. Sean's kinks seem pretty minor. Lots of people get overwhelmed by the preference lists on the adult dating sites and check off all kinds of crazy shit that they would never actually attempt. If you looked at adult friend finder you would most likely recognize many of your neighbors on it and they aren't all monsters. Abby seems to have a grasp of what she is getting into with him and has the support system of her Mom, friends and even that Chris character could help her get back to Haiti if she needed to. In don't find their relationship to be scary and sad like Mark and Nikki. Paul reminds me of Sandusky's Danielle. A horny self centered criminal who will lie about everything to get a foreigner to submit to them under threat of deportation. Darcy just has me shaking my head. That girl watched too many Disney movies as a kid or something. Her whole idea of an instant proposal and her constant prodding for compliments and adoration leaves no room for any romance to develop. If she was a very centered and cool older lady Jesse may be into her. I don't think that Jesse encouraging her to wear less make-up is a bad thing - if she can taper off of the filler s and botox she'd look like an attractive older woman.I can't wait to get a better look at Jesse's Mom - she looks like a fun, funky old lady and maybe Jesse would be comfortable with that. I was wondering about Darcy's hairline - does having those long, heave extentions cause hair loss? Hers could be a foot shorter at least.
  15. OMG They're featuring Angie Everhardt as a star client. That's like Q-list level stardom,
  16. Could you share the link? I have some friends who are personal trainers - they all work second jobs to keep afloat.
  17. That dress in the video. What in the hell? It looks like her tampon string is hanging down. The guy with the beard in the baseball cap is hot!
  18. My first husband (Way back in the 80's - I was practically a child) turned out to have hidden a felony conviction, the fact that he was bankrupt and was generally a compulsive liar and a thief. I fell out of love! At least my family was nearby and he hadn't lured me halfway around the world with his lies.
  19. I am assuming that she traveled the world with something like a Rick Steeves tour. Pretty safe and pretty middle of the road. I am so happy that she found this show - She will have the camera crew and producer with her which is comforting. Darcy must really be a pain in the ass to work with. I almost fell over in the first episode when the producer broke the fourth wall to out Darcy for using photos from 1995 on her profile. They aren't shooting her in a very flattering light either. It must be super claustrophobic to be in Jesse's tiny studio apartment with a producer, cameraman and lighting tech. No thanks!
  20. Those ripped pants look ridiculous on her. The black pants were so tight that her skin bulged out of the holes. It was like the sidefat that Tina Fey played like xylophone in the movie Sisters Why is her face covered in oil? That is not a sexy look
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