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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. You can't Google how to behave with grace and style. Wearing white was another classless, chicken feetish bitch move. Family Pedro is trash.
  2. No is the best thing that ever happened too her. She's on TV. She has a following on social media. She was treated to a trio to Florida. She is milking this story as best as she can to stray on the little screen. If No hadn't come to town she would be sitting in Sandusky sippin' on a Big Gulp counting her food stamps.
  3. Time difference is not a reason to not Skype with him honey! I Skype and talk live to my family and friends when I am in Europe almost every day when I am vacationing. I'm worried about that girl. Hopefully her Mom's dip has magical powers.
  4. Jesse looks baffled by her behavior. Baffled. I did some on line dating for a bit. When I was a rookie I would spend WAY too much time and effort talking, texting, flirting, etc. with my potential dates. Honestly it isn't worth too much effort before you are in the same room together - be it pheromones, their photo is 20 years old, they are rude to the waiter, a million things can go South. Jesse is in a fix now because Darcy CLEARLY does not resemble her photos but they have built all of this history and intimacy. He probably thinks that she is a nice person and sweet which she is AND he is stuck with her for six weeks. I would guess that based on his small apartment that he can't afford to put her up at a hotel. And she ain't gonna fly home early of her own accord.
  5. I do not believe for a nanosecond that those purchases are all real designer items. Did you see the house that she lived in? If she could afford a real diamond she would have a beautiful home. She is a total phony bless her heart.
  6. Getting out in the sun and fresh air is great for jet lag. Jesse may have hoped that it would chill her out. And it was a short ride, no hills, etc. I think that Darcy fancies herself as a Lucy Ricardo type. Jesse doesn't appear to want a Lucy.
  7. Darcy should have taken a hotel room for the first few days. She could have settled in, smoothed out her hair extensions, pooped and poulked herself together. She is a wreck and jet lag is the worst. You need to spend the first day rehydrating and getting acclimated. What is the Portuguese word for STD? Her Father will punch Paul in the face when he reads that text.
  8. She was stunning when she has dark hair. I don't get her end game at all. Does she want to shoot videos until she hooks a successful musician? Does she think that she will end up in Vogue magazine? That probably isn't happening.
  9. Anfisa and Pao are doing an excellent job of framing a narrative that will keep them out of an annulment mess like Mo is in. They aren't very clever about it but would be AOK if they ended up in court. They tried. Pao worked Anfisa declined a gift. Good Lord. Pedro and his family of scammers have it made in the shade now...
  10. She looks like a young Vikki Gunvalson. With a much nicer personality
  11. Lol. There is a gal on 90 day fiancé who does the same thing. It must take her hours to get the perfect booty shot but she can't spend five minutes cleaning up the room. Whit doesn't appear to crave order and flow in her life.
  12. Its offensive of her to offer up Jesus and her essential oils as equal entities. So dumb. Dumb and tone deaf
  13. Jesus + oils ??? What does that mean exactly?
  14. How did it work out for them? Did they end up with a Pedro grifter type or a sweetheart like Alexi? I worked with a lovely young woman who met a man from Turkey - he left her right after his green card was inked. She was devastated The characters on this show are all fascinating. Particularly Darcee. She is a middle aged woman but has the vocal fry and fashion style of a young Kardashian. So weird.
  15. I am guessing that Pao's puking is to set up a pregnancy storyline.
  16. Her legs are bruised like Lindsay Lohan. I don't think that what she is doing translates to English as the word "Modeling". She's a cautionary tale now...
  17. Darcy. Its an escalator not an elevator. The stiletto heels are engineered for very thin women. Your body type on that small heel is going to punch holes in a carpet. Jesse has lovely manners.
  18. Where can I find the scoop on PAP's agent?
  19. There is plenty of money to be made in cheering camps.
  20. I would guess from that photo that he didn't run away when he saw her at the airport.
  21. That video is no Bueno. I thought that it was suspect that she knew all about this random type of music and bands. I am thinking that she is shopping for a wealthier husband. And not being very smart about it.
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