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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. Darcy had more to drink than one glass of wine. She lied about how much she'd had to drink and was wasted and belligerent. Seam mentioned polyamory in his personal ad - well here's his chance! But of course he was envisioning multiple women who would desire him instead of an alpha male taking a lead position.
  2. Showing that kid life outside of Bradentucky is a gift.
  3. Molly looks like she is high spirited and fun. She also appears too have some self esteem which puts her in a different category than Danielle and Darcy. I can't wait for this season. These people are fascinating
  4. Bev!!! The only interesting thing about the second hour. Can we start a petition to hire Bev as the host for the tll all shows from now on?
  5. Having an STD does not make someone a scam artist. It is important to know your partner's status so that you can make decisions about your body is important. Deciding to completely discard the purported love if your life if she has herpes is terrible. He's a fuckwit
  6. I enjoyed this season wart and all. Gwen and Nicole are worth watching hour after hour. But seriously what in the hell happened at the end? Why all of the stealth with the suitcases and storage unit? What happened to Cinnamon? Where the fuck were all of the baby mamas off to? Still shaking my head.
  7. I think that Melissa is a riot.I also think that Carmen was on something. I really enjoyed Carmen's performance. If that bachelor guy wins I will be ticked off
  8. Why would anyone think that she was a virgin? I wasn't at her age. Paul shouldn't assume that. And we all know that he doesn't have a firm enough grasp of her language that he could have asked. Honestly Paul's expectation of having a beautiful young virgin just hanging on the vine waiting for him to gallop up in his mosquito netting armor and carry her away to the paradise of his Mother's basement is nauseating. Guess what fuckface. Not being a virgin doesn't make an person a poor choice as a partner. Having an STD does not make a person a poor choice for a partner. He's a fuckwit
  9. She probably wouldn't mind uving in the woods with him if he had more personality. He's boring. I would talk to the trees.
  10. Both of the families are terrible, rude assholes. The coupling of those genes is going to turn out some nightmare progeny.
  11. I worked at the phone company forever. I would attempt to straighten out some of the messes that I saw there in my minimal second language. Bravo for your approach! It would have been SO simple to join Rosetta stone or grab a Barron's book and write out some of the sentences that they wanted to say. Lame. Guys with that low level of looks, income and personality really need to step up their game. They treat these women like they are picking them up at the layaway counter at Caldors.
  12. I was playing the field at Abby's age. She isn't engaged or married to anyone at the moment. Sean is so dull. No sense of humor. No manners. No fun. Not romantic at all.
  13. Here here! I just went to France with a childhood friend of mine who pulled the same nonsense. She would babble on about how the French people loved to practice their English with her. She would also attempt to communicate with the natives by speaking English REALLY LOUD whilst using a Pepe LePew accent. Courtney must have been with a tour on her previous journeys.
  14. Was Carmen under the influence? I enjoyed watching her. Bastet - I thought the exact same thing when there were two items that were incorrect - just swap 'em boo! But the teams had a myriad of options.
  15. A pregnancy would be her hook to stay on television. 90 days and a bottle or some such basic shit. Pao should Google Jamie Otis to see how successful that career path is.
  16. It must be very hard to have some fame and fortune from being a G-list reality star and have the show be cancelled. I wonder about the 90 Day fiancée folks also. They aren't well known or glam enough to do Dancing with the Stars. Do they all try to pile on to Marriage Boot Camp and Dr. Phil?
  17. She is gearing up to be a fashion victim in more ways than one. First the shoes stuck in the escalator. Then the hair extensions hanging into the escalator equipment when she was trying to pull her shoes out. Now she is on the stair climber with her sweatshirt tied around her waist with the drawstrings hanging down just waiting to jam up the gears. Falling off of her shoes every time they try to go for a walk. She has no common sense. None.
  18. There is probably a lag in the filing dates to move the couples from before the 90 days to the regular 90 days. The really interesting thing will be seeing how desperate the Happily Every After alums claw on to their little shred of reality personality fame. Courtney, Courtney, Courtney. Why did you have to fly across the world to meet a man who isn't that into you. She could have found plenty of good looking, self absorbed, ill mannered jerks stateside.
  19. I was trying to figure out what the shirt was! I couldn't see because she cut out the front of it! She loves holes in things. Does her fashion line sell strictly shredded items? Jesse looked so put together in his suit - he looked like a defense attorney bringing a client before the judge. Not sure what type of crime I would think that Darcy had committed...
  20. He is going to be lllooouuussssyyyy in the sack too. Hopefully she is a virgin and won't know the difference.
  21. I want choker shirts for when I am 60!!!!! My neck still looks good thanks to troweling on La Mer. But the clock waits for no one. Darcy is screwing herself with her late 80's rock star styling. You know how Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper look like asses in their bracelets, leather and crosses? That's what Darcy looks - like mutton dressed like lamb. She doesn't have to go full on Eileen Fisher but she could get some cute things at a place other than Forever 21. She is just not cool. At all
  22. Darcy's workout clothes are meant for posing at the gym not working out. I was waiting for that drawstring to get caught in the step machine like her shoe on the "elevator" . she seems very sweet I wish that she could embrace her age
  23. Sean's eyes when he was at the voodoo Queen's place looked like a cartoon character at a tennis match.
  24. Everything about Pow looks like a knock off. She is very different from her first season. Its just way too much with the branded merchandise. She should be building HER brand. Russ is such a gentleman.
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