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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. Remember that the US "stars" make a minimum of $1K per episode and the foreign folks aren't paid at all. I think that it may benefit the show if Azan is available for more scenes of Nicole eating and disregarding his culture. LOL
  2. So David is broke right? Another broke fiance. He is in his late twenties, doesn't come from a country where the standard of living is particularly low or tough. And broke. All of these people are broke .
  3. Bless her heart. If her romantic life has been so lacking that a Ritz cracker with a slice of cracker barrel cheddar and a swoosh of Smucker's jam is her longed for moment then I am happy that Luis swept her off of her feet. Gave the girl some romance. Even if it ends up being a shitshow. I don't think that he will fly the coop like Mo. He will probably be bored and entertain himself with food and booze and put on a few pounds. But I don't think that he means her any harm.
  4. Evelyn: "Fun Fact! This is just a little song I wrote when I was taking a shower" ? Fixed it for you
  5. A rubber Sean Penn mask maybe?
  6. Annnnndddd Josh'd array of mug shots all over Starcasm. Bank fraud, DUI and the cherry on Top a Domestic Violence charge. The DM chages sound very chilling - he wouldn't even give the police entry to his home when they heard a woman screaming inside. RUN Aika!
  7. I'm watching! I think that more activity is directed to this site for people who want to be snarky and judgmental and talk trash. That's why I am on the 90 Day Fiance 3.45 hours a day. This show is delightful and the only criticism that I have is that I don't like the musical episodes.
  8. What will that spin off be named? Escape from the 90 Days? 90 Days - the Do-Over?
  9. I think that it was part of his romance decor along with the balloons and flowers.
  10. Imagine their shock when the mail orders find they are right except for the Rodeo Drive portion.
  11. None of these couples seem to know each other at all. Annie and David Poor seem to kow what they are in for. But the other folks...it's mystifying why they call it love.
  12. She is lucky that she got married before show aired. I was just figuring how much money I would deduct from the envelope when I realized that I was being fed D list cake and Hawaiian punch in plastic cups. I did watch her "Let it Run" video. She sounds like a fairly bad Tori Amos and the video, wardrobe, lyrics and acting in the video are all amateurish. I don't think that she is destined for a stellar career worth skipping a move with her new husband.
  13. And we all know how that works for these reality "stars". Theresa Guidice and her husband ended up in jail after flashing all of that cash. Mark husband Nikki saw his piano business take a dive. Chrisfriend David Poor has his Fantasy Thailand tour business look like a sex tourism outfit. Paola's modeling company comes off as an escort catalog after that meet and greet where the models dance for the old men. The best thing that you can do is stay off of the TV screen and out of the newspapers.
  14. Its not just the economic inequity. I was creeped out by Her and his girlfriends also.
  15. She is lazy. Lazy, self centered, manipulative, etc. She has very few redeeming qualities. You really can't blame her obesity on having had a baby when you can clearly see that her eating habits are terrible and that she publicly announced that she will not exercise. She is getting larger and larger and perhaps Azan doesn't want his next stint on reality TV to be "My 600 Pound Life."
  16. Evelyn doesn't care about food. So she's leaving that piece up to David. She could barely force herself to eat an egg in an earlier episode. And she doesn't give a hoot about what her guest's experience will be. She's a hick! Luis may not realize that the term is offensive. Brits say fuck and cunt all of the time without a second thought - but call something bloody in the UK and people are covering their ears. Andrei seems to be a very limited person. She will not have a very interesting life with him. His experience as a bouncer may come in handy if there is a zombie apocalypse.
  17. You are right about the modeling. There was a ton of press about Melania Trump modeling on a visa that didn't permit it. What type of modelling would someone like Aika or Pao end up doing anyhow? Some sort of calendar that would hang in the auto repIr garage? Is there an actual market for that kind of a look?
  18. Good point. There is this arrogance in people assuming that the USA is the most perfect and stellar place to live in the Universe. Not that there aren't amazing things about living here - I wouldn't live anywhere else. But its not the be all end all for everyone on the planet. all of these fiancée's aren't conning people for green cards.
  19. I have seen a groom's cake to supplement the wedding cake. They were fun - a football shaped carrot cake, a red velvet armadillo cake, etc. Evelyn is such a bitch. Good luck to David Spain I think that it is fine for Nicole to be giving Azan money. The American fiancées are paid $1k per episode. The foreign folks are paid zilch. I think that ALL of the couples should be sharing the money.
  20. She should be sharing the money she makes from being on the show. That is perfectly fine
  21. I don't see very well so I fatfinger a lot!
  22. David Spain can open a tapas joint and save the Clermont food scene! He must really miss the cuisine of Spain. To think that this was their big engagement - meet the family party and they buy premade pasta salad from Shaw's. David Spain is not going to be living gf a glamorous life
  23. I've been wondering about that since Renée Zelwigger divorced Kenny Chesney
  24. In my experience a woman has a much better chance of having an orgasm with a man who has a little mileage on him. Hopefully she knows enough to say"Fun fact - lick the alphabet NOW" on her best Veruca Salt. Hopefully those dopes don't start out with a well eared copy of fifty shades and someone loses an eye.
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