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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. Excellent footage and explanations of the techniques and ingredients. Such a great groups of Chefs this year but I must admit missing a little drama. Andy Cohen makes me nauseous - will the fan favorite be posted on one of the threads? Go Fatima!
  2. She probably doesn't eat enough in that she doesn't sit down to a well planned meal with plenty of protein and fiber to have her feeling satiated. She ends up hungry all of the time with blood sugar levels all over the place. And the fat/carb/sugar combination is a great buzz. I've never noticed the clan sitting down to a meal of anything but pizza or cake. I have terrible issues with stress eating but I do try to eat healthy, clean foods about 75% of the time.
  3. People can have difficulty reaching their feet, backside, etc. for some very legit reasons. But she had a tool to apply lotion with! She is really at the point where she needs a personal care assistant as it isn't appropriate to be asking her friends to provide these services. I was hoping that the scene with Todd actually retching when he had to touch her body would be the rock bottom that sends her to get help. She is ruining her life and her overeating is going to be the death of her.
  4. Darcy is a lunatic. She belongs on a Housewives franchise.
  5. I am currently watching season 28 featuring the social media stars. This has to be the most clueless group of contestants ever. Poor critical thinking skills , very limited knowledge of geography and foreign cultures and an expectation that they are entitled to receive help and assistance from everyone on the planet is tiresome. The show needs a season that prohibits using Google in any manner.
  6. WTF skank ass, Frederick's of Hollywood clearance aisle mess of a dress is she wearing? I really feel for Henry. He must have felt sick when he saw himself over think his way out of a million dollars. I blame his yammering nagging partner.
  7. She was the only interesting thing about this show now. It's grown stale. Tom can barely stay awake he is so bored being there.
  8. He is claiming domestic violence. I can see that as Molly has very little impulse control.
  9. It will be a nice contrast to all of the homely, pervy, broke white dudes who court barely legal trafficked Asian and Brazilian girls.
  10. The tooth monster is still creeping me out. After a year.
  11. He looks like my sister did before we shipped her off to the Betty for 90 days. The parents on this episode were precious. Very enjoyable. I didn't want to see anyone voted off. I am going to look up Colorado girl if I ever get back there again. If she can win two TC challenges with TOAST she must be quite a chef.
  12. I loved this episode. The look of joy on Whitney's face when she caught that wave was excellent. It was in line with the original premise of the show that she wasn't going to let her size hamper her activities while she worked on getting in shape. I wish that she hadn't abandoned her efforts to get healthier. I didn't realize HOW heavy she is now until I saw her on that surfboard. She is getting into my 600 lb life territory Seeing Buddy look so healthy and pink cheeked was nice also.
  13. I like the wallpaper! That's all I got.
  14. Jorge should have asked you first. He's in some trouble...
  15. My experience with binge eating is that the magic combination is hearty quantities of foods with the sugar/carb/fat/salt combo that gives you a buzz. The combination impacts your brain chemistry. Now if you took a broccoli, added some pasta, melted cheese sauce over the top and then removed the broccoli you'd have a winner. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/26/AR2009042602711.html
  16. I am happy to see Amy enjoying Valentine's Day. I get the feeling that Matt wasn't very romantic.
  17. It is NOT common to take evening swims in Florida if you are a Floridian. Unless you want to be shark bait.
  18. Were you in Morocco for the weddings? What is your opinion on how Nicole will fare living there full time?
  19. I am so happy that Buddy is getting some help. He was looking so I'll and worn out. I am always sad to see Whitney continue to fail at regaining her health and fitness. I keep looking for a success story that doesn't involve surgery and it doesn't sent to exist.
  20. Nicole - honey if you are reading this don't move to Morocco. You won't like it. Azan's family will not spend endless hours babysitting your daughter. Azan will not spend endless hours talking to you. Azan will not spend endless hours making Alladin style love to you. There isn't an endless stream of TLC money. You wjllhave the dress modestly, learn how to cook and find some way to entertain yourself while Azan is at work or even get a job yourself! Stay in Florida near your parents. You can meet another guy. Less exotic maybe but a guy who may even have a bit of an attraction to you.
  21. I saw that on Twitter - something about Marine throwing him out of Brazil or some such nonsense.
  22. When my sister was in rehab they had family meetings and counseling
  23. I am not as overweight as Whitney but I am way past elongating the leg, creating the sense of a waist, diminishing the stomach, etc. to look more like an S.I. model. When you are a size 16 you're a size 16 and you aren't a bikini model. I usually choose a suit that is a color or pattern that I like that won't give me a wedgie.
  24. Addicts are sneaky as fuck. Meg Ryan had no idea that Dennis Quaid had a million dollar coke habit. One of my sisters blew through 90K of my Dad's money before we caught on. People can hide drug abuse like they can hide extramarital affairs.
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