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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. Buddy needs a CPAP machine and a stint at rehab. And someone needs to slap that plate of 6 pounds of mac n cheese out of Whit's hands. Don't their friends care about them at all? The stuff with sharing the bed was creepy. Whitney needs to learn about boundaries - I wouldn't last ten minutes in her presence. She sure has blown he warranty on that bed though.
  2. See if the facility will put in a handicapped swing. That would help you get in and out of the pool. I am so sorry to hear about your falls. My dad and stepdads are fallers and its scary. Take care.
  3. This show is not entertaining any longer. I still watch the early seasons. The Halloween episode is my favorite. But bye girl!
  4. Bellydancing doesn't involve much jumping and hopping around. Um kind of agreeing with Whit on this subject. They should wear whatever gear would be appropriate for aerobics.
  5. I absolutely agree. It was heartbreaking to watch Ruby fail. In retrospect she acted like the addict that she was/is. Lying, cheating, manipulating everyone around her to get her fix. What ever happened to her? Whitney's entourage is so codependent that none of them dare mention her diet, weight, health, etc. They are all along for the ride. Its a shame.
  6. Some kook will want to date him because he is on TeeVee. Charlie Manson used to get love letters.
  7. If I called my Mother a bitch she would build a time machine to get back to the 60's and abort me. That would not happen in her world.
  8. I am on day three of the 7 + 7 Reboot plan from Susan Reardon. Ill keep you posted on my progress. I did make it through yesterday's blizzard sans wine, pot roast and Toll House cookies and am down two pounds.
  9. Eh. Just skip reading it if you don't want to. I am not on FB or Instagram and would be interested in seeing what the Whit army has to say. I follow a lot of folks on Twitter who are across the aisle from me politically and it's fascinating.
  10. Watching her chow down on the ice cream in that roomful of her friends was so sad. They are just sitting there while she eats herself to death. It's one thing for friends to tiptoe around mentioning someone's weight BUT her show is about how fat she is. So I think that it would be acceptable to just NOT participate. Just NOT.
  11. I just started watching this show after reading about it on the Whitney Thore show board. I started watching that show for inspiration and tips on losing weight but it hasn't really gone in that direction. Steve is that same sort of manipulative slob as Whitney but at least he refers to his junk food as a drug.
  12. I wear hats all off the time. Once you have a hat on for an hour you are married to it for the entire day. This family is always taking freaking pictures so relaxing with your hat head in full view wouldn't work.
  13. Pedro and Molly are together and appear happy as clams. Looks like they fake newsed us to get a storyline for the next part of the series. Happy for them particularly her. It does explain why he could barely stop laughing during the owl and candle cult tirade. They have some damn good editors.
  14. Howzabout some people who aren't totally broke. Shame on so many of the Americans who have no business whatsoever luring someone to the states with the promise of a good life. You know that many of the men must secretly think that a woman from a disadvantaged background would take their hand in marriage without seeing their credit report and RUNNOFT. IMHO some trainwrecks give the show some spice.
  15. Evelyn gets lambasted on this site and loads of other boards. She is too immature to be on a reality show. The footage of her unsophisticated, xenophobic, small town white privileged nonsense will live on. I would imagine that the TLC folks didn't air any of her songs because they are copyrighted - you can see the videos on you tube and they are mediocre so perhaps they aren't excellent enough or bad enough to make good TV.
  16. I want to have Melanie's sister Bev. She has no patience to nonsense and no manners stopping her from calling people on their shenanigans
  17. Gators usually don't target grown adults who are on land as snacks. I lived in Florida for many moons and the only land attack that I can recall was a woman in Naples who was pulling weeds in her bushes and the gator chomped her arm. Now a small child or dog would be a different matter and I headed many tales of adults swimming in bodies of fresh water and being eaten. I see gators often - one of my friends has one that suns itself in her backyard along a canal, I see loads of them on the golf course that my Mom lives on. As long as it isn't mating season you just give them a wide berth and go along your way. Now back to the show. I'll bet that Andrei and Libby have the best sex life of all of the 90 days couples.
  18. I adore you. I adore you for trying to be excellent to your kids. I adore you for having built the kind of marriage where you both stood firm on the tough love. But mostly I adore you for having the perm be your tipping point. Because I get it. Because the perm was a factual, tangible event and it knocked you on the head hard enough to turn the lightbulb on and spur you on to action. And you acted. Bravo TLC should hire you to do a bootcamp with Nicole.
  19. I never got that vibe from Paola at all. She was always smirking and seemed like she was doing the minimum required wife wise to continue having Russ fund her ( sad) attempt at starting her modeling cahreeare.
  20. Be cautious with the newly single guy who reached out to you on FB. You may be in a position to slide right into a relationship with him if he's just looking to settle down as he's comfortable in a relationship. However some of the newly single fifty somethings think that they are going to hit the scene with the ladies. My friends from high school and I all get private messged from the same guys when they join Facebook. I don't understand why these guys think that we all don't talk about their hijinks. Have fun in your date. Bring cab fare or your Uber app and use protection when you are off of the road too! Bonne chance!
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