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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. As far as the money is concerned I do believe that Azan should share in the profits from being on the show. He's making a big ass of himself on national television like all of the other folks. Its pretty awful that TLC has determined that the foreign participants should work for free.
  2. Where does one achieve endless money? Asking for a friend
  3. Something borrowed from Nikki?
  4. Pig cheeks are sublime. Try them next time!
  5. Molly has a post on her Facebook page in response to some nasty comments about Kinsley's looks. Molly said that the child has chromosome damage of some sort that has had some effects on Kinsley. I don't think that a semi retired bartender is the perfect caregiver for a special needs child but that's just me!
  6. All of her sisters are bimbo famewhores.
  7. That style is pure vintage Jessica McClintock/Gunny Sax dress. It is beautiful for the time and the sentiment of wearing her Mother's dress. It's not Vera Wang. Its not a say yes to the dress Panina stripper fairy dress. I am not a fan of Evelyn and her wall eyed view of the world but she is on point with the dress. Ashley is pissed at her Dad for his shenanigans and Annie should know that he has a penchant for womanizing and spending the family's money on prostitutes and partying. Luis is a complete asshole for pulling the religion card. Dude. Just leave.
  8. She should start a clothing line. It would be a slam dunk with her fans.
  9. I am willing to bet that Matt stashed away a bit of cash when he was married. There was probably a period of time that he knew that he wanted out of the marriage and into Karyn. Lots if people buy their pumpkins with cash. Just sayin'
  10. I wouldn't discuss my sex life on camera. I wouldn't discuss my income or spending habits. I wouldn't discuss personal health issues. I totally get why he wanted out of that room.. I will throw him some shade about not watching the damn show to see what he was getting into. He could have maybe done some googling about Claremont before he went there also. Come to think of it NONE of these fiancées seem to have a grasp on how to vet any of their new beaux. Doesn't Catfish air in any other countries?
  11. Don't forget that Annie has a stash of Chris and Nikki's money in a Water Buffalo that Chris, Nikki OR David Poor can't get their hands on. The dowry is a very smart practice on the part of the families. That is the ONLY smart move that Annie or David Poor has made. David's drunken antics got him booted out of Chris's home, shown him as a drunk mess easily googled by any future employer AND will forever be associated with the most memorable put down since "Up your nose with a rubber hose!". Annie's drunken smirk at dinner put the kibosh in her enjoying the hospitality and support offered by Nikki. These two have to sober up if they want to start coming in Kentucky. They are their own worst enemies.
  12. Does anyone else think that David was opening the cabinets expecting a bounty of taco fixings, caviar and vodka?
  13. Wow. I didn't take the statement that way at all. I thought that she was telling Evelyn not to be so worried and nervous. Jeez. I hope that it wasn't Somme homophobic fundie crap.
  14. Evelyn's Mom was excellent with the sex talk. Very calm and encouraging.
  15. Azan is a genius. He must have seen Mohammad use Ramadan as an excuse to avoid physical contact with his new wife. Ramadan is defined by the calendar while Azan's "distress" about Nicole cheating could drag on to infinity. I do hope that he doesn't proceed with the marriage as Nicole is an abusive psycho with 109 pounds on him
  16. My first wedding was in 1989. I remember my Mom asking me if I thought that I was Caroline Kennedy with my six bridesmaids and luxe registry. Dumped the psycho husband within a year and have been enjoying the china and crystal ever since. Use it! Even if you don't want to throw formal dinners just start with a teacup and saucer for your morning coffee - you grow to appreciate treating yourself to the luxuries. I knew that my boyfriend was a good match for me the first time that he made me breakfast at his house and the juice was in a Waterford goblet and he used these funky vintage Russell Wright platters and Lenox dishes. His collection came from antiquing with his Mom and haunting estate sales and combing through tghw aisles of Tuesday Morning. Mother Evelyn's dress brought me back to my Jessica McClintock gunny sax dresses that I would wear to the school dances! I really feel for Evelyn for her anxiety about her wedding night. Hopefully she can find a new bride's manual in the church library. David barely touches her and his reticence to discuss anything doesn't bode well for joy in the marital bed.
  17. Nikki is amazing. She was very kind to Annie and David Poor until it got out of hand. Fucking David can't keep his shit straight for TWO days? I'm seeing a bit of sneakiness in Annie also. I died when the loaner car was a Hummer and was sleeved by the recently used unmade bed. The two of them should be thankful for a place to crash and a car even if its a douchemobile. I'll bet that David was expecting the cupboards to be stocked... I'm feeling for Evelyn this week and understand why her family isn't wild about her moving away - they should really rethink blessing this marriage. I FF through Libby. Luis and Azan need to back out if their commitments to these women. Luis will be bored stiff and Azan is going to be found floating in the Lakewood Ranch Rowing lake.
  18. Girls. I can't type without my cheaters anymore. Don't get old!.
  19. Claremont hard an incident where two white teens attempted to hang a nine year old black boy. The authorities didn't act until the story went viral and there was outrage. I wouldn't want to live there either particularly if I wasn't white.
  20. Nicole has assaulted him before. This is not a good situation.
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