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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. I am just watching the season with the Weavers. What horrible people! I imagine that their late husband-Father handled most of the household affairs because those that remain are ignorant, rude, selfish, whiny assholed. Nothing Christian about them.
  2. Kentaro's show took my breath away. But what they did to his designs at Penny's - Oy Vey!
  3. What?? Have you been there? Hawaii is a tropical paradise. Who wouldn't travel there repeatedly given the chance. If you have the travel bug you make it work. My favorite city is Paris and I've managed to get there three times this year.
  4. I wouldn't mind the scripting if any of them could act. All that they need to do is sit Todd, Faye and Julie at a table and give the girls a few drinks. They are very funny people.
  5. He may want to call Jason Hitch and see how pinning your hopes on 90DF being a spring board to entrepreneurial fame works out. He has kids to support. Ass.
  6. I would hope not. His main reasons for wanting to move South are better job opportunities for his skill set and a desire to not endure five months of shitty weather. That's not really a dig against the town. I live in Mass and the weather can really make you bonkers. I can't believe what passes for a celebratory dimmer party up there though - that pasta salad looked so slimy. Blech.
  7. That was probably a good plan to begin with. I am sure that many potential suitors looking for a mail order bride type of situation may watch this show. And having David Poor find a lovely woman like Annie despite his poverty and physical condition would have been a great advert. Its just not really coming off all that well. Like Lucille Ball manning the chocolate assembly line - it's got away from them.
  8. Suzanne Stone. One of the most fascinating female characters. Nicole nailed it.
  9. I know plenty of American women who want bigger diamonds. Ridiculous to shame her for that.
  10. Ohhh. Sorry. Too many David's acting badly.
  11. She would probably be pretty good after some training.
  12. I think that David was actually in Thailand setting up the fantasy travel business that he owns with Chris. Supporting his wife and kids aren't a big priority for him. I know lots of guys like that
  13. Oh no! That's gross. Although I knew a guy from Naples Florida who pulled the same crap. Kept himself underemployed until his son was of age.
  14. And we know how that turned out for Aleksandra!
  15. Where does Family Evelyn's income derive from? http://www.sentinelsource.com/news/local/early-morning-protest-at-planned-parenthood-on-saturday/article_a2965f9e-406a-5ced-923d-c04f837e906d.html All that I can find on the parent s is this prolife protest against Planned Parenthood. Wouldn't you think that the local paper would do a story about thew family? update - her Dad works in a machine shop. Hopefully HD makes enough to feed David for 90 days!
  16. I don't see a photo of her in lingerie. Was it on Instagram?
  17. She is getting some bad screen time. You can see the impact even in the comments here and overall the commenters are very sympathetic towards Olivia and her plight. She shouldn't even be on camera. Molly is an idiot for allowing this.
  18. What are the odds that Money Chris has secured his loans to David with a life insurance policy? I'll just leave that there for a bit.
  19. Dilly, dilly on House Molly having odd décor. I can't figure out how a woman who owns a successful high end lingerie company dries out her precious unmentionables by slopping them over the towel rack in the bathroom. It looks so slovenly and can't be very good for the items.
  20. Um. Did you see this in the comments section? "I’m fairly certain I saw Andrei on an early episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians from approximately ten years ago, fitting the timeline of when he overstayed his prior visa. The episode consists of Khloé going to an acting class, and she has a stage kiss with a guy who has to be Andrei."
  21. Are those the LuLu LaRue pants that I see on FB all of the time? I think that they are plus size gear because my zaftig friends all seem to have purchased a franchise. Olivia should NOT have been allowed to participate in this show. The eye rolling, xenophobic comments about people with accents and making fun of their cuisine is NOT a good look Olivia. Why did your idiotic parents let you be filmed on this show? Molly is a fucking moron! This footage will be available forever. And even if Olivia grows into a poised, respectful and polite woman this will still be here. Can you imagine if she decided to run for office?
  22. Here, here about Elizabeth's family. What a couple of ignorant, rude, redneck assholes. How dare they assume that living in the old USofA is the be all end all for everyone on the planet. How dare they think that a dinner for an initial meeting with anyone never mind their future son/brother-I-law is the appropriate place for their zenophobic conspiracy theories and rude game of twenty questions. Ugly Americans like this make me ashamed..
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