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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. I think that $1,000 per month i s way too much to be charging for the space.
  2. Here in Boston there have been a spate of young men going missing and showing up on bodies of water. In all kinds of weather with no reason why they would be falling into the harbor.
  3. David has a criminal background and was involved in a pretty public scandal.That may have an impact on his success at job hunting. Chris shouldn't be charging him rent for that space though. Ludicrous. https://www.blogarama.com/humor-blogs/119018-starcasm-blog/22230900-day-fiance-david-toborowsky-political-scandal-prior-reality-show-more-background-info
  4. Jeorge isn't going to have a leg to stand on once Anfisa's divorce lawyer gets a hold of this footage. He lies constantly - the only time that he tells the truth is when he admits to lying. He clearly frauded Anfisa. You can kind of understand why Jeorge is a terrible person with no integrity or character when you see how his low rent sister behaves. She is terrible. Best comment that I saw about this show was that Russ and Jeorge both installed low flow shower heads. LOL! Pao can barely fake any affection for Russ. She must get wasted before she has sex with him or something because there is zero chemistry. I tried to find what her acting credits are and I can only find the show! Nicole. I don't even know what to say. How her Mother keeps a straight face during all of this nonsense is amazing - she should be playing championship level poker. Chantal - poor kid. She needs to cut this kid loose or she will have NOTHING. Also why are there no TV's for sale in the DR? lol.
  5. Pao's modeling career. Ugh. That "meet and greet" she attended with the girls being ordered to dance sexily in their bandage dresses and knock off Louboutins while those creepy old men looked on was so depressing to watch. It was clear that the agency she was working with was more geared towards Sugar Daddies shopping for side pieces than any actual modeling. It was right up there with the Mark and Nikki storyline which was beyond depressing. If that had been a Lifetime movie Nikki could have murdered Mark a'la The Burning Bed and you would have clapped at the end. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens next!
  6. Jeremy isn't very graceful or well mannered. He treats everyone that way. He's a dolt
  7. This photo made me think of the shrimp cocktail in Beetlejuice. Nice to see her exercisin g. Is would be great to see someone lose weight without any extreme surgery
  8. That's Tallahassee for you. Not shock at all that it took so long. That place is a backwards, racist, homophobic football addicted swamp.
  9. If Matt thought that a new wedding storyline would perk up the ratings he would be proposing. He and Caryn wrangling over a prenup would be something I would watch. The baby storylines are such a yawn that I am tapping out. Unless you folks mention something that is worth retrieving an episode from On Demand.
  10. And those 12 people are disgusting. Those poor girls.
  11. I adore LaToya. If I had the money I would refashion myself as a cartoon character. Love the headband. Love the tiny Michael nose. Love the hair. that kid from Modern Family is a doll. Maria and Ian have food issues. But Maria doesn't harp on it. If Ian said that um I was gross ONE MORE TIME! It is delicious. And a delicacy. It tastes like a save.
  12. What was going on with that lunatic neighbor? I'm a great judge of character that's why I chose to befriend a couple of murderous grifters. Can someone call the son and tell him to call Saul and mile a civil suit to leave Mike penniless. Please.
  13. I thought that they were really u p ping their game getting Ringo's wife! Bronson is unrecognizable. Love LaToya and Oscar. I never understood the appeal of Maria Bamford and still don't. Modern Family kid should get used to D-List shows because he has zero charisma.
  14. Interesting. They all seemed to be equally lushy, Maybe soeone got sober and had to distance themselves?
  15. There are so many stories about odd disappearances on Cruise Ships. People don't keep their wits about them. The ships are like tiny cities and a large percentage of the population is drunk the entire time that they are on the trip.
  16. The Robot is ALL wrong. Effects are too fancy. Where at the monsters??? There should be monsters!!!
  17. I am a fan of the original show also and am finding this tedious. It would appear from the low number of comments on the future episodes that other viewers agree. I'm going to hang in there for another episode just for Ms. Parker Posey. My favorite episode was when Judy was enveloped by that giant sundew type of a plant. I wanted a bed like that for years. Along with a Jeannie bottle bedroom. LOL
  18. Why does the husband steadfastly deny that Diane ever drank, smoked weed on a regular basis, etc. I can't pinpoint if he is trying to avoid being sued. Or if he knew that she was drunk and just let her drive away with all of those kids in the car. He seemed like a real Peter Pan asshole. You know that he was lying because the sister-in-law confirmed that Diane got stoned every night to help her sleep. I worked with so many highly functioning alcoholic women in the past and they all seem to try to be excellent at everything maybe to offset the guilt of being drunk all of the time. I mean the handle of vodka was right there in the footage of the crash site.
  19. I just watched There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane. Has anyone seen it? Such a strange tale. It's about a suburban Mom who caused one of the worst traffic accidents in New York. She was a very high functioning executive and a perfectionist/control freak at home. Diane managed to drive the wrong way on the Taconic Parkway for two miles before crashing into two other cars. But that's not the story. The investigation that followed and the family's reaction is baffling. It's on Amazon if anyone wants to give it a go.
  20. That book is excellent. I have been listening to the audiobook in the car and I am very happy that I am not curled up in bed reading it. Some of the passages are chilling. Goosebump inducing. I had to keep reminding myself that back when those first crimes were taking place alarm systems were only for the wealthy and not readily available for your average homeowner.
  21. Do tell... Are you friends of theirs? Off Topic - Regarding the article about Mexican Dynasty. If you lived in a place where kidnapping for ransom is a cottage industry would you want to flaunt your wealth and luxurious life on TV? Can't people just be rich and travel and enjoy art and excellent food and not have to SHOW it to everyone? Wealth is wasted on some of the rich.
  22. Maybe a large gal wants to wear a big flower pattern. Or white shoes after Labor Day. It's not all about tricking the eye. I wish that Whit would wear more clothes from Torrid, Ulla Popken, etc. instead of lumping around in leggings and a sports bra. You really can look youthful and pulled together to almost any BMI.
  23. I forgot to mention that the other reason would be religious beliefs. Is Amy that religious? She'd having sex with Chris outside of marriage right?
  24. Caryn has been around the family for years. They already had a relationship. And Matt seems happy as does Amy. And you just do it. She is a part of the family now. You would not BELIEVE the nonsense that I have had to put up with from my Dad's romantic shenanigans after he divorced my Mom. I'd take Caryn in a hot minute. It will be interesting to see how invested in the show that Chris ends up being. Some of the Bravo Real Housewives husbands have drank to Kool-Aid and made asses of themselves. Asses. Having sex on camera, starting fights with the other women, over the top engagements, getting married, etc. I hope that they don't get married. Why on Earth would you need to get married in your 50's? Marriage is for property and children and being that age and having had successful careers it is just unnecessary. HOWEVER - if they do an episode of Four Weddings with Kate Gosselin, Amy, Anfisa and Whitney Thore I am in for 123 viewings!
  25. I really like these two women. And they are trying BUT they need a sit down with a nutritionist and a behavioral counselor. I have a bad stress eating disorder and have been working on meditating to deal with stress instead of stuffing food in my mouth. You don't necessarily understand good eating habits from reading about wacky diets - carbs are bad, fat is bad, Low fat is good, Weight Watchers says this is a FREE food!, etc. But even I knew that if you were on the road you could swing by Wendy's and grab a chili and a salad. I also work on mindful eating, slowing my chewing, putting my fork down between bites, using chopsticks ( I know, I know) and it's helped immensely but I had to go through lots of programs and classes to have it sink in. I am working on this so that I don't have to consider surgery in my future because I know too many people who ate and drank themselves up back up to obesity again. I was thinking that they would see the other person stuffing and stuffing food in and slow it down a bit. But they don't seem to even look at each other and just stare at the television with glazed eyes. Maybe viewing the show them how bad the behavior is.
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