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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. Clayton and pipe bombs? Jeez Louise these people are creepy. it seems a bit much to have kept all of the blood in the walls intact. I don't want to be vulgar but would it smell? Michael is a poseur. They can be dangerous when the veil falls.
  2. I don't want to spoil any part of it. There is a FB group Top Chef Kentucky where people blab everything and smuggled in cameras to take photos, etc.
  3. I thought that she would be angrier i.e. breaking things, pushing the crew around , etc. Anfisa deserves better.
  4. He's a lying sack of shit. He is showing the world on national television that his word means nothing and that he is an idiot. I wonder how proud Lourdes is feeling now?
  5. The book was a best seller. And people are obsessed with dieting. The casting is very good. I'm thinking that it will gain popularity via word of mouth - like Teachers
  6. Normally that would be an asshole move but anything that stops this charade is good for Nicole and good for Mae.
  7. She turning her life into a telenovela. Very stupid game to be playing. Russ has given up way too much for her. If he wasn't her ticket to staying in the show she would have disposed of him already
  8. She clearly wasn't in on it. Notice how the producers don't get in her face - I don't think that they want to get slammed. It was one of her friends who called so maybe it was an organic moment
  9. I am watching the Saturday night preview. Holy Moly all of that shit with Azan and then other women was caught in film! I'll betcha if it hadn't been filmed that Nicole never would have admitted it.
  10. Such a nice photo of a young couple and she has to talk about having mono. Ugh.
  11. No kidding! It shouldn't be expected. I pay for lots of extras and treats for my Mom but she NEVER has had any expectation that she is entitled to it or that I am beholden to do that. Frankly Chantal should have discussed lots and lots of things with Pedro before she married him. What is the cache about loving a foreigner that allows this level of nonsense?
  12. I want an episode where Amy does say "I want to sell so fuck you all!". That would be epic.
  13. David really looks unhealthy. I wonder if his weight gain is from being back to eating processed junk food or if he is drinking a lot off camera. I also wonder what his plan to return to the states was. Did he think that Chris would just take care of everything? So strange. And didn't Annie ever ask?
  14. That bridal shop didn't do themselves any favors by being in that episode. I'll have to drive by it on my next visit to SRQ and see if they are still in business
  15. Their storyline was very dull but her horrible behavior in the wrap up show leaves me not wanting to watch her do anything on any show at any time
  16. It was so much fun! I'm not sure what will end up on the show because it taped for four hours. The chefs are so calm and collected while they work - it always looks like a shitshow once it's edited. It's going to interesting to compare the final cut of the show with what happened in the arena as there was a ton of hysterical shenanigans
  17. Honey. Matt is having an active sexual relationship with Caryn now. Right now. He is more than capable
  18. Nothing wrong with that. He must be watching this show and want to throw up.
  19. She will look like Violet Beauregard from holding her breath in. I am not a fan of hers but I hate to see someone made a fool of by a so called professional. Hopefully Robalee can repurpose the dress into a canopy for her bed afterwards.
  20. The woman at that bridal shop should be ashamed of herself! Even though the bride choses the style the salon owner is the expert on the fit! She just didn't care because Azan is going to be stuck finding clear WD-40 and industrial clamps to hold that dress up and then find a place to hide when the entire country is offended by the cleavage. The store could at least order the correct size. What nonsense
  21. Not sure where this should go. I went to a taping today in Lexington , KY. So much fun. This season is going to be epic.
  22. Pao is as big a liar as Jorge. The things that Pao 's friends and family day about Russ don't seem to synch up with what we've seen in film. I feel very bad for Anfisa. Some of these fiancees end up in bad situations and have no support. Like Mark and Nikki. Awful
  23. Bourdain! What a loss. I am stunned. I saw him speak a few years ago and he was more charming and handsome in person. This and Kate Spade have encouraged me to work on finding a therapist for myself and keep aheads of depression just burying me. In case you know anyone who needs help. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5818407/Ex-TV-chef-contestant-accused-poisoning-neighbors-tree.html#comments
  24. What a dick. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5818407/Ex-TV-chef-contestant-accused-poisoning-neighbors-tree.html#comments
  25. I saw him speak a few years ago. He was so witty - He has some tried and true lines like "I looked into the dead shark eyes of Sandra Lee" and "What kind of crack house are they running>" but he was fast with the comebacks in the Q&A session. He was a major crush of mine too. So sad. I am so sad.
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