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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. That is such a sad statement Steven was breathtaking back in the day.
  2. Yes I am passport ready. I travel out of the country on a regular basis. Where can I look up the offer? On Whit's Instagram ?
  3. I agree with you. She may not have negotiated her boundaries very well.
  4. Gotcha. I can't wait to see how these stories play out. Particularly Darcey. If she and Jesse are creating fake drama the truth will surface just like it did with Pao & Roos
  5. I'm fat so I'd fit right in. And I would welcome the opportunity to get out of dysfunction junction for thanksgiving. I hate the giant cruise ships though. Will mull it over.
  6. Is this a parody account? That you are wondering about the gender status of a child and giving a shout out to Trump? Jeez I am amazed at how many of the Americans have never left the county. And have never left the county AT ALL and are rushing out of the country to get laid oops I mean find true love. Particularly Rachel. I can see some of the folks having some trepidation about sailing down the Amazon but London? I've gone there for the weekend. She speaks the language, the money is very easy to figure out and the people are so polite and obliging. Oh, and they do sell baby products. These tubes are ripe for the picking by these carnies.
  7. You are a bonafide genius. That's it! And so gross if she is playing out some pedo pre-teen role playing. She should watch Anfisa's experience with that.
  8. The US women all bullied and physically assaulted their husbands, demanded sexual favors and housework from them and they concealed criminal records as well. David and Jeorge are dopes but they aren't creating nightmares of sexual abuse and violence.
  9. If those are dentures then she has a HUGE lawsuit against the dentist!
  10. That family doesn't live particularly well. Considering that there is an income from a nurse. an adult daughter (whatever she does), child support for the kids and Social Security for the ill Mother - that's not exactly peanuts. I would imagine that much of their income goes to cigarettes, booze, fast food and lottery tickets.
  11. You don't come off of an international flight looking or smelling fresh unless you fly on one of the Emirates suites with the private showers. You could spruce up at one of the airline club lounges but I don't believe that Darcy or Jesse have the income or travel habits to have membership to any of them. A person is simply not at their best getting off of one of those flights. I would never have agreed to being filmed at that time as again you are simply not at your best. I recently went full on bitch face at a hotel clerk in Paris because my elderly Mother's room wasn't ready and that is not how I behave on a normal basis. As far as his rubbernecking is concerned he probably expected her to give him some local color. Based on Darcey's tasteless overuse of designer logos I would imagine that her boasting about loving NYC and showing him the sights would be visiting Times Square and the M&M shop. Darcey is getting a very sympathetic edit this season - don't be fooled from the first episode. Seriously - HOW do you look at those ridiculous eyebrows and not say anything negative when she asks your opinion? The man from the UK is pretty frightening. That cracker from Georgia is going to make for some great TV. Ugly American at it's horrible best!
  12. The Trump hat. You can't make this shit up. I am her age and she looks really rough. Poor nutrition + booze + smoking + no skin care = a mess. He's probably going to be into her 28%.
  13. So he's a sex addict of some sort? Maybe send in her money for daycare is small potatoes for him.
  14. TLC isn't obligated to control how Nicole spends her money. These people are all adults. Nicole would flip out on them - just look at how she treats her Mother. I thought that the rumor was that they didn't get paid until after all of the footage was filmed.
  15. I finally watched the final episode. I am shocked at the change in Nicole's demeanor. Azan must have been brutal about paying his sister back.
  16. The Bed and Bath Check out inspirational saying artwork was hysterical. Such a clever episode. I have the Mr. Beetle Boo song stuck in my head. Still. Day after day. It's still there.
  17. Please join me in sending positive vibes that Amy Sedaris is a guest judge on one of the episodes. The photo albums were so interesting and unique. Love this show already.
  18. I'm watching an episode with four brides from St. Louis who are related in some fashion. Everything looks so tacky and cheap. The fiance of the boho bride looked like he was being held hostage. The gowns were all basic and poorly tailored. The guests are oohing and ahhing over food and flowers are what you could find at any Publix. Not getting this season at all
  19. Chantal works and can spend her money on herself with no qualms. Her able bodied Mother in law and sister in law should be taking care of themselves. How much money do you think his average looking sister blows on being pageant ready?
  20. Pao is overdoing the accent for effect. She thinks she's Sofia Vergera the 2nd.
  21. The dating scene in Sarasota for forty something women is very tough. Lots of wealthy middle-aged men dating twentysomething yacht girl wannabes and tons of gigolo s.
  22. thumbs up for the Lost in America reference? Going to have to dig through Netflix and watch that again
  23. I wish that your Gram was able to host the tell all. She would cut through a lot of the nonsense. Did she have any other words of wisdom? Y'all have to remember that Russ was a good looking, successful young man when he met Pao. She wasn't out of his league at all. He is less attractive now because she has him in that awful hairdo and his spirit has been crushed by Pao 's vicious cocktail of gaslighting and indifference
  24. She was wearing Kotex as footwear on national television? No way. That is gross. She is classless.
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