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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. I would watch Anfisa three nights a week. I find her very entertaining.
  2. Baby names. Relevance Loubiton? Storyline espicy? Roos spinoff? Pao and Roos are featured on a TLC ad. Who would watch a snorefest about them? But people watch the Duggars so...
  3. I love the celebrity seasons. You didn't love Barbara Eden?
  4. The description being bandied about is that Pao looks like Ronald McDonald and Jessica Rabbit had a baby. She's mean. And she appears to have zero skills other than taking her too off which is fine but has a limited shelf life at thirty. I wonder what she did to support herself in Columbia until she was 26???
  5. The funniest description was Ronald McDonald having a baby with Jessica Rabbit
  6. When he was riding in the cab after arriving at the airport he was eyeing her like a jackal eyes a steak. It was gross. And all of these guys get off of the plane sex ready No attempts at romance or show me your city they are just DTF and treat these women like animatronic sex dolls
  7. It wasn't a mystery. Each of the six prepared and presented their dishes to be judged by the panel. Simple as a dimple!
  8. Leah is doing important work now. Chrissy T would be spot on
  9. Eh. He's raising her and sticking by his wife. That's much more important than the DNA results.
  10. He can't stand living in flyover state America. It has taken it's toll on him too. Marrying for money is a tough job. I really thought that they would make it
  11. I have never heard of that. I've heard of distressed people self soothing with food though.
  12. Oh Dear. Why would anyone post that? And why would anyone want to read it?
  13. Here as well. My DVR records a million of these episodes and I haven't seen this.
  14. I do not think that his arrest for smuggling hundreds of pound weed is staged.
  15. Being a reality star isn't my idea of success. our grapes much? What a whiny baby. They got fired - no doubt in my mind now. And if he is so uppity about being a reality star he can return all of the money. How's that for authentic living?
  16. Of course he works. The entire point of the exercise for the hustlers is to get a green card to get a job. Pedro is one of the few hustlers on this show who chose a person with some income and stability. Mo, Nikki, Annie, Karine all made terrible choices.
  17. All that they would have to do is get another one right? Or maybe you have to present yourself in person to get it?
  18. I always pay attention to the ads on the shows I watch to see what kind of a person the Network thinks that I am. For instance the Springer show used to have ads for renting furniture, payday loans and malpractice attorneys. I would agree with you that based on the ads the target demographic is not straight young men.
  19. I shut it off after two minutes - was there more of the actual show afterwards?
  20. That was quite a pause when the Dr. asked Pao if she had been pregnant before. Her story line is more boring that Loren's was. Get a job kiddo as your fifteen minutes are up.
  21. I think it's something more serious like shoplifting or a restraining order. Azan knows allllll about it too. A normal couple would just call the BPD and pay to have the document sent via FedEx. All of these people are grifters except for Roos. He shouldn't be on this show.
  22. So what do we think Nicole is hiding with her fake document from the BPD? I'll vote for a restraining order on her past. I shut the television off when it went to that live nonsense. Was there more of the program afterwards?
  23. So what is Pao's next step when their boring storyline gets dumped from the show? failed attempt to get on Dancing with the Stars Fake marital breakdown to get on marriage boot camp more photo shoots but She will have to pay the photographers as they aren't getting free airtime trades in Roos for one of those old sugar daddies that she was dancing for at the mistress open house ???
  24. He's trying to protect his sister. And Pedro's freeloading ass should be kicked off of the show for that level of violence.
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