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Everything posted by spankydoll

  1. Clown show is my new favorite insult and.I.love you for it. Give yourself a.raise and take the afternoon.off!
  2. 20 years is kind of a long con dontcha.think? That's how Mark Nikki used to talk about his first wife and we've all seem what a Prince he is.
  3. Please you guys. Marriage break.down when both spouses are Americans. People cheat when both spouses are Americans. People misrepresent themselves when both spouses are Americans. Xenophobia at its worst in this forum.
  4. Please take the Etsy lady away and replace her with Amy Sedaris. I am enjoying Amy and Nick. Then first episode was a little choppy but they are so entertaining now. It's fun. I loved that Halloween door. I grew up near Salem Mass. And Halloween is a major deal here. I have a beautiful life size Day of the Dead Caterina figure and some of those creepy trees around her would be perfect.
  5. Mom needs to call Angela and get a pregcy test from Maury. Angela is a world travelled now and could find the continent of London pretty easily. And boy will she be a hit in Europe with her MAGA gear! I can just picture her stomping around Harrod 's charging discrimination against 'Murcan 's because they don't carry pork rinds.She could visit the Big Clock, complain about chips being ?, look the wrong way crossing the street and ask everyone what is wrong with their teeth.
  6. Why not have a nanny? And an assistant? If they have the income to hire help then they should. I don't even have kids and I have an assistant, cleaning service grocery delivery, etc. Reverse snobism is tiresome. I find this couple annoying because of their phoney Christian BS and overall lack of sophistication and talent not because they have managed to create a revenue stream that allows them to travel and hire some staff
  7. I'm fine with Hazel. I grew up in a wealthy community and there were always girls from poor cities looking to hook up with guys from my town and land them with anchor babies. This is a folie a deux not some unsuspecting ribs being fleeced.
  8. calls her fat? How about says that she is fat. Because she's fat. Figuring fat, obesity, overweight, etc. isn't slur - it's math. Angela should not be putting her hands on his face. I am very concerned about Michael and what his life will be like in BFE Georgia. I lived in N Florida/ S Georgia for a bit and was amazed at the overt racism, ignorance and crime in that region . And I lived in Tallahassee which the bumpkins refer to as a fancy city.
  9. Lol. And Snarkfish you crack me up. Even if there was a Soma within 100 miles of Angie they don't carry sizes that large. She needs a Lady Grace intervention! I felt bad for Hazel She wore her best dress. Tarik hadn't showered in DAYS and kept hanging all over her. WTF ! I always wish for smellivision when I watch the British Baking shows but am thanking my lucky stars that the technology isn't here yet. So many airports have minute suites and airline clubs that you can pay to use for hours and they have showers. At least change into fresh clothes. I travel a lot and still get grossed out by smelling like the plane i.e. all of the passenger's compressed farts Rachel has an excuse because of the baby but the other folks are gross.
  10. Rikki said the he planned the visit and the date and just texted her a demand that Melissa be there. That isn't a date. Tarik and Hazel will be fine like Alla and Matt. Poor Michael. He has no defenses against Angela and her rapey says
  11. That plain white T-shirt! Girl why? Angela had on a better nighty.
  12. I wish that they'd show the short clips of her failing at activists set to the theme song from Benny Hill. Her limited ability is like the ghost of Christmas future for me
  13. Yikes! I wouldn't trust those climbing stones at her weight. I am hugely overweight at 239 and check the limits on everything i.e. Ladders, chairs, hammocks, Wii fit etc. Many things are only rated to 200 or 250.
  14. The boobs from the woman in the black dress that she is rubbing up against look the same. Rickie must be hoping for a 3-way
  15. Pao is as big a liar as Jorge. She can't stand Russ. She practically cringed when he touched her. Her bags and shoes are knockoffs or rentals. She is full of shit that she couldn't afford to fly to Colombia she spent more time nude modeling than she did with her yaya. She has consistently refused to get a real job. She has rejected family Russ and so on and so on
  16. Pao's Instagram likes have dropped 33% since she posted her pregnancy announcement...
  17. It's a bit disrespectful to use the Gloucester fisherman's head as a mini golf but I loved everything else on tonight's episode. I did hold my breath when folks say on some of the chairs. I weigh 200lbs and would have smashed some of the pieces to smithereens
  18. It's Friday night I'm gonna get drunk I'm gonna get laid I'm gonna be late in Monday! her book is a riot also. I have my fingers crossed that she'll be on an episode.
  19. He's a jerk. He was appalled that his dream girl would waste their time by introducing him to her cousin. A cousin who is accompanying her to make sure that she was safe
  20. No sign of Whit in this article about Plus Size no body shame women http://www.oprah.com/entertainment/these-women-are-shaking-up-the-plus-size-fashion-industry_1
  21. My BF said DAMN those are some magical filters. I predict that Michael will find her acceptable and love her 35% but loves Trump 100% so he will close his eyes and lick the alphabet all the was to Georgia
  22. No mention of Whit in the five page spread in Oprah magazine about Plus Size women and no body shame activists. Not a mention. She must be beside herself.
  23. Maybe really short with micropenis. My experience with micro men is that they really love bomb you before the big reveal - or not so big reveal. Lots of romantic gestures And they are a bit angry. Only speaking from my limited experience
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