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Everything posted by ebk57

  1. We discovered this when we went to Italy and couldn't figure out why we had headaches after a day or so when we'd been drinking espresso non-stop. So we made sure to start the day with a Cafe Americano and continue to drink espresso for the rest of the day. Between glasses of wine.
  2. Wait, what? I wouldn't shop there ever because...reasons, but... what??
  3. Got tickets to Maybe Happy Ending. And Eureka Day has been extended, so I got tickets to that today. Yay!! I was worried there wouldn't be anything I was interested in seeing other than Gypsy, but it all worked out.
  4. I love that Allison Janney is wearing red while everyone else is wearing black. And I looooove her glasses! That was fun. Thanks for posting!
  5. I like this show a lot, but it never seemed to quite come together for me. It's not that I didn't laugh many times an episode (except the one with Burchett which was totally ill-advised), so I really don't know how to describe why it didn't jell. That said, I thought the last episode (with Kara Swisher and Jenny Hagel) was fabulous. So they went out on a high note for this season and I'm now looking forward to next season. Guess it worked for me after all 😄 I like your idea of doing something on NYE with Anderson and Andy.
  6. I enjoyed this one more than I thought I would. Loved the 2 taped pieces. And Jane Wickline on Update. And the blind date - I wasn't sure about it, but I laughed a lot at the end.
  7. That was the best cold open in quite a while. I actually laughed several times. Out loud. And the monologue was pretty good.
  8. I'm sorry I'm going to miss Suffs since I won't be there till the end of January. I'm trying to talk my friend into seeing Maybe Happy Ending with us, but if I can't, we may go anyway. We got tickets to see Paul Mescal in Streetcar in March. Looking forward to it!
  9. This also bothers me. Probably the only thing I miss about Twitter was the option to "remove" a follower. I'm not someone who needs or wants a bunch of strangers following me and that was a good option to have to get rid of them without them knowing. I did put in a request to Bluesky to see if they could implement that, but I think they're really busy now trying to keep up with the volume of new accounts. At this point, I'm just blocking the ones that give me a creepy feeling, but I sorta feel bad about that. Although I'm not sure why...I don't know any of them.
  10. I thought last night's show was so charming! Timothee and Sabrina both seemed so happy to be there and totally into the conversation. It's rare that both guests hit on all cylinders.
  11. ebk57

    NFL Thread

  12. I looooooove Jon Batiste!!!!! And miss him so much.
  13. Don't worry - she quit. She's now waiting to be appointed to be senator from FL when Little Marco becomes Sec of State. Another job she's definitely not qualified for. Yippee...
  14. Well damn. He was my sister's favorite on one of her favorite shows. And while I did enjoy the show and am sad at his passing, it makes me miss my sister even more.
  15. Good grief, those people are disgusting. And I use the word "people" loosely.
  16. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    That is an objectively adorable post, but I cannot "like" it because there was nothing likable about the 1979 World Series. So there.
  17. ebk57

    MLB Thread

    Mazel tov
  18. I think it's approximately 20 years. The show starts in the mid-70s and ends in 1957. So it's being filmed "backwards." I love the show and hope I'm still alive when this is released. ETA: I mean being filmed backwards as in the movie is filming the end of the show first since I guess he wants to show the actors actually aging. I'm guessing (hoping) that when it's released it will start with the last-filmed scenes first and the first-filmed scenes last. Like the show. Which I really only love for the music and the ending (beginning of the friendship).
  19. In case anyone else wants to figure it out...
  20. I'm definitely old. I just didn't recognize him. Possibly because I've put him out of my mind... They are bringing the production from London over, so I'm not familiar with either of the actresses - Patsy Ferran is Blanche and Anjana Vasan is Stella. I love the play and this sounds like an interesting take. I just have to get over having to go all the way to Brooklyn from the Upper West Side to see it. 😄
  21. I thought Paul Mescal was delightful (which is good since I did manage to get tickets to see him in Streetcar Named Desire in March - yay!). And I quite enjoyed Shaboozey. The show on the whole didn't do much for me though.
  22. Dundalk, Maryland is making me laugh (I'm a native Baltimoron). The only issue is there's a specific accent native to Dundalk and they didn't even try. And the accent is kinda hilarious, so that's a shame.
  23. According to twitter, David Spade.
  24. I can't believe no one mentioned the most important story they broke this week... And the whole segment because I know everyone is interested. And so I'll remember to come back here so I can actually watch it. https://www.yahoo.com/news/oh-mary-set-actor-reins-150122725.html
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