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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I chuckled when Kim expected Andy to DO HIS JOB and moderate the conversation during the reunion. Poor, naive Kim. Obviously she's never seen any of the 10 million reunions.
  2. Vin is also my favorite. I also kinda liked the dude from the first season who played the didgeridoo all the time, but only because he was absolutely ridiculous and made me laugh. Nick definitely hates women and loves himself way too much.
  3. Yes! So glad to have Vin back. Loved how concerned he was about hurting his client and then how much he enjoyed it. Butterface with a earth of gold indeed! As usualy, Brace is always full of shit, with his "everyone always complains that I go too deep." Sure Brace. Whatever you say Dude. I was really grossed out about boxing ring sex. All I could think about was all the gallons of other people's sweat soaked into everything. Ugh! I did enjoy seeing the chicken punch and slap Nick though. So glad this show is back!!
  4. It's certainly whatever D Peter is laying on (in?) her.Chuckling at #mariahcareysyndrome! I'll wait for when Porsha starts only addressing people and camera with the right side of her face/body. Also, Matt is a butterface.
  5. Wow. That was really long and very confusing. Also, who pays rent due the 1st of the month on the 22nd of that same month?? Seems like a gateway to eviction.
  6. Brielle is now a miniature Kim with the same bleached blonde hair, extensions, lashes, makeup, and clothes. The kid she's dating also comes from an extremely wealthy family. Kim has taught her well.
  7. 1. I love that I know exactly what comments are yours before seeing the profile name! 2. I usually just ignore Nene when she starts pontificating on shit, but my ears surely perked all the way up when Porsha responded, "but didn't you choke someone?" Exactly bitch!
  8. Todd ain't playing no games! His clip made me laugh heartily. You can't talk mess about other people's husbands when yours is in the slammer! And CooksDelight, I'm pretty sure that Kandi is over maintaining that friendship with Phaedra. She was the only one trying out of the two of them, but Phae has said some pretty nasty things in her talking heads that I don't think Kandi will let go of so easily.
  9. As usual, you guys are all cracking me up today! Yaaaaaaaasssssss, girl! It's always better when the new person is also sexier! I laughed so hard when Cisco was trying to be so smooth and acted like he actually had a chance in this lifetime with Cardi. Unlike the other fools he's been messing with, Cardi has sense. Loved when she asked them who they were getting pregnant at the wedding. Lol! This! At no time did Peter actually say that he would stop screwing around on his wife. Not once. Not to his creep-y squad friends, not to dumb-ass Amina, not to the audience. His sole purpose is to stop producing more kids. Amina, better wise up, or the next thing Peter will be coming home with is an STI, since he can't keep that thang in his pants.
  10. This was my interpretation as well. She needed a way to secure her position with Rogers, especially with her, "I don't want to be that way anymore" spiel. Rogers' has been listening to her, but he he doesn't trust her, and that's what she needs. A way in to gain that trust. As many have said, such a phenomenal episode. Even though I knew it was coming, I whelped when Dufrense got the shit stamped out of him. He had some nerve calling someone else barely half a man when he's been a chicken shit for most of the series. And Silver has now become a scary ass muthafucker! And it's awesome!
  11. KungFuBunny took the words out of my mouth. I was sitting on my couch watching Yandy and Mendeeces act like he was unfairly and unjustly prosecuted and trying to figure out a way to physically put my foot up their ass through the TV. Is Yandy for real with her, "I can't believe he tried to give you 10 years?! Why would the prosecutor do that?" Really bitch? You man was slinging fucking heroin across state lines! He's lucky all he got was 8 years and also, that he didn't have to wait in jail until his sentence was decided. They can totally miss me with that and all their fake ass family group hugs. Yes! Amina needs to be deported for her own well being. I wonder if her sister used up most of the oxygen and nutrients when they were in the womb, because she at least seems to have more sense than Amina.
  12. I had this feeling from the opening scenes of the premier episode. It was just too much because it was so real. I texted my friend that I wasn't sure if I could actually watch the show. I continue to watch, but only because I make sure I'm doing something else while it's on so that I don't get too engrossed. During this entire episode, I just kept trying to understand why they would put Darden on the team if they weren't actually going consider his opinions. They added him because he was black, but didn't want his black experience to color how he did his job. A major misstep, especially considering the prosecution recognized early on that the defense planned to play the race angle.
  13. Just realized tonight that Johnny's associate, Douglass, is from the Mikey Mouse Club.
  14. Mike (now the Miz) had a pretty large role in this week's Supernatural.
  15. Moe having a restraining order is also very silly considering on multiple occasions, including the during the last show, she's been the one to approach to Bianca. So what's the point if she's going to violate the order she, herself, requested. Idiot. And I'm not sure who's the bigger idiot, Moe or her stupid partner who she convinced to rejoin their bum-ass duo. Where were these supposed Def Jam reps who had interest in BBOD? If they were indeed there, shouldn't that have been their priority instead of looking to start some stupid ass fight in the green room. Moe knows the only reason she wanted BBOD together again is so that the other chick can be her back up when she's causing shit.
  16. I didn't mind Jerry getting all crazy and silly on the show. He's always been one of the more involved guests. But Andy was out of control. He reminded my of my dog who acts like a maniac when he gets attention and tries to jump up on everyone. But was Jerry wearing the underwear backwards, or is the mazel supposed to be on the front instead of across the butt? Either way, wow his body looks amazing!
  17. Shalamar! Lol! Of course I started to singing to myself, "Get ready.....Tonight! Gonna make this a night to remembaaaaah!" Love Shalamar. I couldn't understand why Diane was disciplined for that. Her behavior was completely out of line, yet she seemed to be rewarded by getting what she wanted. I full agree that Diana should have been the one forced to move out of the room since she requested the separation, coupled with her behavior.
  18. I wish the writers would make up their damn minds. If Gaby and Josh are going to be together, just have them together without any of these stupid obstacles. And if they're not, let them be friends, because males and females can just be friends. I'm over all this angst stuff. Loved the scenes with Sophia, Yolanda, and Elliot, especially at the end when they showed more phot age from the hidden cameras. Also thought Josh's mom was hilariously messy.
  19. She's not that cute, but her body is sick!
  20. Jamie definitely ate most of Cara Maria's food. She had just tossed the last piece of whatever was on her second plate in her mouth when Jamie said, "where done, let's go." She was actually shocked because she thought she had more to do, but looked down and saw that it was all finished already. Jamie really was the MVP of that, because if it wasn't for him completing that challenge, they would have lost most of the lead they earned through the kayaking on the puzzle, and Cory (ugh) and Mitch might have actually beat them.
  21. She kept trying to use the argument with Chris as justification for them implying he was gay. I will say this is the one time Andy tried to call her out on it, but of course she kept over talking him and shutting him down.
  22. Well I hope all that means that they are done with Calista's stupid ass storyline and that it will all be resolved off screen. Stupid show (that I can't stop watching).
  23. This is so confusing because both Stefan and Damon should already be marked because not only were they stabbed, but they also escaped from the stone. Wouldn't one of Rayna's priorities be to return escapees?? Stupid show. And I will readily admit that I don't give this show my full attention when it's on, but I could have sworn that in one of the future clips we learned that Caroline's fiancé was Tyler. Or am I making that up?
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