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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Oh my goodness, the look on that little girl's face as Lorna and her hubby reached the climax of their "phone sex" almost killed me dead! Lol!
  2. Damn Cory again with his cuteness again chanting the Cool Runnings bobsled line before taking off on the cart. I was kinda surprised that Camila stayed instead of going home to be with her family. But then again, kinda not. I loved that her whole spiel to Christina about people being saying anything to stay out of the jungle was exactly what she was doing.
  3. It was offscreen and said in a throw away line, with no info given on when they started communicating again or if they had any resolution to their issues.
  4. In certain moments, she looks and sounds a lot like Elizabeth Olsen to me.
  5. This is the second time today I've read something referencing Dylan knocking up someone in Paris. When did we learn about this? I've seen all the episodes 10 million times (thanks Soap Network!) and don't recall this at all.
  6. So Stevie has been on 11 different teams in 10 years?!? He shouldn't tell people that. It's not a good statistic. Also, he's not that good looking, and he doesn't look too bright. Hope his business dealings are legit. I am shocked that Rose, the chick from Ft. Lauderdale, is only 25. I thought she was in her 40s! And that Medgie girl is a straight up bitch and bully. "I only pick on you because you make it easy for me to pick on you." Only 8th grade bullies say that shit.
  7. Even with Donna looking absolutely pathetic with the tray of pizza roles, Tori looks gorgeous in that scene. She's always looked amazing in red. I do think that Tori looked the best she ever did during the first couple college years seasons.
  8. That's the problem right there. He's not going to be allowed to lead, and he's now realizing this. He's being kept around as a fucktoy for Lily, and to provide room and board for a bunch of murderous women who are disrespecting the hell out of him in his own house. That shit got old real quick. Dorian's problem is that Lily's plan only targets a select few, whereas he wants domination over all mankind. Also, he has all these ungrateful assholes living off him, including one who regularly threatens to kill him. Pains in the ass, all of them. Although, as someone said up thread, Dorian was quite scary in his retort to the Kitten (is that her name?). I want to see him be more menacing. I was also really hoping that Dorian would be the reincarnation of one of the evil brothers seeking out Vanessa, but I guess they've blown past that. Also, what a joke with those three men threatening to make Lily a "proper woman". Fucking men. That was the wrong shit to say to her, and as much as I can't stand Lily and all her pontifications, I wouldn't mind seeing her get her revenge on these fuckers. Very happy to see John Clare reunite with his family, after truly great advice from Vanessa (take your own advice lady!). I also didn't see Vanessa giving in so easily, but Dracula said exactly what she wanted/needed to hear.
  9. I just realized this episode that Tony and Tom are 2 separate people.
  10. Johnny's full of shit. Viacom's own 2 idiotic statements (1. that it happened in another country so California courts had no jurisdiction and 2. Tonya brought it on herself by her drunken behavior) help to validate Tonya's claims, and if they had footage proving otherwise, they would have let her take it to court.
  11. Lol! He was too junior as in firsts of everything.....And should I ever receive a gift dick, I can think of lots of other things to do with it. Damn, I was right there with you trying to figure out the correct combination of words that created this portmanteau. More power to Matt being smart, cause I find him to be quite the butterface. I can work with an intelligent butterface though.
  12. Right before the sister showed up, when Harry and Jess were trying to have sexy times, she did wince, and he had some throwaway line about, "is that from your self-defense thing?" So it was acknowledged....briefly. Wow! I just had a flash back to middle school.
  13. Kenya will never stop being a drama queen. She posted that photo knowing exactly what it would insinuate, whether true or not. And when she inevitably gets confronted about it, she'll reply, "I never said that," which would technically be true. She just can't help herself; part of her destructive personality. Hence why they keep her around RHoA.
  14. Okay, so I knew the mom is on the show, but I didn't realize she stayed in the same sleeping quarters as the contestants. That's just weird. I've never heard someone say, "You ain't about that life" in regards to church. Lol! The big secret is "I used to be fat"??? Boring! When I saw the trailer, I definitely thought it would be "I used to be a man". Also, these girls are not very cute. They all need a stylist and makeup lessons.
  15. So Harry hasn't told his mom he's marrying Joss; guess she's not coming to the wedding. And Joss left Savi a voice mail? Really? Marrying your sister's ex-husband is the sort of thing you need to say directly to her, not through a message. Although it was nice to hear that Savi showed up for a couple days of the trial. What would have been great is if Savi was the person who rang the doorbell at the engagement party. Karen continues to be dumb. If she had any brains, she would have started her own Mommy and Me club to steal all the clients from that jealous wench who kicked her out. And did it really take her the entire episode to be okay with being a sexpert? Many sexperts are also doctors and academics Karen. And what did you really expect when you published a book about your sexcapades? Either embrace it or pull the book from the shelves. No April. You are not on fleek. And pay more attention to your pain in the ass daughter who you never discipline appropriately. I'd be happy for Harry's sister to stay if she continued to drop truth bombs on the ladies about what idiots they're being every episode.
  16. I don't think Ethan is loyal to him, though. All season, both Ethan and Kaetenay have said that as soon as Ethan sees Kaetenay, Ethan will most likely kill him. I think Ethan has mourned his family and sought to escape what happened because he felt guilty, but also to avoid the inevitable confrontation with his father. He didn't have a strong reaction because he already knew, and he also knew that his father would make him pay for it one way or another, either by murdering him or talking him to death. It seems to me that he recognizes all to well that his quest to atone for what happened to the Native Americans, which included taking them back to his family's home, resulted in the same type of devastation that sent him on this path to begin with. Not to mention he's also still dealing with the havoc he causes when he's in wolf form, which, if the NA are also responsible for that as well, adds one more reason for him to resent throwing in with Kaetenay and his crew.
  17. So looking forward to this! It's being discussed in the Lifetime Original Movies thread in the "Specials, TV Movies & Other One Offs" section (http://forums.previously.tv/forum/937-specials-tv-movies-other-one-offs/). I love how this show continues to be extremely dark and hilarious at the same time.
  18. Im-ho-tep! I couldn't stop saying it that way to the TV after he was mentioned. I love how Malcolm had no time for any of their shit! He doesn't want to listen to you guilt your son. He doesn't care to eat your food after you threatened all their lives and killed a guest at the table. And he surely don't want to hear you mouth off about what a pussy your son is and how you will follow and haunt him after said son just spared your life. Don't ever stop being a bad ass motherfucker, Malcolm. You are awesome! Glad Hecate is gone, although I quite enjoyed her, "oh ok, so we are gonna say grace now," look when Ethan started praying. Mini Brohna really needs to go now too. I'm indifferent on Dorian, but she can't be all up in his house eating his food, drinking his wine, wearing clothes he probably bought, and dancing to his music all while threatening to kill him. That being said, why was Dorian wearing a robe in the ballroom? Victor's plan was really dumb. Absolutely loved Vanessa's hair. Not sure if it was cut or just tucked under, but it looked great on her.
  19. This is how I've heard it used and used it as well. And Ashley has brought lots of ratchet behavior to this season from the first episode. I really wish that the winners would have to pick who goes to elimination right after the challenge. There was a time when the deliberations were interesting, usually when they are in teams. But when it's just the winning pair, I don't care for them inviting people to their "king" dinner to intimidate them and make deals that don't matter. I would more enjoy the drama of them having to choose on the spot, like when Sarah "stabbed" John in the back.
  20. Lol! That speech was a mess. She is not a good reader, at all. And how did she get up on that stage knowing that she would introduce the CEO without bothering to learn how to say his name correctly?!? It really showcases her inexperience. What was that outfit Towanda wore to the gun range/laser tag place??? It was really nice to see Toni comforting Tamar about the job and about not feeling embarrassed and concerned about how everyone else will perceive it. Great sister moment.
  21. According to her, his body doesn't look disgusting when he's laying down. <insert eyeroll> Exactly. Even when she was acting like a jealous maniac, Jamie was still nice and decent to her. Also, she just ain't cute, at all. And during the winners' dinner she was chewing and smacking her food with her mouth wide open. Disgusting.
  22. And here they go again with this will they or won't they be together bullshit! I also enjoyed this episode up until the very end, when they made it clear that they want to continue creating these complications for Gaby and Josh. But I otherwise really love this show and will of course continue to watch while ignoring the relationship nonsense. Also, I completely didn't realize that there was another Ritter son who acted out there, and spent the entire episode wondering when Jason Ritter got so skinny.
  23. That really sucks. I can't stand Kenya about 50% of the time, but I'm sad to hear this because it seemed like they genuinely liked each other and that she was actually happy. I was also really proud of her for giving up on her ridiculous list and just going for it. However, I'm in my mid-30s and dated a 26-27 year old for all of 3 months, and the age difference was too much for me, so I can only imagine with Kenya in her 40s. And I agree with the previous 2 posters; I also didn't get the sense from Matt's post that Kenya or her antics were at fault.
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