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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. That clip of Simone tossing drink after drink after drink in Tom's face was priceless! How did I miss that during the last challenge they were on, or was that from AYTO? And Simone's lost a bit of weight, no? She also brought back the fake ass contacts. I was surprised her entire face didn't melt off when she fell in the water. I'll never forget last season when she had no make up on and I had no idea who the new stranger in the house was. Lol! For reals. He has done this and worse to people who were actually his friends. But he expects everyone else to just swallow it as a part of the game. I wish Sarah was bad ass enough to throw every single mission this season solely for the purpose of ensuring that John gets nowhere near the final.
  2. I just watched the pilot, not knowing anything about the show other than it was based on some Turkish show. As soon as the boys all jumped in the car, I said, "so this is Sleepers" My sentiment exactly. Sleepers is one of my favorite movies, and even so, I can only watch it once every year or so because it rips me to shreds every time I see it. I don't know that I could take that kind of turmoil on a weekly basis. And yes, Larenz Tate bathes in the blood of newborns and virgins to stay looking that great. I've heard/read that over the past decade or so, he's refused to confirm his age, so he might actually be a vampire.
  3. Of course it's the Bananas Backpack clip! Nothing can top that
  4. Until we see Juanita, with all her appendages attached in their normal arrangements, I'm gonna assume that she was sprinkled into the cake batter, cause Grandma Leah is fucking crazy! I was laughing so hard during that scene, but mostly because I was so terrified of what she was planning to do next. I was hoping they'd show us a montage of Lucious eating slice after slice of cake, though. So much for his green cleanse! I'm truly hoping that this storyline is leading to the return of devious, bib wearing Rhonda. I'm not a fan of this new version. I clearly wasn't paying attention last week during Jamal and Michael's scene, because Michael has always been pretty darn boring. So I just assumed they were back together. Where'd he disappear to again? Thank you for sharing that. That's a great song choice considering the context of both those scenes. Andre was planning on taking Grandma Leah back with him and Rhonda to the hotel, if I'm remembering correctly. That's what they were discussing in the car before Thirsty tried returning her to the home.
  5. Ah boooo! It sounds interesting, but I thought it would be an update to the original, which was so good and creepy.
  6. Of course Nick wants to insure his penis for a million dollars! I was surprised that he only goes on 8-10 "dates" a month. That seems low for a gigolo. Also, why was his porn start date wearing underwear during their sex scene?? I love Vin, but he's getting a bit chunky. I need my butterface's to keep their bodies tight, otherwise, what else is there to look at?
  7. The best part of this scene is when Cookie picks up a napkin and places it over the chair cushion where Harper was seated before sitting down on it herself. Lol!
  8. I love Sephora's cream lip stains. You usually don't need a liner, but with a color like the red, a liner would definitely help to give it a cleaner look. If you don't have a liner, you can use the stain itself to line with it first, then filling the rest of your lips.
  9. It seems like you would waste half of it on your fingers.
  10. Ash was also super uncomfortable/embarrassed when he posed for the painters, which was surprising given his line of work.
  11. The "new generation of the challenge"? Self-important much/ Most of the new generation have been absolutely boring and painful to watch. Not looking forward to seeing new people trying to do the most to make their mark. However, I am looking forward to whoever TJ is kicking off the show with such glee (or as much glee as TJ can muster in his monotone way).
  12. Finally got internet hooked up in my house, after 2 loooooong weeks, so I finally caught up. The wrestling match had me laughing so hard, from the point the old lady asked Brace, "The master of what?...Douchebags?" Lol. That and the wrestler flipping right onto Nick's face and almost taking his ass out. And of course, Vin being a great guy and talking his client into thinking over whether she really wanted to cheat on her husband. Could you imagine if she had hired Nick or Brace?? But terrified only of Brace! He seemed to love everyone else. That monkey hated Brace. Lol! What was that outfit Nick was wearing when he visited the burlesque chicl? He looked like a biker Robin Hood. The chick who had the date with Vin, and left the front door open, was acting like she'd never been with a relatively good looking guy before ever in her life. And Ash when he was posing for those pictures....hawt!
  13. With the slippery, silicone primers, you only need to use a really tiny amount, like less than a pea size, for your entire face. That way, you create a super thin layer. Otherwise, you just get covered in goop!
  14. I was so happy to see the couchies watching Gigolos, which is one of my absolute favorite shows on TV. It is so utterly ridiculous and unintentionally hilarious that I am always completely entertained and usually can't breathe at the end of the episode from laughing so hard. However, I would NEVER watch Gigolos in the same room as my parents, and I'm in my mid 30s! How mortifying! Also loved that someone made the same comment I did as I watched the episode about how gross it was for them to be in the ring with other people's sweat and grime....blech!! (Also, I requested a Gigolo's thread at the start of this new season, in case anyone else wants to join the other 3 of us who watch it! Lol!)
  15. When did Bow get a sister? Did we know she had a sister too??
  16. So Apollo's 15 jobs, from master barber to asset recovery guru, weren't good enough for you? :-D
  17. What was the absolute worst was new guy thinking he would be able to join in on the "fun". Uhm, did yall discuss that ahead of time? Cause you were invited to watch and nothing else, unless the lady chooses to invite you over. Twerp. And I bet Brace was just like his doofus nephew. He's still pretty clueless in his old age. I find it hilarious that he's the cool uncle.
  18. Just saw that Daisy lost her battle with cancer. RIP. http://www.theroot.com/blogs/the_grapevine/2016/04/blood_sweat_and_heels_star_daisy_lewellyn_loses_battle_to_cancer.html
  19. Glad to see Tiana back, but I was 50-50 on her new song. I liked the music and the lyrics, but I didn't like the way the lyrics were being sung. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, it was either the cadence or the melody or a combination of the two. I don't know. Jamal's songs were interesting. Loved when the reporter asked what exactly he was trying to say about Lucious and Jamal'so answer was basically, weren't you listening to the dam song? I just said that's not his name! Lol! Hakeem continues to be ridiculous. I do hope that the concert is still a go, even with Camilla out of the picture, cause I'll be glad when Mexican Tapioca is off my screen for a couple weeks.
  20. How did not one of the ladies do the Marie Antoinette look from the VMA'S Vogue performance or the the wedding dress from the OG VMA performance or even the black and white polka dot outfit from the Dress You Up video/blonde ambition tour, or countless of other looks that Madonna has, cause she has a shit ton! That was just straight up embarrassing and lazy.
  21. My favorite part of watching any of these shows is coming here to see what y'all have to say. Sometimes it's the ONLY reason I watch some of these stupid as shows!!! So thank you as well! And all you other hilarious, thought provoking fools!!
  22. Yes! I also watched the fight frame by frame when it aired, and that's exactly what I saw as well. Cynthia was waving and gesturing with her hands, but within her own space, whereas Porsha reached into Cynthia's personal space in a truly aggressive manner. Porsha escalated the situation.
  23. All of this! Also, while she was talking shit about Todd, she was also saying that she had already paid him in full. She implied that several times to multiple people before her and Todd met up. Then, all of a sudden, she changed her tune to I didn't finish paying because you didn't finish your job. Then it became I didn't finish paying because you came after me when you knew my husband was in jail. Once again, the story changes, but always painting her in the better light. And now, she can say, why are we still talking about this when the contract has been fulfilled.....except, if I'm remembering correctly (and I could totally be wrong because I was paying more attention to applying my nail polish strips), she was the one that continued to drag that particular conversation out. I think what's probably happening is that Kandi and Todd have seen Phaedra do shady shit to other people and thought that because they were friends, she wouldn't do it to them. Now they aren't so friendly. (I've had that same thing happen to me with a close friend when we had an argument, then they started lying about me and treating me like shit. That friendship was over after that.) Kandi even said to her "you work on your get back now " (and something about being a scorpio) in regards to why they thought she called the feds on them, which I took to mean that Phaedra is always concocting ways to get people back who have "wronged" her. And I believe it. Phaedra has been a fake liar since she popped up on our screens in her first season all of 5 months pregnant preparing for a "premature" birth. She was full of shit then and she's full of shit now.
  24. I only just realized that this was the finale after spending the entire morning trying to track down last night's episode! I was so excited for this week's episode after the greatness that was last weeks, only to get crushed because we have to wait a year for the next one. Love that the pirates are bad ass in and out of water, and that we got to see more of Anne living up to her legacy. Y'all have covered everything else.
  25. I love the Bite lipcolors. I have a couple of the matte ones (they look like lip pencils) and 2 from the frozen berry collection. And they all go on easy and look amazing.
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