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Cobb Salad

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Everything posted by Cobb Salad

  1. I was wondering the same thing. I don't know about when the episode was originally shown, but the "oh no, there's two of them, who is the right one" thing is so cliche. At least they had some fun with it in ST VI:The Undiscovered Country.
  2. Yes, Donna's grandfather in "The End Of Time". Then Rory's father (although we just saw pictures) at the end of "Dinosaurs on a Spaceship".
  3. He was also in Third From the Sun, another good episode.
  4. Damn that Sports Almanac! :-)
  5. The Cubs won the World Series! Although the team they won against in Back to the Future II was different, they were off by only a year.
  6. At least we got to see the castaways get off the island...even if it was a bad TV movie.
  7. Star Trek was reaching its core demographic according to the market gurus at NBC but overall Nielsen wise it didn't do very well, and that mattered more to the NBC execs. I wonder what Star Trek would be today if NBC had cared more about it to give it a better time slot for the 3rd season, Roddenberry had not left for Freiberger to take over and NBC renewed it for a few more seasons. Would we have had the movies and the spinoffs? Who knows. Speaking of William Paley, I think he was the one who got Gunsmoke "uncancelled" thus resulting in the decision to cancel Gilligan's Island. I wonder if there were enough fans of the show to have broken the Internet back then.
  8. With all the puns I wonder how the woman in this commercial was able to not bust out laughing. A disgusting topic but because I'm 12, I think it's funny.
  9. It was a line in The Right Stuff along the lines of "our German scientists are better than theirs" when Eisenhower and the pre NASA big wigs are trying to figure out what kind of person to recruit for their space program.
  10. The writers would have to plan out the story arc well to be able to do this. Stargate SG-1 did this well in my opinion. Perhaps mentions of other teams would work. We wouldn't have to necessarily see them on a regular basis. An interesting story could be about another team being sent out that ends up doing something that affects our team but they don't know it right away or something like that.
  11. I can buy an expertise of a particular time period like Lucy's with the Lincoln assasination, she had written a book about it and knew Booth's movements that day. But to call on the same historian at a moments notice over and over to go anywhere in time and expect the same kind of expert knowledge from the same person is ridiculous. It would be more believable if there was a team of historians each with a different area of expertise to call on or an AI/Robot type who knows the subject at hand. Maybe Watson is available, lol.
  12. I wonder if in the revised present Lucy wrote her book on Lincoln and if so what does it say about the day of the assasination since Booth didn't assasinate Lincoln anymore. I'm not getting why Lucy isn't "remembering" the details of her new present but I guess that adds to the mystery of what is happening when she time travels. So far this show has a different take on the travel to historical time periods than what I've seen before but I wonder how much mileage it has. I'd wonder if it would get more personal over time.
  13. Watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture and you'll see the actor who played Spock's a dad as a Klingon in the Klingon ship that's obliterated by V'ger early in the movie. I've been wondering about the eye shadow myself. Spock can be explained by being from another planet, but Sulu? It's pretty noticeable in City on The Edge of Forever.
  14. Yeah, they built it pretty fast. I think they had to for some mission or competition, I don't remember what the exact motivation was. About the Prime Directive, it helps add to the story. There were times where it was discarded for good reason, like trying to help a society that wasn't growing or thriving (I think the episode was The Return of the Archons)
  15. I watched Voyager during its original run as well and generally liked the show despite some of the weaknesses others have noted. Getting a little ahead here, I picked up seasons 4-7 earlier this year from Amazon and enjoyed the episodes more than the first time around. One question, again about the ability to rebuild something after it was utterly destroyed in the prior episode - with the Delta Flyer that was supposed to be a state of the art shuttlecraft, where did they get the materials to keep rebuilding it all the time???
  16. Watching "The Changeling" yesterday I was wondering what Kirk thought was inside Nomad until Nomad corrected him - a really tiny being? Lol. I'm enjoying "Mirror, Mirror - my favorite line is said by Mr Spock: Your agonizer, please!
  17. I'd like BBC America to show the episodes as they aired in 1966-67 too. I watched the endless reruns in the 70s into the 80s so the original is what I'm used to. While the new effects look okay to me they look out of place when one considers when the series was made. The original effects pale in comparison to today's, but does anyone watch Star Trek just for the effects or for a good story?
  18. If I remember I'll tune into Wednesday's reunion show. I'd like to see how everyone is doing too. Not sure how long I'll watch as I don't find those types of episodes very interesting to watch for an hour. I wonder how closely the people with tick fever were being monitored before eating the fruit if what you say is true SRTouch.
  19. Every time they showed the lions roaming around at night I couldn't help but think about the Geico ad with the antelopes and their night vision goggles teasing Carl the lion. This season was painful to watch. I guess what kept me tuning in was the lack of the clickish mean girl behavior from last season. You're always going to have some conflict within a group this size, it depends to what degree. I wish they had some more capable people though. I'm not sure if I'd tune in for another round next year if they did it again.
  20. Todd is Sawyer (at least with hoarding the food and ridiculous trades for stuff)
  21. I finally got around to watching - I binged the episodes and I'm glad I did because the episodes have been mixed for me. Loved the Nikki/Paulo reference. I don't like how Steve is keeping anyone who wants to build a raft to leave the island but then given his backstory he doesn't have much motivation to leave. Something that I've been wondering is how can with such a large group of people only Owen goes exploring away from the beach?
  22. Plus, the original Star Trek series is being shown uncut! The airings at dinner time during the week is like a blast from the past when it was first in syndication. Yes, I'm old. I was planning to finally make an effort to watch DS9 but they're showing it at 11pm. ... Maybe it'll be shown earlier sometime in the future.
  23. Mission Impossible shows up on Decades every so often. If I remember correctly a bunch of years ago it was on FX ... it's one of those shows that isn't shown much anymore, unfortunately. I watched many of the later episodes during the original run but was too young to realize what a good show it is. I was hooked last year during the Decades binge marathon, nothing but Mission Impossible for me for about 5 days straight.
  24. I don't remember if the same thing happened last year or not, but boy has the coverage of the awards in Paris declined compared to years past. It would have been nice to see Froome awarded the yellow jersey live as well as some of the other post race activities but you know commercials and pre NASCAR coverage are more important, right? Maybe they'll show more during tonight's coverage?
  25. They did say they were rolling H2's programming into the History Channel ... I didn't think it would actually happen, lol.
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