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Everything posted by cpcathy

  1. Season four is my favorite season after seasons one. It’s really brilliant.
  2. There are some great episodes in season five, but they knew she was leaving and made the character annoying on purpose so we wouldn’t miss her.
  3. Yes, he was good until drinking ruined his career.
  4. Her Comedy Central show was pretty funny, and I’d like to watch a show about someone genuinely learning how to cook, so I watched a few minutes. So annoying. Amy wouldn’t shut up, so I tuned out. My husband simply said she’s trying to get her husband a job. Ouch.
  5. I love this show so much and this was a great episode. Stacy is an angel.
  6. Just a heads up, everyone, Cheers s leaving Netflix at the end of June.
  7. I wish somehow they could have brought Diane back for the entire final season, she didn’t have to be in each episode, but just enough that they she and Sam could have a believable rekindling of their relationship. There would have been plenty of conflict for the writers to work with.
  8. My husband thought the photoshoot was ridiculous, and I agreed, but hopefully if they hang the photo in their house, it's with a sense of humor.
  9. I’ve watched Middleditch and Schwartz on Netflix at least three times, and laughed until I cried. I now have a crush on Ben Schwartz. If anyone needs a laugh while quarantined, please do watch, it is hilarious.
  10. Wait til you get to the “Sinatra” episode.
  11. I really like Thorgy too, I'm also watching for her. And Alexis always looks so stunning and is really a sweet person as a boy.
  12. Very engrossing, really enjoyed it. They took on the rumors that RJ murdered her, didn’t they?
  13. KOQ is a very funny and underrated show. The early episodes are somewhat rough until they get their groove a little later on. Stiller was great on KOQ, my husband and I still blurt out “spicy sausage and peppers!” To each other.
  14. Thanks, I ordered. Just had to have And Now...A Stamp.
  15. Some men don't want to dress for weddings. I had a friend whose uncle was to walk her down the aisle (her father had passed) and when he was asked to wear a suit, he refused and didn't even come to the wedding!
  16. I’m in the minority because I hated Crystal’s runway, if I was made over to be Bert, and the other women got to look glamorous, I’d be fuming.
  17. I loved this episode, I was moved. Grandpa Larry is what's right with the world.
  18. LOL, don't think it doesn't exist! (Comfortably Numb, live, for a charity benefit).
  19. I can understand why Pink Floyd fans would nitpick, but I enjoyed it. Same last time with Chris Martin's Bob Dylan cover. Dylan fans fussed over it, but Chris loves Dylan, and when he does covers he does them HIS way. Any cover songs do not erase the original, it's just one take on the song, I always like to see how they turn out.
  20. It's probably the construct of the show that they have to have some sort of occasion to debut at, weddings and last week's wacko glitz reunion queen seemed easier. I have a lot of nitpicks with TLC shows, and "let's have a fake party/reunion/vacation/wedding vow renewal" is one of them.
  21. I was going to say she was a drag too. She needed the makeover but they didn’t even touch her brows, they wanted plucking! I don’t think she would have really had a butterfly party, it seems something a reserved person would run away from.
  22. Nico’s makeup was off the charts stunning, kudos to Shannel. I was surprised Jordan won, Snatch Game was meh and boring and his drag wasn’t as good as Nico’s.
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