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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. Enjoyed the return episode... Liked the addition of TC... I do wonder what changes to freeland we'll see.. I liked that gambi didn't know what was going on but knew to tell Jeff to keep quiet till they figure out what's diff... I do need more communication between Jeff Jen and anissa... And tho they worked it out tonight.. Anissa gotta get her daddy issues in check.. Jeff been letting a lot of sideways talk slide...
  2. I've enjoyed this toned down brainy so much more in like 3 scenes than anything from the character before... Of course he's gonna be helping Lex so not sure I love that.. If only because I don't want Lex swallowing up bandwith alas Mon-el.... As for a potential romance... I doubt it.. I don't think the show would have Kara do that to Nia... But that also means there is a possibility for William.. And that just won't do... So I nominate Luke Fox let berlanti and his geniuses figure out how to do a cross show long distance thing...
  3. Yeah.. I agree.. Not sure if my post that you responded to made it seem like I wasn't... My point was that to some ppl the mere mention of minorities or issues that put them front and center are seen as an " agenda" or inserting politics into places they aren't meant to be... And a phrase that is often used is "shoving it down my throat".. That's all
  4. Maybe this beth is an "orphan" from the world that Megan rath's brainiac 5 came from.. On Supergirl she said that her world matches up pretty identical to our Earth prime so maybe that's what's going on?...
  5. Pretty much sums it up for me... I've enjoyed the show well enough that I'll give them some time to figure out exactly what it is they're doing with Alice/Beth... Also Luke and Kate really work as a tandem well they're growing as a pairing.. Interested in how he grows from here
  6. Nah... She basically did.. I caught it too and was wondering why brainy prime didn't say something about it.. At least something when she said he was loved and supported something like " so was she"
  7. I'm not, I'm glad she has her memories and isn't left in the dark.. What I am upset about is Kara still apologizing and Lena still sticking her chest out... Kara comes to her to tell her what's going down.. So Lena is caught off guard again... Doing what Lena always says she wants ( hearing the truth) Kara is exhibiting some growth here.. And Lena's response?... To act the ass... I was over her nonsense before COIE... I'm well past it now... If she wants to be huffy fine.. But show... Plz let Kara check her at least one time... Lena is walking all over her and its maddening... Kara dumped James with no explanation almost immediately hooked up with another guy basically stopped speaking to James for almost a season and when she did it was to tell him he couldn't be a hero because he was a human... I don't remember her groveling to him for that... She and J'onn wiped Alex' mind without consent.. Had her sister thinking she was crazy.. And didn't apologize this much... I know she's this beacon of positivity and hopeful ness.. But this is ridiculous
  8. Unfortunately to some it is.. Her "Proclaiming " it and shoving it down their throats is seen as a political statement... Why... No idea
  9. Can't say for sure at the very least they are leaning that way... Or some mix up of both... On the show Bruce has been gone for a while bit while he was still in the cape running around Gotham... Lucius and then Luke both worked for him... So maybe the incident happened like it did in begins( I don't remember it myself) but on this earth either Luke was right by his side or Lucius told him about it before he died
  10. Pretty solid episode.. It progressed Maggie and Mel's powers.. Also Maggie's emotional state and hwe relationship with Jordan... Ray was an ok addition and I do like the actor.. I've seen him on a bunch of shows in the states so I gotta believe if he's up in Canada filming its not for some one off epi... And him being around could lead to some good stuff.. I mean him and macy didn't interact.. But did he know of her... Does he know Maggie is his biological kid?.. He could also tell macy about her mom in a way the girls couldn't... Jordan snooping felt real to me.. He felt himself getting more interested in the mystery that is Maggie and decided I need to know more... Eric Balfour 's character is meh... Woulda preferred if they gave the role to a talented man of color.. Not because Eric did anything wrong.. Its just his casting makes it seem like the powers that be did something I've seen way too often which is.. Kinda half- ass a possible romance with a MOC and the lead actress then pull the plug on it quickly ( because of "chemistry") only for him to be replaced with a handsome white guy ( who I'm sure is talented and is also deserving) now Galvin wasn't great but he could've been used better and it comes across like either TPTB have no faith in a MOC being a main Love interest so if he's not a smashing success right away they pull it... Or the plan was to do a bait and switch
  11. Landon is still so much more effortless around Josie... I really hope this was the end of MG lusting after Lizzie... She's just blatantly using him... And worse she said he gaslighted her.. When up until he found out that Sebastian was real.. He honestly thought she was imagining him... No Raf.. So meh... I thought hope talking to Josie about jealousy was odd.. The whole time ages talking about how she was jealous when she came back.. And I'm thinking... But you came back and Josie got dumped.. So it all worked out for you...
  12. Kinda halfway friend-zoned her at the end when she was thanking him for the risking it all to save her and she was looking on all lovingly.. Maybe waiting for some declaration of love.. He said what are friends for and walked out... She closed the door looking dejected... So he pumped her brakes.. But you are right that it can and prob will rekindle at some point... In my post earlier I was saying I want her to push for a do-over because she knows her walls and what not made him leave.. But I think the show will just throw owen at her which will amp up Nicks jealousy and then he'll be the one fighting for their relationship
  13. Same here... I can do messy... Especially when I can see the process of why she's making these bad decisions... But bad decisions backed up by denial of the facts gets on my nerves
  14. Pretty good episode... Nick friend-zoned Nancy and that would be interesting to see her try to win him back.. But.. I doubt they go that route.. For starters its obvious hes still mad about her, but keeping her at a distance to not get hurt And Owen is there as well for her to be flirty with, which may make nick jealous and bring him back on his own... So Bleh... Another note.. Now that it's known she's really a Marvin is Bess gonna use her actual accent.. Or just continue with the fake one..
  15. I enjoyed the episode.. Honestly I enjoy the show.. Tho with it getting the Saturday burnoff treatment I doubt we get past season one.. And that's a shame... These big networks don't give some shows time to breathe...
  16. See I knew I wasn't the only one who was wishing for that
  17. That would be fun... I'd also like to see Jeff and Barry interact... Same for Iris and the pierce girls... Sara and Alex... Charlie and Kate... Ryan and Cisco... Gambi and all the other tech ppl... Specifically Jennifer pierce and Sara... Joe and Gambi ( as surrogate dads for kids of a diff race who have to watch them run off into danger constantly) and more that aren't on the tip of my tongue
  18. Like others I'm most excited about how the shows move FWD... What's the shared history of this earth.. I do expect more bleeding over of ppl heroes and villains alike... Tho with BL filming in Atlanta, still not sure how they're going to work him/ freeland in... How do they explain all his new hero friends letting that madness go on... As every other show is filming in Vancouver I think it opens the door for mini crossovers especially if someone has a light shooting day on their primary show.. But maybe we won't really see that until next season for everyone as the logistics for that.. Including paying folks must get tricky... I'm looking fwd to Iris and Kara.. Hell iris and any female of note having some meaningful conversation... Also excited that wally will be back for a bit
  19. In depth questioning of the logistics behind ppl getting memories of past earths and timelines and multiverse destruction would just be maddening... So I'll just be happy that we got baby Sara back ( I wonder if an older her makes it into the potential spinoff... Some form of JJ will...) The one Blue God beebo returned and we are all blessed to see him again... Green lantern corps... So I'm good... I'll just assume that as every show comes back.. The principals will be read in via Martian J'onn Brain Sap.. So they'll know everything that has happened in their new reality plus what they missed from the previous ones... Should be some interesting conversations and changes... Also I'm guessing no one will tell James... I'm good with that.. But are they twins?
  20. Yeah the whole Atwater barely speaks to the white girl not named burgess thing is getting old.. To the point that I'm assuming they know its happening and are just trolling us... I barely remember any meaningful convos he had with Sophia bush's character save that time he was trying to do stand-up... And when Upton came on the show it was like 6 or more episodes before they even shared a scene and spoke
  21. https://tvline.com/2020/01/14/chicago-pd-season-7-spoilers-ruzek-burgess-pregnancy-patrick-john-flueger/ I For one would have rathered the baby be Charles M. Davis' character instead of Ruzek... Still could have had him be overly worried because he cares about her.. Plus it woulda given Burgess a new perspective not just as a parent.. But the white parent of a bi-racial black child... In a Chicago with some racial issues... My dad even tho he grew up as one of the only white kids in his friend group, certain things really hit him differently after I was born.... Plus its one less relationship.. And one less glaring sign that somehow Atwater still hasn't hooked up with anyone.. But all the white castmates of similar age have been playing musical bedrooms.... But no instead we get.. Whatever basic storyline this will turn into
  22. The show chickened out.. By having Miles say he's willing to forego love to help the GA save hia sister... For one we have no idea if that's even what the GA wants... Secondly it takes all the heavy lifting off of Cara
  23. I grew up in the mid 90s and its been split.. For the women on tv I see an array.. Tho more lighter skinned/ multiracial types like the women in my fam... But for the dudes.. Mostly darker... Even on tv shows where you'd have siblings... The boy would be darker and the girl lighter with curlier hair... I don't say I ever really complained... I mean I know I don't really look like the dudes on the screen.. But its never overtly gotten on my nerves.. But when I do see a lighter or mixed race guy in a substantial role... I do get attached quicker...
  24. I am... Didn't watch the first season.. But I'm enjoying this one
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