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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. I've been somewhat critical of the sisters.. Mainly Edie and Julia... And I still had issues with them this week.. But I've been enjoying the show.. And I did again this week... I'm interested in Edie taking on her brother's case... I still think Julia seems rather cavalier about how bringing up these aspects of her mother's life is affecting her dad... And maybe she ( and the audience) isn't supposed to really care... But it does seem like its something the character would at least have a think about...
  2. As I've stated before I don't really have a prob with Upton.. So this choice makes sense whe. You think who's actually in the unit... Burgess& Atwater are basically good eggs and optimistic about the job and really only get over the line when the case is deeply personal... Halstead has consistently shown unease with the dirtier parts of the job he's also challenged and disobyed Voight on a few occasions... Ruzek on the other hand seems way too happy to do things Voight's way.. But is a screwup and a try hard.. And he doesn't always listen to the rest of the team.... Rojas is too new to the squad.. But she's also got an independent streak from her UC days... So almost by default it's Upton... But she's also pretty level-headed and while she seems to really respect Voight and will follow an order she also doesn't seem to have a problem at least saying if something seems wrong... Mainly a pragmatist.. So Voight sees her as someone who if need be or orders be will do the truly bad thing for the right reason( which is mainly to protect intelligence so they can keep doing their jobs) but also has the ability to at least maybe pull him back from the edge
  3. Remember when Atwater and Burgess were like the best of friends... Siblings almost.. So much that hia actual siblings talked to her like one of their own... Those two had one scene together... I like Upton.. I actually like Halstead now... Well I never didn't like him.. He was just so generic I didn't care one way or another.. But together... And its possible its because of their past romances... I just don't care if they're together.. I may even prefer them not be... I woulda liked if the show actually let the wife tell her story and then let their be some fallout... Remember when Atwater seemed to make a mistake and ended up on trial... How do they explain what happened and why she was cuffed.. Or are they just dropping it?... And of so did I miss when either Rojas or Atwater weighed in on this screw-up
  4. It still could be.. Just in julia's case it was a learned behavior
  5. They weren't very subtle.. But as the episodes went on I thought maybe I was looking too deep into things and then the final scene... I did winder why we didn't see his face at any point so I shoulda known.. He wasn't cast yet.. But a plan to use( and thus cast him) at a later date was the plan... I do hope for a season 3... Just to see who they cast... Maybe its because I just rewatched the knick.. But I'd like Andre Holland in the role... Or if Netflix can spare the money.. Get mahershalala Ali.. So he and molly can be on screen together again
  6. I don't believe that the two scenarios are equal.. Buy I understand where it is ur coming from... I'm glad Leon told her... But I guess I know why he'd keep it to himself... Up until Julia found out this info wasn't actively hurting her... Edie was destroying her personal and professional life with Tim and still was until he said something to Leon... If there's more to the story with Leon and the mom.. thats one thing.. But as it stands.. It seems all he knew was she cheated once and became pregnant.. Odds are Edie's mom knows more so we'll have to see where they go with it
  7. I think saying he owes it to her is a bit much... Maybe telling what he knows is the right thing.. But if all he knows is that his wife cheated on him and became pregnant.. And he in turn didn't want any more info and set out to love the child as his own.. I'd say keeping the wife's confidence and the daughter's image of the mother is more important than letting Julia know her saint is mother was a cheater with no other useful information
  8. Yeah I really don't get how both Amanda and Edie were surprised... They're both sleeping with the opposition... And Edie cheated on her actual professional and personal partner.... Its pure arrogance that they would think they'd just skate on this... Julia was annoying all over the place... It took me all of. 3 seconds to conclude the mom had an affair.. And she's pressing her dad.. Who's already admitted to knowing the entire time she wasn't his biologically speaking.. About details... I mean read the room... And the stuff with the kids.. Ugh... She really is a try-hard
  9. Kinda predictable... But it works.. Plus Maureen reminds me of my mom.. So ima fan.... If we get a season 3 I'm hoping Judy's dad is alive... ( I gotta assume that's the plan) and if so how Maureen and him interact
  10. Well I gotta assume Judy's dad is still there... Possibly with a family of his own... If its timely wimey.. That would just be too weird...
  11. Well I really enjoyed it.. And the ending answered a nagging question I had during all the pauses on Judy's bio dad plaque.. Mainly why we didn't see any pictures of him.. So I'm guessing if we get a season 3.. /which I really hope we do.. We'll see what he looks like... They can go all sorts of different places from here so I'm excited.. I do think maybe Judy has another half sibling around... It has been 20 years... Overall I enjoyed the season.. Still like last year with Dr. Smith I didn't get why she was so bad.. This year with Hastings... I enjoyed the growth of Judy Will and the robot... As someone who grew up with a non bio dad I loved the relationship tween Judy and John... The episode when he was hurt may have been my fave... Penny and all her stuff still bore me.. So I kinda skipped chunks of her stuff
  12. Are you saying that the ppl casted on this new show aren't brown-skinned, because on another forum that was my contention... To the ppl saying all these ppl he's hired are light and to me most are what would be considered lighter to Light-skinned... At least when we do speak on skin tones in my fam that's how we would classify these folks.. On this new show the only ppl I'd consider "light-skinned" are msg Jones the youngest daughter and maybe one of the boys... Everyone else ate varying shades of brown
  13. Did they have a squabble or just as a defense for him... Oh I can see the show having Nancy full of self-righteous anger and snark... I hope they don't have Karen apologizing too much.. Sure its a breach of trust... But the same could be said for withholding the info in the first place.. As long as she doesn't cave I think I'm good with Karen.. As it may be the end for her anyway.. But if she's all sniveling and mean culpa Nancy ima be mad...
  14. Sad but probably true.. If the show cares for the character at all.. They'll at least let her explain her reasoning.. Which I posted about earlier.. And get on most levels.. But I'm not sure they'll frame it as righteous as I put it...
  15. Yeah they haven't really done her character any favors... That said as a cop and someone close to the drew family she knows that Nancy is investigating Tiffany Hudson and keeping things to herself... Plus as a kind of "stepmom" she was probably curious to see how Nancy really felt about her dating her dad... Once she started reading about all the connections Carson had to the Lucy sable murder I guess she couldn't ignore it... Do I think Carson killed her.. No.. But he prob knows more and as an officer she'll try to leverage that to find out what happened to her friend... In a vacuum most of us would love for someone selfless enough to endanger their personal relationships if it meant bringing someone to justice... But it always looks like betrayal on tv shows... Hell in that way Karen and Nancy are mirror images of each other
  16. Um.. Guess it was ok... Glad Lizzie called Landon out for ditching RAF.. Sure you can couch it in all the " doing it to protect him" yadda yadda.. But he was leaving without saying goodbye.. I guess I'm interested in Raf's mom Lucia... Where was MG... Not sure I loved Sebastian choking Lizzie and that leading to sex... For appreciate.. Lizzie saying it was just sex... Even if I don't totally believe it.. At least she isn't in some teenage goth ROM fugue state... Pedro got some love... So that was cool. . are we just done with mystic falls high?... Landon/Hope.. Still do nothing for me... And still don't make more sense than hope/RAF... Landon/Josie... MG/Josie... Hope/Josie... MG/Lizzie
  17. Yeah looks like the Marvins are just a hodge lodge of racial ambiguity.. Because you've got owen who's played by I believe a mixed race actor with European and Mexican heritage... I believe Bess is played by a middle eastern/ white actress and the older Marvin woman was played by a canadianwoman who I think is at least part black... So they are def at least trying to portray Owen as a POC... Can he pass, I guess.. Its hard for me to say.. Im mixed and its always been my experience that us (POC.. Of all persuasions) can usually tell.. So I'm generally not the person to be asking... But if the show had made him a Hudson instead of being from the intentionally ethnic Marvin... A good amount of folk wouldn't have batted an eye...
  18. watching his reaction I was scared they were about to have him hit her or something... To try and give this whole sordid affair some equity.. So I'm at least initially happy it didn't go that way.. But I am still worried they will try and even out the bad.. When this show comes back.. And I don't want that... Edie was wrong.. But its done.. Let her take her lumps and then we'll go from there.
  19. I agree on the principal of it... Also ( even tho its a diff network.. AJ on the fosters) And I do think Ned and Nancy played well when she wasn't all putting up walls... Also I like George as a friend... But those two do also have a spark so the cw won't be able to help themselves... Owen I'd prefer if he was just in the background...
  20. Happy that Edie told Tim... Roxy's meltdown was pretty spot on for how some addicts react to a confrontation... I knew I was right when I thought Isaac had a thing for Julia.. His reaction to Donavan in the media room cements it for me... Interested on how this Julia bio dad thing will play out... What I don't want is more boring D.A lady... More Tim.. More Isaac... More izzy I hope Roxy gets a second chance with her
  21. Really enjoyed this tonight… Good performances all around.. I thought they were about to go there with Nick and George but then they pulled it back and I was relieved.. But then in the final voiceover they hinted at it again so I dunno… Not sure what to make of Carson being arrested.. Its kinda early to be finding the killer no?… The Owen and Bess scene was nice.. Tho his reaction was somewhere between weird and realistic
  22. If nothing else happens but this does... I think I can walk away happy... 6 years and no one has ever mentioned it.. Yet another reason we needed Jennifer Pierce around here.
  23. Don't worry we see you too *Nods* That's why before this episode I was hoping Jennifer was along for the ride... She didn't vanish like the other Jens she kinda just dematerialized and it seems the antimatter wave was futzing her powers.. And I said earlier on the BL and episode two threads.. That these ppl need her reactions.. Forever perky Kara.. Consistently ignored Iris... Mountain on shoulder Mia... She woulda got on great with Sara.. And checked those three with some much needed truth... Tho kate did a good job with Kara... Maybe she'll pop up in a month... Who knows
  24. Production value looks much better
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