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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. I can't speak for the voice.. But his face was a diff black guy... Younger before.. Plus the flashback to him as kid...
  2. True.. My difference is that.. Those 3 came as villains.. I knew what I was looking at and they worked to become better.. Well 2 of them did.. Killer frost hasn't even been yelled at it seems... Lena seems to have broken bad knowing damn well what breaking bad is and justifying it anyway because she was "betrayed" she's trying to take control of ppl's minds.. In a world that has seen all sorts of tech missused for horrible purposes... And let's not forget how her previous science experiments have gone.. If Mal ever breaks free he can kill J'onn and that's thanks to Lena To quote Lana from Archer... "Yuuuupppp"
  3. If they aren't setting up Kara and William somehow.. They are doing a shit job of it.. Or are purposely trolling us.. Because from wardrobe choices to music to dialouge its pointing there... He once again is in alpha protection mode.. He's wallowing in self-guilt for "getting her mixed up" he's even more personally involved in this quest.. Kara's getting foolishly angry at a suspect because she's so sad for William.. She's bending pipes with frustration... Who TF are they writing this for? William bugs out on breathtaker so Kara has to bug out on spiderbrainy? ( what was with that accent.. expected him to throw out a "Vato" somewhere along the way)... I really don't see how they walk back Lena who's done some real horrible things already.. Unless she's been compromised by hope... Because she's kidnapped and altered Mal.. Whether she believes she Can control him or not she gave him the ability to kill J'onn martians live a long time... She took over Eve with a computer... In my mind she's already too far gone.. Especially for what everyone's crime was
  4. Yeah anissa really is kinda the prototypical rougish hero... Kinda morally grey in some aspects.. Not much for patience... A ladykiller... And The only problem I had with Jeff was him saying all that in front of Grace.. And only because I know how emotionally skittish Grace is... But he wasn't wrong.. About her history.. But Grace may give anissa that "Love of a good woman that changes the hero" that we all can't kinda stand, but I'm hoping it does play out that way... I really like Grace and minority interracial relationships are big for me.
  5. Just piling on with the consensus here.. Mary awesome... Mary/Luke great... Alice carried the epi... Catherine and Mary's talk did seem off I paused and rewound thinking I was bugging... This felt to me like the First epi where ruby's limited acting skill was noticeable as she was with Rachel most of the show.. Coulda done without the kate/Sophie danger meetcute behind the shed... Looking fwd to nxt week
  6. Solid epi... Good pace.. It was obvious about Rip Roar.. But thas alright... Lena's whole reasoning is a stretch to me... Mal was imprisoned and then wiped from the consciousness of the green martians... Lena's homegirl didn't tell her a secret... Those are not equal betrayals... William was once again a little too " I just need you to be safe... Oh stay away etc" for my taste.. As was Kara getting all mad which is obviously because she is taking on some of the pain William is feeling... Still not sure if Andrea us a baddie or someone being bullied by leviathan.. I'm assuming we'll get more from Rip Roar later on.. I look fwd to hia dynamic with Andrea and William and the gang
  7. That's too bad cuz I just started watching it... Good show.. But Jane really is a bit of a bastard... This episode he just made ppl in a medical research facility believe they had all been exposed to a deadly pathogen and would all be dead in a few hours... And suffered no consequences... I hope the entire series isn't like this... He's so smug.. And a bit of a sadist
  8. And Galvin... Which didn't really work out too well storywise.. I mean they coulda tried to rework them.. But to be fair neither of them were that great
  9. Yeah I'm ok with that... I don't really need humans in these stories anyway.. I'm good with the goings on of supernaturals just fine.. Humans just get in the way and end up getting sucked into it all anyway.. And they always need to be saved or somn....
  10. I don't even remember seeing a ring.. I imagine the family has some kind of history.. But after Parker I can't imagine the show going with another kinda antagonistic love interest... Besides they have abigael who's helping for now.. But is def pro-demon.
  11. IIRC he only brought it up with the fake fiance.. Kinda in passing like... I don't remember seeing that ring... Why it took so long I guess he didn't feel close enough to will to butt in...
  12. I was wondering about that.. But I don't know anything about superman lore..him and Kelly said they went with the aunt after their dad died... And in the flashback epi they were tweens or teens so maybe they were in calvinville for a bit before James went off to metropolis
  13. I'm enjoying the show as well... I love the newsroom stuff.. I like Bradley... I'm loving Billy crudup... I do wish the show woulda done a better job of showing how the higher ups have screwed over Alex... because when she blew it all up and then gave her speech that was supposed to be an apology I just felt like she was being a jerk.. And I think they were aiming for powerful... I did feel for all the other reporters who got passed over.. I'm interested in mitch's story as well..
  14. I think he took Macy.. Initially she was just happy to see harry and as he got closer she snapped back into it. Nubsee her face change.. I dunno if she asked for the safeword.. But the next scene he orbs outta there... As for mel and Maggie.. They were further away and already going to the portal... And up until I guess next week when they tell her... Abigael doesn't know about the assassin being harry's darklighter
  15. Man.. That fight scene... Whew.. And baba telling his son to close his eyes... And that ending... Can't wait for next week
  16. Yeah I'm not particularly confused... It seems the process for creating whitelighters creates darklighters as well.. Probably locked away by the elders.. With them dead at least one is free.. Who knows maybe more... Abby wants to unite demonkind.. I'm guessing the witch=good/ demon=bad dynamic is a bit more nuanced... I'm actually enjoying this season a bit more than last.. I really like abigael.. Do wonder what the deal is with Jordan... I assume its something magical... I like more talk of other supernatural creatures and hopefully ppl down the road... Their house is in an empty lot.. and its invisible.. So as long as no one tries to build there I guess they're ok... It did just dawn on me while Maggie and Jordan were taking that marisol really lwr her kid go thru life not knowing she was half black... It doesn't seem like she was really together with Mel's dad for a long time.. Or even exclusive... She coulda just made up a separate dad for her.. Its not like they knew about Macy... Just weird... Maybe it'll come up if she gets deeper into it with Jordan... HE was raised by his grandmother.. So if they get serious you know she's gonna wanna meet the new girl
  17. Will's insistence came from the same " I know better than you" place it always has.. That said his medical detective work was pretty spot on.. You can't really predict a crisis of faith like that... So standard lack of respect from will ( which we've seen over and over... But good instincts...
  18. Well it seems we have differing views on thus whole situation.. I saw a guy stepping up.. With a kid he genuinely cares for.. Who's mother he genuinely cares for
  19. This Koracik love is baffling... This Koracik should be with Meredith even moreso... How has he behaved any more maturely than Deluca? Deluca almost got beat to death by Saint Alex and kept on trucking... He took the wrap for Meredith because she has kids.. He's a stand up dude... Koracik sleeps with emotionally vulnerable women he's unbelievably arrogant... He flirts with women in front of their significant others.. Teddy made her choice and he's still telling her every chance he gets how wrong she was.. Not to mention the bogus and punitive restraining order he's got on owen... Deluca is playing stepdaddy while Meredith is in jail.. And Amelia is busy meeting her future in laws... Saint Alex has his own hospital to run and he got married... Webber us at the other hospital and bailey was working... As someone with a loving and attentive stepdaddy.. I applaud Deluca... Maybe he didn't know Derrick ( who was a whole mess if you ask me) but he's a famous doctor and Meredith must have at least explained a little about him.. He hasn't tried to replace or push himself where he's not needed.. And that's tough when the kids are older and Meredith is being Meredith.. But y'all gonna hate him no matter what.. Smh
  20. I mean a part of me is glad that as a showrunner he's steadfast with his vision.. And won't kowtow to loud.. But sometimes small sections of fandom... On the other hand.. His vision is as my old nanny use to say basura
  21. I've never been a huge fan of Owen.. Tho I don't dislike him as much as others on the board... Him and Amelia shoulda never got together.. But they did and while we can blame it all on the tumor if we want... She put him thru it as well.. And for a guy who was so gung ho about having kids.. And for her to be so gung ho against it. To then fall pregnant so soon after.. If it were me.. Even if I'm totally happy in my current situation.. I'd feel a way about it... Looks like he goes his usual way overboard from the previews...
  22. Jackson is still really the only doctor right now who reminds me that this place is a teaching hospital.. He's been a solid guy these last few weeks.. And Maggie wasn't a mess either.. So of course next week they'll be acting like wild 12 year old again probably... That's really all I got for this week
  23. I wondered About that too.. Cuz Marcus and prophet don't look alike... So I guess just a horrible coincidence that a dude who looked just like Marcus was carrying a green duffle in the vicinity... So much of this episode makes no sense In-universe... Its like a/the writers read an article about facial rec software having flawed results based on race and complexion and built a story around that.. But did it in a way that made the characters do things they don't normally do at all... So yeah this may be one of the worst episodes when you add up the shitty message that got sent. The bizarre actions or non action of ppl like Voight and Kev and the outcome.. Compounded by the fact that this isn't the first time.. So even if there is a paucity of diverse voices in the writing process... Someone along the way shoulda pumped the brakes and asked what are we doing
  24. I won't go too deep into the gabby wars cuz this isn't even the show forum.. But I'll say thru it all at least when I watched my only contention was that she was one of the 3 main leads Casey was a fire LT/ undercover officer/ councilman/ contractor / constant hero... Severide was female catnip/ arson investigator/ super fire hero... All three of them seemed almost superhuman.. But gabby was the Mary sue.. And if she's main but also the love interest of another main... She's gonna get screentime.. Anywhoo I won't go any further on that
  25. That seems really harsh.. Also not sure what your basing her worthiness on either. Based off of context clues it seems like it cost Kate a lot less to up and out herself than it would've cost Sophie.. In my limited experience its a very personal decision that has tons of mitigating factors involved.. I've stated the only person. She owes any truth to is the person she's agreed to marry.. I still dunno if he knows she's bisexual.. All we know is that he didn't know she dated/ loved Kate
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