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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. Maggie will probably skip her next few chemo appts to help Natalie thru her trauma of spending a few hours in jail before Sharon saved her and then dumping her fiance for no reason and then Will once again trying to be there for her which is obviously too much for her delicate constitution... Yuck... I pray they keep Dr. Marcel the way he is.. So at some point he could be the one to just look at her and tell her to chill
  2. I'd enjoy the show more if it was framed like the shield.. Voight woulda been right at home over there.. Cuz him giving prophet to kareme felt like the right thing to do.. I hate that, the impetus for it was covering the flawed facial rec and the fact that an innocent person got killed.. Because a unit that does as much over the shit as intelligence really should just go full bad for the greater good vigilante street justice route instead of this kinda in the middle nonsense they been doing.. They could even keep the players at their current levels.. U got Voight and Ruzek as consistent oversteppers... Atwater and burgess as mainly good with maybe a hint of crossing a line if its really personal... Upton who's pretty by the book And not scared to speak up when ahe thinks its too far but will at least look the other way... With Halstead as a wannabe goody but really a wild card... Dunno snuff about rojas
  3. Up until the gang members showed up I didn't think either of them was doing anything wrong.. And after that... I can see both of their points but I'm siding with April... These dudes are either gonna jump her in or run a train on her.. They are not good dudes... She knows Noah ain't about that life.. Best to let other professionals handle it... Definitely don't invite the girl into ur house I dunno About Chicago fire.. But it wasn't good day for blk folks in Chicago media or PD
  4. If it wasn't for the fact that I know he's a gaslighting creep.. I'd be all sorry for him for having a super flaky Girlfriend who ups and decides to not be my fiance with no explanation.. After getting close to my kid....
  5. I've said it and some others have.. This one in Particular really needed Kevin to say something... I'm good with going with the facial rec up to a point.. But then common sense and policing gotta come back.. And based on how they've written Kev.. I find it hard to believe he was just cool with how this went down
  6. Do you mean racially prejudiced or something else... I believe he let his emotions over the kids color his view.. He wanted to get who did it.. And I'm with him there.. Hell i was with him when the facial rec spit out Marcus and they read off the rap sheet and his distance etc... But once you didn't have a lick of evidence or motive.. You don't sweat a suspected kiddy killer in county gen pop... Thats where he lost me, but based in what I've seen from Jay from the beginning of the show I didn't see any underlying racial animus or bias in his actions.. But that's me
  7. I feel like I've seen the innocent black guy dies and is blamed for a crime anyway to cover up police screwups more than once on the show... This one really annoyed me because Voight said before anything... That they were going about this backwards with selecting a suspect before evidence or motive...did laugh at how incredulous they were with the data guy... I also liked the super pointing out that they probably shouldn't have put the guy in county with no evidence.... Also confused how an episode about the very real issue of racial misidentification in policing didn't have either the black cop or the latina/ afro-latina cop ( cant totally remember how she identified herself in universe) speak on it.. Or how an innocent black man was jammed up and killed ( his killer is probably going free btw) and his name is mud as a kiddy killer all thanks to inherently racially flawed technology... I don't need Kevin and Vanessa to always be the minority teachable moment ppl.. But this time seemed like the right time And to make matters worse I guess Ruzek won his fight cuz he don't look like he got hemmed up at all
  8. So Natalie faces no consequences... I'd be happy if at least the board of the hospital took some action... Of course will was wrong.. Those two just keep on keeping on with their ignorant privilege... I mean they had the woman with actual ass cancer out here propping up the doctor who assaulted a child.. And then Sharon had to work her "black lady magic" to get her outta trouble... If will wasn't just as bad as her I'd tell him to run away.. You know ur wrong if on a medical show the surgeon is telling the MD to chill... Surgeons always wanna cut on these shows.... At least the Noah/ April "Drama" wasnt really medical related.. It was just a diff of opinion on how to handle the gang stuff.... Ima middle child so I've been the older sibling who knows better and is very protective of my younger and less experienced sibling... And I've been the younger.. Tired of my older sister hovering around me with her shield.. Granted she's almost always right but still.. Odds are April will be right and Noah is in over his head... But like he said he gotta make his own mistakes On a slightly diff note.. Monica Raymund is gonna be back on Chicago fire.. And I cannot wait for the deluge of ( mostly lady) hate to flow.. Back in the day those other boards were chock full of how much "saint gabby" was horrible to Casey and he'd be better off with surprise surprise ( any new or old white female actress) on the show.... Anywhoo getting my popcorn ready
  9. Add me to the Corey is sick team.. Still a real garbage decision to just leave... Billy was right that he should take a beat before making that decision... Layla needs some help... Asher's mom us trash.. Asking her son who left a year ago to serve papers.. And she's got some skeevy secret.. Bleh... Damn Jordan two steps forward three steps back.... I still think Dillon is billy's son... Do hope they follow up
  10. took me a second to get to this episode.. But damn that battle rapper came and ate coop's lunch
  11. I honestly don't remember ever seeing an older lady fight scene before.. If you believe TV and movies there are NY number of over 60 white dudes with particular sets of skills.. But it was awesome.. I mean she killed her husband and looks set to go on an Archer with cancer rampage.. And I'm. Here. For. All. Of. It.... Count me as someone who would be kinda disappointed if Tara isn't a sleeper agent as well.. Not that it wouldnt be kinda obvious.. Moreso.. Because I've seen Tracy ifeachor fight... Kinda seems a waste to cast her and then saddle her to this journo only... But so far as just N intrepid reporter I'm enjoying her
  12. I disagree... I mean they haven't even really been a part of the season yet... Their dopplegangers got knocked out in an episode after a few lines and that was it... Whether ppl have come to terms or not they are part of arrow... Rene's daughter was just killed that's serious stuff.. They should explore it...don't get me wrong I wanna see how it all shakes out with Ollie Mia and William.. And I can't stand Mia and I really wasn't a fan of William as a kid but I like adult William... And I def wanna see how all this diggle stuff plays out.. Especially if JJ made the trip back in time... Cuz you got bad JJ.. A Connor who grew up as Diggle's boy and whatever is about to go down with Lyla... But I still think the show can pay respect to those storylines without str8 up ignoring Rene and Dinah
  13. I believe what the creators were going for and what I got from this heart to heart.. Is that Barry took the lessons Joe gave him.. And the ones he picked up by osmosis and that created a big part of how Barry acts... Iris is the girl he loved and his best friend.. She's always believed and believed in him.. She's a source of strength an anchor and a lightning rod for him... Without either he's not the flash.. But I guess the baseline guy.. Who Barry Allen believes he should be is more informed by watching Joe (even when he was mad at Joe.. Even when Joe wasn't listening about Reverse Flash...) And listening to his pearls of wisdom... Which also means they affected Iris.. So both of them have a huge thirst for truth and justice.. I'd say the majority portion of that comes from Joe.. The rest from the belief that something crazy happened to young Barry and only the two of them seem to believe it....
  14. Iris... Talia... Zoe.. Hell even Wanda(?) Hawke all went thru something tonight that just works to better the lives of the white folks ( mainly women) around them
  15. Well that would be a waste.. I'd rather the drama... Plus its my understanding that the actor who plays JJ us to be a part of this spinoff... At least the backdoor pilot... So if this is where Mia and the canaries are.. I'd imagine JJ is there as
  16. I'm most excited next week for Lyla and JJ to meet.. Also.. Man is it gonna be weird... When they say out loud that Digs Kid killed Rene's Kid and now Ollie's kid wants to Kill Dig's kid.... Awkward
  17. Not a great day for the ladies of color in the arrowverse... Iris spends her week consoling moody ralph.. And just when I thought the show would have Cait/KF be a friend to the woman who just lost a daughter and who's husband is gonna die soon... They have her ask if ralph was ok.. And on arrow Talia Al Ghoul loses in combat to Thea... I adore Thea she may be my Fav character on arrow she's def the one I've had the least problems with.. But she ain't beating Talia... Then Zoe.. Poor Poor Zoe.. Who for some reason was taking orders from Mia the mma fighter.. Instead of herself or the secret agent on the team... Not surprisingly Mia gets Zoe killed with her horrible plan.. And insistence that she can take on JJ by herself.. This is like the 3rd time he's bested her in one on one combat.. And she keeps acting like they are on equal footing.. And instead of dying in a way befitting.. She serves as white ladypain for Mia and then The Three surviviors are sent to the past to be reunited with family... Leaving Zoe to die alone offscreen ( like tara from true blood) thanks to mia's incompetence.. would gladly trade the proposed spinoff starring This disaster of a one-note character for one of Thea and Talia
  18. How do you save someone from a wave of antimatter anyway.. Also how does Barry( ahem I mean the flash) dying stop the wave of antimatter.. As others have pointed out the writing for iris just feels weird.. Last week I said maybe West-Allen are just numb.. But if that's how they were gonna play it.. Then maybe have a friend at least bring up how creepy calm they are about this.. and I was hyper-sensitive about how Iris would be portrayed after reading a really well put together piece about last years crossover and the ensuing #elseworldssowhite drama.... Here the link.. Good lengthy read http://www.withanaccent.com/2019/01/11/we-need-to-talk-about-elseworldssowhite/
  19. Damn it show... That Barry/Joe scene.. I'm still wiping my eyes... I dont even remember what I had to say about the episode anymore... I'll be back later... Damn Joe/Barry Damn
  20. Naw.. They were still on the astral plane in some kinda test by the guardian gardener... So when they figured it out.. He gave them the scarab looking thing to help decode the book of elders
  21. Damn.. When Odell finally falls.. He's gonna fall hard.. Cuz Jeff is gonna eventually find out that he's got his wife/ex-wife hooked on drugs and is turning his youngest into a dark-phoenix esque true believer... And that's without anissa blabbing secrets to grace ( who I love) and generally feeling herself... Also glad they explained her loft... New kid is probably a meta.. I'm good with that.. I appreciate him so far being a differing opinion without being a super jerk...
  22. I'll wait one episode for this new witch to have some better explanations... Because yeah trying to kill macy.. Then just letting it go seems sketchy.. And she knows more than she's letting on... Callum the demon knew her.. And he's def not the overlord... So was she lying to get him off her tail.... Is the assassin only going after demon/witch hybrids?... I mean macy has always been the sister I was most interested in so I'm glad all this is swirling around her.. But I could still use some answers
  23. Yeah not sure what the calculus was on that... And its not like they weren't aware.. Its the reason she never called herself a latina on the show.. Just some off hand comment about being... I wanna say she said brown.. But I can't remember totally she was talking to Alex about being the one non- white kid... Either way... Real icky.. Then they compunded it by having Carlos Bernard Papierski be her dad.. And he's Spanish ( from Spain) and polish... And they had him playing a vaguely central American who was concerned about walls and what not... What a mess that was... But Kelly Brainy and J'onn are great..So is Nia... So win some lose some?
  24. Whether it was Bad writing.. Bad direction.. Bad acting... Him overcompenasating to hide something else... I get the feeling the show expects us to see him give the mea culpa.. And be all good... And I for one just walked away even more weirded out by the guy... I'd prefer if he was a bit of an asshole.. But didn't hate Kara as much as he put on... I know none of us really wanted a rehashed jerk becomes a real boy thanks to Kara and her super sunny disposition.. But I'd take a version of that over whatever William " non-threatning ethnic" Dey is selling
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