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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. I don't get why they made William "Soooooo Sad" about his behavior if all he is saying is true than he was doing a good thing.. But his whole "good guy" reveal felt off.. Its not like he was Kara's secret lover and he was undercover as her tormentor or something... He was just A lot... Maybe the show won't go there I hope not... But James' ghost is off saving a small newspaper... Brainy is a hard reset away from caring about anyone other than Nia... And I doubt the show will go there with Lena... A season and change is a long time for a lead to not have some kind of romance on a show like this...
  2. Well for the show his name is William Dey... Until i see otherwise my bet is they'll have him as a non-threatning never talk about my roots ethnic person... With a white parent... This is the show that gave us floriana Lima playing latina Gave us all the horrible James stuff... Hasn't really committed to the NIA Nal romance If it wasn't for David hardwood I wouldn't trust them at all
  3. I can't speak for anyone else when it comes to the 1st point... But James was a horribly mishandled character after season one... How it happened and was written.. And TV history lead me to believe that the networks succumbed to complaints of "chemistry" that seem to pop up when a black body is encroaching on a space usually reserved for a white one... There were complaints about Mechad as James from the minute he was cast complaints about his body and backstory even tho it was explained as to why this version wasnt the cub reporter dorky kid who went on adventures with supes.. Execs also assumed that the CW audience would prefer any version of Chris wood over what they had.. And that was the end of James... Even now after his last epi which he had to share with William Rey gushing and mooning over Kara.. I still never got the conversation I waited for in every episode of season 2... Kara and James sitting down.. And Kara explaining what the hell happened with their budding romance that she deaded.. With like no words than fell down the Mon-el hole... God did that make everyone look bad
  4. And what kills is both shows had to know what they were doing.. Making the male lead opposite the hetero female star black... Now I woulda turned into both these shows if they didn't have black leads...and I enjoyed episodes where they weren't the focus... But them being all out front with it did make me smile..and added expectations And for both of them to pull the bs they did.. Shameful
  5. Well they didn't use him properly for multiple seasons ( tho season 2 gets my vote for worst treatment of a star player in recent memory) why wouldn't his exit just be an item checked off among many others going on.. Including the new guy mooning all over Kara... Good luck in future ventures Mechad... I'll always have season one He got wynonna Earpd... Least this show will keep me as a viewer.. That show lost me that very episode
  6. But that kinda response probably is why the character looks and acts as he does... So actions that to you and me seem rude and dismissive etc will be viewed by some as "Hot & Classy"... So I guess mission accomplished?
  7. So are the girls Vanessa's bio kids or Scarlett's I wonder or one of each
  8. I enjoyed abigael... For a bit thought she may have been the actual overlord.. But maybe she really is as she claims.. I hope I'm right.. She sizzled with Macy.. Then again damn near everyone does.. I felt for Maggie she needed to do what she did.. But it weighed on her... Looks like there were some Ill effects to the astral plane trip for Katrina...
  9. Yeah.. The whole wade thing seemed cruel... As to the other point I wondered.. But was expecting him to have a final scene confirming it.. That didn't happen so unless its a huge fakeout
  10. I love that idea... I doubt that's what they're doing but it would be genius because his whole show up and be enigmatic thing us aching to just be mocked... I also loved his response to Lizzie being fine with him being a vamp... The QB1 was better this episode his refusal of vandalism was the show trying to add some layers.. I also liked him saying he'd play for his school.. Of course now he's an athlete that has had his sport ripped from him... So manpain will be had.. Hope will be leaned on... I'm with you about waiting and seeing with RAF... History just has me pessimistic and I don't wanna be let down so I'm expecting the worst Headmaster is def shady... Him faking out Caroline makes sense cuz while I dont totally agree with Alaric about how much he curtails the kids at his school.. This guy is a lil too far the opposite way
  11. Well Adam smashed the guy's face a few times.. And in front of a rookie... Then wanted the T.O to sweep it away... I get Adams anger anytime my older sister ( biologically half-sister) even gets a semi- inkling that something racial is pointed my way or my younger half-siblings... She goes nuclear I've had to pull her back more than once
  12. I can't speak for others but I never thought MG had to be with Lizzie or vice versa... The problem with RAF not remembering hope has been stated above.. If he's not part of the plot helping her figure out things.. Or getting memories back.. And he's not a LI... Then what exactly is there for him based on what's going on.. Besides him and his suffering ( a LA Bonnie Bennett) and his wolf anger ( angry black guy) those of us complaining are worried he'll just be put in the background where he'd just be "diversity window dressing" and Landon's protector.. Hell he didn't even get to be human again until Landon needed saving, most of his actions last year including splitting his mind in two were to help Landon... In fact it really is kinda like Bonnie and Elena again... Cept Landon isn't as horrible ( cept when he knew he and RAF were in danger but he was having too much fun making money off of RAF being able to wolf jump real high and figured he knew better) thank heavens for Jeremy Gilbert
  13. Jo's been behind the 8ball with me from the day she beat a black man she was dating to a pulp and somehow hes the one who lost his job( we later learned some mitigating circumstances but still) and she had no consequences... And she's the "friend" of Stephanie who threw her under a bus called her a liar and had to rationalize a reason that steohbwas further along as a doctor... So yeah Jo can go be I a corner for all I care.. Also show stop whatever it is ur doing with Helm... Its creepy.. We already lost Quadri... Parker may be a ghost... And contacts isba screw-up... We need proper interns... Hell bring Shane back from Switzerland
  14. I know I realized that Landon is mom was euro-israeli are we sure fandom writ large realized that.. It'd be nice if the show somehow injected some more of it into the character.. Because.. While I appreciate how they casted with respect to his ethnicity... They did turn around and name him Landon Kirby and create a character with almost no visible cultural markers... Agree with @Ursula that its quality that's the problem... Diversity, Inclusion and representation aren't the same thing.. And this universe has a shitty track record with all three to be fair.... Vincent might be the only character that I walked away from saying he wasn't totally screwed and cheated over and over and was portrayed well
  15. I enjoyed the episode and the two of them together.. Not that I don't like the others but if it was just Nick n Nancy solving mysteries I'd still be watching.. I'm glad they let Nick bring something to the table... Karen does seem fishy.. I hope I'm wrong.. Cuz it would be a play on evil step-mother and i rather not... But if we believe its none of the kids.. Not many other options
  16. And poor Maggie shares DNA with both of em... I'm surprised all she is, is emotionally stunted
  17. I'll take everyone's word that the Jo/Therapist scenes were great.. I skipped them.. As I do most Jo related things... I did like Ben and Bailey at the end... I liked the sisters telling Meredith she was being ridiculous.. I also liked Meredith owning.. She was being ridiculous.. But waiting for her gut to tell her.. That.. While annoying does kinda ring true.. If she takes the plunge with this guy he will be around her kids while they are turning into real ppl and she admits he's great but still isn't sure about him... So at least she knows its her issue... I hope they don't have Richard cheat... Because thatcher and adele were the aggrieved parties and Ellis was a shell by the time the show started Richard has had to take the brunt of the cheater mantle... I don't have much of an issue with Catherine... And I def don't want her cheated on... Not much else to say but this epi
  18. Changing lanes for a minute... When Freya shows up will she be a mom.. If so is it hers and vincent's or Keelin and vincent's I do wonder how that all played out.. I say do both and just have half-step siblings... One a OD powerful witch( a boy this time) and a proper were-witch as some of the rules don't have to apply anymore.. Also let's get Marcel and Rebekah to get in on this.. She's still technically a witch and I'm not sure what he is ( the beast is slightly problematic) ima just say demon.. So a demon witch kid.. I'd say throw in Elena and Damon's spawn.. But then we wouldn't need anyone else as julie would have the camera focused on them all the time
  19. Wild as it sounds by the time that started to happen I was so used to the treatment that I was actually more upset that they had Freya doing it.. Than Keelin somehow getting over being kidnapped and tortured... because as I'm sure your aware apart from being wolf Keelin had the other super power all melanated characters have in this universe the power of "forever-forgiveness"
  20. Not sure.. Creepy romances are kinda standard for this universe.. One that seems to never bother ppl is Marcel abd Rebekah... He was a child and a slave/ about to be free... when they met... She was like 700+ and also basically his aunt.. At least Damon and Stefan didn't raise Elena... Based on the interviews I think something is keeping otter ppl from seeing him.. I don't believe Sebastian isnt real... Maybe he needs Lizzie to be seen more I dunno.. Out of all the new cast members his character has gotten the most press so I figure he'll be a pretty significant piece of this season... Plec needed her new Damon-like character
  21. You and me both... Maybe we'll know more after the episode on the 7th
  22. Hooray... Black kid gets to straddle the fence between man and beast.. Suffer nonstop And be nursed to health by Landon and then spend the rest of the season as the amped up bodyguard... Ugh... I hope I'm wrong... I pray ur right about meaningful arcs for RAF and MG.. But my history of watching shows in general and Julie plec in particular
  23. Well I mostly agreed with you.. I knew where we were headed with MG and Kaleb, tho looks like MG will be more involved with the Lizzie mess than I thought... But I def said if RAF remembered hope, it would be a different story.. Unfortunately the show looks like it decided to go with the RAF in the shadows.. He doesn't remember Hope.. So he's not a LI or at least a helper on her quest to make everyone remember... So what's left.. The sisters who both kinda fancied him have moved on.. So I'm just all around dissapointed
  24. Booooo.... Raf is back and they don't have him remember hope... Watch him fade in and out of this season.. Because those two kids at mystic falls will have to have screentime chasing after hope.. We already know screentime for Landon and hope remembering stuff.. Landon and Josie... Lizzie and her maybe imaginary boyfriend.. Mg chasing after Lizzie and kaleb hanging with MG... So congrats in advance Julie plec for ruining RAF with small asides with Landon and who knows what else... SMH
  25. Plus.. At least for me explains his name.. because Hiram lodge without.. Like an adoption story or something was confusing...
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