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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. Well thank the maker we are done with that sad ass "strong black woman/ unnecessary martyr/ I say I'm fine but im really not and its obvious something is up but if you ask ima be an ass and say I'm ok anyway" mini-arc with Maggie cuz I doubt I coulda dealt with much more.... So were gonna be rid of Natalie now right? I mean this is like example 5907638 of her going well beyond the wishes of the patient or the patients parents to do what she feels is right.. and this time she was hostile.. Manic.. Dismissive to honestly not too bad of parents .. I had read a few comments before actually watching the epi so I expected some anti-vaxxer level of conspiracy nut parent... But based on what was happening to their kid... What was explained to them and their history.. I thought they went above and beyond their comfort level for their son.. But of course Natalie pushed it... I like Dr. Choi... I like Dr. Marcel... I've always been a fan of Noah and his Arc from lazy/kinda cocky student.. Into a real doctor and I guess on his way to proper surgeon... Now if he can get some learning from Dr. Latham his education will be complete.. As to the pissing contest.. It felt more like choi pissing and Marcel.. Just doing his job... And finally.. Good job Natalie your earlier freak out stopped will from calling the fiance who of course didn't get to make it on time to say goodbye.. Kudos
  2. You didn't.. Were not supposed to care oncebwe know who did it.. And the main point of the epi was to say Ruzek us a dummy... But sobare Patrol
  3. The T.O was training the rook most of the officers were trained.. Of course Ruzek who didn't go thru that would be all on his high horse... Secondly Ruzek abuses a (dbag) man in custody in front of a rookie and T.O and then asks him to sweep it under the table, because he's got other things going on... The T.O refuses.. But writes it up to keep intelligence out of harms way so they can continue their investigation.. Gets in trouble.. Gets suspended may lose the right to be a T.O and Ruzek sends him money... Not even face to face but thru Trudy? He deserves more than a fair one with that T.O.... Of course the show loves Ruzek so they had to have patrol not show up when intelligence needed them so things seemed somewhat equitable.. I don't see the show making rojas some super sleuth.. To be honest this was a pretty good team effort this week
  4. I always wondered what type of name that was... Tho they basically portray Landon as white don't they.. I mean we've only seen his mom and she was what a euro-israeli? Dunno if they'll ever cast malivore... But they did cast his brother on his daddy's side and he was white as well
  5. I agree with you... Secrets almost always come out and do more damage than the offense... Everyone in their feelings about being lied to etc... But specifically in this situation... I can understand J'onn's shame and horror, and with what the team already know.. Does everyone being privy to the specifics make a tactical difference... They know what malefic is tryna do.. Hurt/destroy J'onn's new fam... That hasn't changed.. And the secret... I mean J'onn just found out himself.. He hasn't been harboring it for years and years
  6. I continue to love Archie and Monroe as buddies… I like the community center.. That car wash was thirst trap central.. But the show has a target demo.. I can’t be mad at that… I sped thru all the Betty and the farm nonsense.. Toni got to speak a little this episode so that’s an improvement.. Jughead and his new schoolmatesbafe kinda interesting… I kinda thought it was the girl who spilled the beans about moose… Ah well
  7. Well that was just "black Oklahoma" which is what sister night called it.. Then said only she could call it that.. Not font Johnson's character. So I guess the original is still out there..
  8. Shock and fatigue maybe.. They've both had to deal at some point with the idea of going on without the other.. Iris has already done it when Barry went into the speed force... Plus part of her has known that by 2024 Barry would dissapear pretty much forever.. They also still just lost Nora.. So quite a bit of blows.. Maybe they're a tad numb for a bit before they eventually get up to fight
  9. That makes more sense than him all of a sudden deciding his powers were a burden and he needed to need himself
  10. Mia is getting a spinoff with the two canaries and I dunno who else.. Which is something.. Unfortunately for me she's my 4th fave member of the flash forward team
  11. I imagine Earth-2 was always doomed and the monitor was just keeping it at bay long enough for Oliver to do whatever it is he asked him for.. So he could see it fall.. He knew Oliver would get involved in a world where his mom and Tommy were still alive.. Based on his convos with Lyla I think the only surprise was Laurel being brought back... Plus maybe the fact Diggle snuck over at all.... But yeah he said to Lyla we have to prepare him... But I'm betting that's more for the absolute madness of what the anti-monitor is tryna do.. And having the resolve to make super gut-wrenching decisions.. Hell he may have wiped out Earth-2 himself.. Just to make the point and to get Oliver ready to Obey... Dickish... Controlling... Unsympathetic... But maybe necessary
  12. Decent episode.. I find myself just waiting for the Uber-Droll monitor to pop up and say something really significantly with no real emotion... Like when Ollie asked about the denizens of E2 and he said plainly they are no more... As for the flash forward... Decent enough.. I still have no idea how this ties into the current day.. But I appreciate as little Mia as possible... Her Tough- Woman bravado is just irritating to me... Proclaiming she'll kill JJ the next time.. Like he didn't fool you and then best you in combat.. Literally holding his life in your hands.. Then at the club where he once again outsmarted our team of young heroes shes popping off about how if he touches William she'll kill him and I'm thinking... He's got you connor and Zoe surrounded at this club.. He's got goons all around William... The only reasonable reason they're alive now is because somewhere in his brain he doesn't wanna hurt Connor... I know I'm an odd duck.. I like laurel and Dinah.. But I could barely stand shadowhunters thanks to Kat's portrayal of Clary and I think Mia is an even more bothersome character... Dunno if I'll be around for the spinoff
  13. I loved the scene with Barry and Ramsey... Ralph really has grown on me... Frost was ok.. More Joe... What is eternium? Is it just another name for something else we know about.. New reporter is being a new reporter...
  14. I know Negan is a garbage person... I know he's done a ton of really savage no real redemption shit... That said.. I've always loved him.. Dick jokes.. Peepee pants etc... And I enjoyed him this episode... Never been a carol fan.. Still not a carol fan.. Somehow puts everyone in danger and doesn't even get a slap on the wrist... Then pulls one of my least fav TV tropes the " obviously I'm not fine and pretending so will do harm to me and others but I'll still say I'm fine and no one will really press me on it"
  15. As much as I'm liking the season.. I'm still confused how a US city is on a quarantine or lockdown.. But also under threat of invasion from foreign power.. Did America just give up on freeland?
  16. It def seems like casting for adults isnt as much of a problem as teen and young adults... Simone Missick and Todd Williams on All rise are another example
  17. True... But to nitpicky back to a previous post I made.. Both of those shows explicitly speak on race.. Grownish is marketed directly to and as a minority show... And the neighborhood is all about the culture and racial class of the primaries.. But still those are some more examples
  18. Well I finally got my reunion of grace and anissa... But anissa still hasn't told her she's a meta.. Again plz don't make us wait too long... Jen giving the new kid the tour was great... I liked his energy.. The rich lighter skinned bi/multi-racial guy who says things like " its gottwn better and I care more about content of character" is a bit blegh.. But I trust they'll flesh him out more than that.. I appreciated his line asking what being black had to do with 1000 dollar shoes so crossing my fingers... Odell continues to be the devil.. Lying to just about everyone.. And torturing an albino with simulated sunlight... Khalil's murder brain is creepy.. But the actor looks like he's having fun... That old black lady was def on some old black lady shit... She went 0 to 100 real real quick... No Gambling.. Not cool... And finally Christine Adams bone structure... Verifiable proof of Gods Love
  19. Gotham.. Is a legitimately horrible place
  20. Would you mind via spoiler tag or pvt message.. Could u lemme know how Zach and Jenna turn out
  21. I think about bass reeves and others every time.. I have to read about " PC SJW Woke culture" race-swapping characters from our country's ever so overtly racist past and how horrible it is etc
  22. I still haven't gotten past epi 4... Eventually I'll jump back in.. But if ur already at epi 8 and still complaining about henry's behavior... Geesh
  23. If only our collective sighs would've made a difference between seasons one and two.. What a diff show this coulda been... Also he and Lena just broke up I'm guessing two months ago tops.. Why don't either of them mention the other?? The part that bugs me the most is her rationalizing it all.. Yes folks kept a secret.. But I'm hard-pressed to remember when her knowing.. Woulda have been more beneficial than she already was.. And her not knowing was a negative... Maybe the performers aren't comfortable.. If that's the case.. That's on the writers for putting this relationship out there... When we coulda waited until brainy and Nia found counterparts that actually worked.. Cuz as it stands.. It plays like the way they treat Kevin and moose on riverdale... Archie/ Veronica Jug and Betty can get all hot and bothered and damn near spark an orgy.. But Kevin gets a peck... Not a great look from network and shared universe that has shown it can do better
  24. Yeah in a super perfect world we'd still have talia.. Hell they coulda backtracked and made her a detective and still brought in the new TO... But I'm good this way... As for the "I know"... It was pitch perfect
  25. I've liked it so far.. Simone and Wilson really sell the platonic oppo sex besties well... Its had some topical moments.. But also light ones.. Plus Marg helgenberger gets to have fun in the costume dept and look great and ahead reminds me of my grandmother so I'm good with jt
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