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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. There can't be trusted in my mind.. That's why I'm really hoping next episode we have cara or Susan talk to miles and walk back some of that anger and attitude.. Now that some time has passed that would be the best... At bare minimum if they are still gonna be salty then either miles stands up got himself or some other character needs to give them a dose of reality.. Cuz dumping this on his lap ain't it.
  2. Yeah Susan was dripping with privilege on that.. This woman abandons a family.. Gets her shit together finds a good man has another family.. Thanks to the GA and Miles gets reunited with her daughter builds a relationship with her... Her husband does some fuckery and is about to either end up in jail for a long time or just dissapear.. Instead the GA and miles pop in again and save him from himself.. And in the process saves her new daughter from going thru what her she visited upon her first daughter.. And hes gonna be back in a year.. And she's got the nerve of asking basically "where's mine"??? ... I think personally I woulda been OK with folks being in their feelings if miles woulda defended himself... So hopefully maybe next week cara remembers what he just did for her family.. And also for her.. Because if he didn't step in.. The stepdad would got caught and the other reporter woulda know cara tried to kill the story.. Seeing as she's living with the other person involved... Smh
  3. I know we all lose our heads when it comes to family... But cara was just all kinds of wrong... She seems always ready to bail on miles... Ur step daddy( who she only knows because miles helped her get back with her mom) was guilty.. This coulda been a lot worse.. I don't know why everyone seems so confused... She was ready to let all this go.. Smh bring back joy I think I'm done with cara
  4. I knew I wasn't the only one... Like of the show isn't trying to make us think Nancy is giving owen a chance to shoot his shot.. They coulda fooled me... Nick/George make a lot of sense on paper and on screen... But even if the show went there they'd just be used for drama instead of two relatively level-headed kids who got close and built something... Instead it'd be jealousy and pointed fingers and accusations about yadda yadda
  5. Well just watched the latest and they never really go into what all that was directly... But in her convo with the husband we see how incredibly wound up and scared she is.. So I'm gonna say it mostly came from a place of protecting Ed... The lady astronauts became the story and took some shine away from Ed.. And her belief was I guess they were being fast-tracked for publicity and if they weren't ready.. Then they were putting Ed at risk... A small part of it tho seems like some ingrained belief as to the social dynamics... She did seem to resent Tracy I think equally for running off and doing this totally freeing and independent thing.. But also because she was leaving her kids... I remember how she counciled her when she was ready to leave Gordo.. So I'd say she grew up with a very conservative mindset on how a wife should be.... But as of the latest epi.. She seems fine now.. Women astronauts have proven that they are as good as the men... She's gotten over some of her fear ( evidenced by her hanging the jaguar painting) and she seems totally supportive of Tracy now.. Always taking care of the kids... I still wish we woulda gotten at least one confrontation between the two women some years back ( an episode or two ago) to really specifically nail it down.. But that's not how they did and instead we kinda just saw her mellow out and we can out it together
  6. Maybe mel takes over the witch shop... And Maggie is the asst mngr of the place... Then its just macy lounging around.. And I dunno how many ppl are gonna notice her especially if she's in the war room all the time
  7. I dead ass watcged this episode and was confounded by how it would tie into crisis on infinite earths... Damn CW got me all twisted... Parker is still a bag of wet paper towels.. Is mel pregnant? ( well the actress) they shot her like she's hiding a baby bump... Did Jordan know Macy was Maggie's sister or just a stranger.. And if not he's gotta be wondering.. Unless he thinks his ring is a light skin girl magnet... I like godric.. He's scummy but I'm good with that.. And I still adore abigael...
  8. That would feel like the settlers prize watching those two.. Plus there's always the fact him and Lizzie had that lil gym session
  9. I'd be angrier about it.. But I get the feeling that if things were reversed Landon would be acting the same way... Based on how those two are.. Not the writers decision making.... Also are we totally sure Landon and Raf have had the talk about Hope.. I vaguely remember Landon pushing Raf to tell him something but I can't remember the outcome.. Cuz with his feelings for Josie and him being aware at how deep Raf's are for Hope could influence his decision... Of course the preview for the next episode looks like its going in a totally diff direction... So yeah maybe Raf is off somewhere else... If they were to pair him up with anyone significant.. It could be mystic falls girl... But I thought she was gonna be into hope... So I dunno... And looks like if Landon and hope don't jump back into everything then mystic falls boy is around.. With his vaguely ethnic self
  10. Well MG/Sebastian and Kaleb's sis were cool... Lizzie was solid... Don't think the show has any plan for Rafael other than to suffer... I kinda zoomed past all the sheriffs stuff... Is hope wearing a wig?..
  11. Yeah that had Nancy shade all over it.. Like.. " see this is how you treat a good guy Nancy... Not by ditching him and the rest of us to let some older dude flier with you.. And then do it some more in front of him.. While also keeping him at arms length"...
  12. Is surprising... But wasn't blindsided by it.. And actually happy it had nothing to do with cheating.. Or overheard conversations taken outta context.. U know typical tv show with teens reasons for breaking up... Nick just wasn't having it anymore.. Nancy values her stuff more than she values what's going on with Nick... I appreciate her saying she's trying... But that would be tiring as hell... So kudos to the show for keeping it grounded.. On a show with ghosts no less... Just don't screw it up by dragging smarmy ass owen back up in the paint.. We don't need that.. Let's just have them continue to work on themselves.. And hey as a guy ima be selfish and say I wanna see the girl win the guy back...
  13. Right now I only like Isaac Roxy and Tim... Oh and dizzy Everyone else is annoying including Amanda's kid...
  14. That is true.. And ur right nobody starts off perfect.. But Oliver also listened.. He had Slade and shadow on lian yu.. He had Katana when he was working for waller.. Hell he even listened to anatoly some when he was bratva... And once he was the hood he had Diggle and did he always listen.. No.. But he did sometimes... Mia wouldn't even listen to Connor and Zoe.. Who both had more experience than her.. Let alone her disregarding things Oliver tells her... And again its about the journey.. But other characters with far less glaring problems were introduced and were almost immediately disliked.. Usually if a character is this lone-wolfy they have some skill or something that sets them apart.. I haven't seen it with Mia... Thankfully the show at least got her to be somewhat self-awareness this week in her chat with Laurel so maybe progress Can't say that I have... But all 4 have still cold-blooded murdered ppl.. And not one or two.. Bodies.. Not accidentally.. Not heat of the moment.. Str8 up murder.. Ppl they didn't need to murder ppl who coulda been knocked out or whatever... I'm not really excusing laurel... I'm just saying murderers on this show can change.. Ppl are angry about the ppl laurel killed not that she killed ppl.. And for me it'd be kinda hypocritical to stay mad at laurel if I'm good with the rest of em... And I am
  15. Laurel is a horrible murderer.. Ollie's killed tons of ppl... Ras al ghoul has bodies on top of bodies.. No idea how many ppl Thea and Sarah lance have ended.. Point is those characters didn't annoy me.. And if we can forgive captain Sara for being a cold blooded killer who changed her ways I guess we can do so for her dopplesister.. Mia is a bland character with a bad attitude full of tough girl cliches and her only saving grace is she's Ollie and felicity's kid.. She's not a leader.. Not a team player.. Overly confident in her skills.. Reckless. I could keep going this character based on what I've seen.. If she wasn't Olicity spawn.. Would be dragged on the internets... Maybe they fix her in time for the spinoff
  16. Self-important neophyte... Lol... I mean MC is the star so he's gotta be right in the end and save the day.. But it was fun watching him get told off
  17. Mia was annoying again... Adult William is great.. Daddy Oliver is the best.. How is it oliver's fault that Mia didn't know William.. That's on felicity.. Laurel gave good advice and kudos on her calling out the pity party Mia was throwing
  18. I'm not a Megan Tandy fan... She tends to bore me in most of the things I've seen her in... And Sophie isn't really an exception.. But I have to say I'm not sure I really agree with all this "betrayal" talk... I grew up in a super progressive family I was taught tolerance, respect and to advocate for equality from the cradle.. Even so I was also taught that how we lived and thought wasn't the whole world.. And that outside our walls and away from the bubble of community I grew up in, that other's experiences would have to take precedence over my entrenched beliefs... I blather all that out to say.. We seem to be holding Sophie to a standard that we aren't holding kate too... Maybe its because most of us believe in expressing our truths and not letting others bigoted worldview confine us... But Sophie and Kate's actions got them in a situation that promised to derail everything they had worked for leading up to that moment and would impact everything moving forward and to this point the show hasn't even hinted that kate thought about doing what Sophie did.. Even if Sophie never mentions keeping quiet to get along.. If kate loves Sophie as I assume she did, she knows her family situation she knows her dreams moving forward... But it looks like she was ready to have Sophie lose all of it to take this stand and while personally I believe in what she did.. What Sophie did is just as rational.. So as fans.. Especially when we could all see that Sophie telling kate she didn't love her was BS.. And knowing that Kate's decision was just as self-serving as Sophie's.. Maybe we shouldn't be so quick to judge and pile on... As for the other betrayal.. I mean once again Kate's recklessness puts all the onus on Sophie... Kate's so transparent as Batwoman that damn near everyone who knows her and spends any time with her seems to figure it out.. So fine... Sophie is now working for Batwoman's dad.. Sophie knows that Jacob seems to hate the Bat symbol.. He's turned his inner shame into outward rage for the Bat.. Also the bat is a threat to the business that he's built all reasons to chase and antagonize and possibly even kill this Batwoman.. Sophie is loyal to Jacob almost like a daughter.. Its been mentioned by a few characters how close they are he's an authority figure who respects her and puts his trust in.. He knows at least as much as anyone can her sexuality and loves her anyway.. He's given her a place to be herself and strive while also providing for her family.. And to connect it to my first point.. He's the one that stopped her torpedoing her career and at least until this episode she was glad she didn't join Kate and leave point rock... and on top of all of that emotional entanglement there is the real possibility that jacobbcould order the death of his daughter and soohie woukd have known and said nothing... I mean, thats a definitely between a rock and a hard place.. kate knows all of this and Luke rightly tells her to just speak to Sophie.. And what happens.. Super bigot gets in their way... Kate blows up.. Makes a hell of a scene, and totally makes Sophie uncomfortable... Again personally I don't mind the blow up.. But shes meeting the already reserved buttoned up Sophie in a wildly romantic setting in public making noise and taking a stand and ostensibly doing what it is she came there to do which was prove she's not a reckless hothead who's gonna get herself killed.. not suprsingly Sophie freaked out.. But kate still coulda spoken to her.. Explained what it was she was trying to accomplish as BW... But nah... So of course Sophie tells Jacob ( mouse) based on that data alone I would too.... To me the only betrayal is to her husband... Either she's bisexual woman.. Did honestly love him and just has unresolved feelings for an ex and will probably cheat on him with her... Or he was a beard this whole time... I believe those two love each other.. I also believe kate doesn't respect Sophie on some level and Sophie resents how Kate's pride veers into selfishness... I don't know how these two become something epic without clearing that up first.... Sorry For The Essay
  19. Well I figured its her family and her internalized shame.. That's what's keeping her from being out there.. And tho like I said the actress believes the character is a closeted lesbian.. She really could be bisexual... So the husband isn't a beard as much as.. Just the odd man out on a triangle... The show has only done the bare minimum in laying the groundwork for those beats.. So its hard to feel anything for Sophie... The show itself seems like it wants to make her the bad guy.. But can't totally commit so were stuck in some weird middle ground... Like the show wants to condemn the closet but can't actually do it so we get this... Also if she turns out to be full lesbian... I say boo... Making her bi would be much better
  20. After the flashback I am ok with Sophie doing what she did... Besides having some seriously internalized shame and maybe some homophobia.. She also had way less options... Like she told Kate.. She didn't have the privilege of being offended.. And her decision to never speak of it again also rings true... Still not sure how I feel about the husband thing... The actress says she believes Sophie is just a closeted lesbian and not Bi/Pan etc... If that's the case and hes like a beard... Even a well intended one.. That's sucks... Her telling Jacob, I guess if you wanna Use the word betrayal you can.. But from her vantage point.. How would it look of the crows killed Batwoman and Jacob found out Sophie knew... We protect the ppl we love.. Even from themselves.. And what Sophie did protected two of the ppl she loves.. Jacob and Kate... Am I supposed to believe that Sophie now doesn't think kate is batwoman??... Cuz that feels like a stretch
  21. Yeah.. But I'm sure the show will have Kara be a softy and try to find a good reason to not be mad... That's why I'm hoping for Alex to remember who she used to be and just say Eff that... You played us.. You kidnapped Malefic you stole from us and then you put kryptonite on Kara.... Ur dead
  22. I can't bring myself to care with Lena... I just don't buy it.. This reaction even with her past "betrayal" doesn't warrant this scorched earth.. If the show ever remembers Alex is a bad ass they'd have her beat Lena to a pulp and keep it moving... She kryptonite'd Kara man... And the new wrinkle of blaming Kara for the pain of stopping Lex... Nooope.. That man was a psycho killer and needed to be put down... I swear Lena and Mia from Arrow just need a sit down with someone who's really been betrayed.. Or had to make tough choices or had loved ones die on em... Like Barry or Oliver or Zari... So they can stop being so damn melodramatic
  23. I wanted RAF/hope and Josie/Landon since last year maybe after the 2nd or 3rd episode.. So on one hand I'm all for it.. But on the other it feels like everything is just in a holding pattern until everyone remembers or acknowledges who hope was and all of that... I thought MG/Sebastian was a fun pairing and Kaleb makes everything better... Looking FWD to how those guys move on and how Lizzie changes all of that
  24. I guess I haven't seen enough medically from Cain that warrants the way kit seems to go after him... Even in that thing with Hades it was more rushing to fix the problem than putting the patient in danger.. As others have stated.. Dr. Bell was out here botching surgeries.. This latest surgery if you take away the card game and the faulty device... Has the potential to keep kit's patient out of the hospital for good.. No more chronic pain.. And yeah he bills something crazy.. I know ima weirdo bit tv characters in media shows who never seem to care about money.. Weird me out.. Like doing any and everything no matter what proves you care more.. And that's just not always true
  25. Lord yes.. And now she's probably murdered someone protecting that snobby loon... Smh who's out here telling the showrunners that this is a good plot and its working?
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