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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. Even when they're in the right this show writes Betty and jughead with such an air of entitlement that its hard to root for them... Betty is again all up in Charles' business having him take a polygraph.. And I know the show will have her be right.. Like she was with chick.. But it doesn't negate that her methodology is all outta wack... And Jug man.. Summoning the author of the books to accuse him of plagiarism and then going to Mr. Chipping and demanding he help even tho it may harm the school and him personally... Smh
  2. I never like cheating storylines... So everything with Edie is getting me mad... I don't feel sorry for her... I don't like the D.A who's super pushy.... The only person her who's losing is Tim.... Was Roxy's mom putting on an act.. Cuz that felt real... I guess scumbags have feelings to... Watching the redheaded sister's lies fall apart was brutal... I was surprised that Issac went out with Roxy.. Up until he asked I got the feeling he was into the redhead... So maybe on some level she was a bit jealous... I think she's got love for Tim on some level
  3. I might be in left field but between kit and Dr. Cain... I'm going with Dr. Cain... He's arrogant but he's backed up most of his talk... She seemed determined to dislike him before they met and is always looking for a reason to be angry with him.. And now she's entering some weird agreement with him just to spy and take him down... If the show wanted me on her side... They haven't done their job
  4. I think benoist is a fine actress.. But I do think how they make Kara so child-like is annoying at times.. She's written like an emotional bull in a China shop... She's very black or white.. Self-righteous... She's ridiculously optimistic and sometimes naive...
  5. I didn't get the feeling that the FR in the show was designed racist... It had racial flaws... But the tech who explained its genesis.. Basically said.. A bunch of white folks made it and they didn't think about us darker folks... Hell Voight thought it was iffy.. But went along becuz enuff of the circumstantial evidence pointed at the guy as well
  6. I guess Jeff took that beating because he felt guilty... But it wasnt his fault... And screw anissa's cocky self for blaming him when they were in the tunnel... Yes he asked... But she was in the field... And even moreso he said he had videos on his phone for them.. She coulda just smuggled that.. But she took him... Anywhoo.. I thought for a sec Jen would see the light... But Odell knows how to push buttons.. I mean he hit her with an "I marched with Dr. King... " ain't much you can do to come back from that... Troy Jr. Is cool and it was obvious hes a meta.. Unfortunately that might also mean he swatted tavon... And that's no good... Grace was great.. Gambi was solid
  7. I'm don't get why Olivia was saying sorry to Layla at the party.. Especially after she said that shit to her mom... I mean she created a party and then narcd on them to their mom... That's some next level douchebag right there
  8. I dunno if we're supposed to feel sadness for Lena.. But I don't... Felt sad for Andrea moreso... Too bad about Rip Roar I liked the actor.. He woulda been more convincing as William..
  9. I'm wary about that now... I liked otblast year.. Because their scenes had some spark to them.. If they went there it would make sense.. And that's kinda been every scene between the two of them.. Compared to her and Landon.. Which we could all see 30 miles away.. Even if on the surface they didn't make much sense... I'm sure some post from last season has me saying Landon and Josie made more sense. Based on how the characters acted.... But if it happens now.. With all the memories gone... Id feel like I would just be waiting for the shoe to drop... When RAF remembers or Landon.. And then its drama and.. I would bet good money I know who Julie plec is giving the title of Leads Love interest... I love Lizzie, but Raf also had a bifurcated mind before the onion got in there... Based on the shows words and what later happened with Lizzie.. He also shoulda remembered hope... And as he didn't.. I'm not sure what they're doing with him... Time will tell
  10. Totally agree there... Tho the actor who plays owen.. I believe is half Latino.. And the woman who was called a Marvin in a previous episode was.. Well something def a WOC... And Bess.. At least based on her name is playing a WOC... I believe the actress is mixed race as well... So I'm guessing in this iteration.. The Marvin are POC....
  11. I dunno.. It read to me that Nancy was being kinda flirty...
  12. Good acting by Lizzie... And now she remembers hope... Poor MG... RAF got to be broken and angry and then dissapeared... We got a Kai sighting... So all in all good episode
  13. To save Mia from a fight she was losing after... After Mia pouted and grimaced at the team until they ambushed the deathstrokes even tho everyone else told hwrbit was a bad idea.. Basically Zoe got fridge for Mia's ladypain.. Except this is worse because there really isn't a connection between Zoe and Mia they're just getting to be a team.. It wasn't even so much that they listened to Mia's bad plan as they knew her lone wolf self woulda gone after the deathstrokes alone and gotten killed... I'm sure she'll mellow out and be better.. But right now.. From her intro last year to last night I've not seen anything about the character worth caring about besides who her parents are... She hasn't shown a special skill.. She's not a Uber fighter like Oliver.. She's not a meta.. She's got no experience.. Yet she's salty with everyone she meets including a load of ppl who are better at this vigilante thing... I forget her name but the other young archer that Oliver was training who betrayed him... Mia as of now hasn't shown anything to separate her from that girl.. Other than parentage.... So right now I'm not seeing how she carries a show
  14. Except she turns around and does the same thing in wanting to go after grant.. In fact it's worse because she has no idea of this 2019 world.. Who's helping grant etc. Yeah that's not particularly admirable if in doing so ppl have to put themselves in danger to save you.. From her introduction to now I don't feel she's learned much of anything. She's just a pastiche of tough kid/ lone wolf/ daddy issues tropes... And maybe it would be bearable if she was a lesser character but as oliver's kid and soon to be star of her own show.. She's really unlikeable... I haven't seen any real fighting skill that sets her apart.. She's had tough life.. But is it that much tougher than others... She displays no real social skills.. Other than being a really attractive girl the show hasn't given me a reason why Connor is into her... She's been around for a bit now a d its no growth.. And no admitting that how she's doing what she's doing isn't working...
  15. Compared to the ppl she seems to wanna go up against.. Yeah.. JJ has gotten the best of her more than once in one on one fights.. Then she wants to take run at the guy who trained JJ... And she's even tryna push Ollie... Homegirl has a seriously inflated sense of her skills.. And that inflation got Zoe killed...
  16. They weren't... Zoe knew William a bit when they were kids.. I'm guessing she knew JJ and Connor... So if anyone should really be emotional about it.. Its Connor... His brother kills his friend.. Because his ex and her hair flipping non fighting self got all of them to join in on her stupid plan
  17. I feel like most of those questions will be answered as the season goes on.. Based on what's happening in the present and in the bourne movies from what I remember... The tsikada program gets implemented.. Maybe by the CIA guy who killed the betraying best friend.. What happens with the captured CIA guy probably influences him... As for the sleepers.. The CIA prob targeted them when they were college age.. Or picked them straight outta the military... As they are waking up more memories should fill in the blanks for you
  18. I took it to mean that kwon and this new soldier were in the same camp... They don't want stiletto six... Shin does... I forget the BS reason he told the husband about kwon being a traitor... To him kwon was a traitor for his actions against N. Korea... For Kwon and this new guy.. Maybe shin and his buddies circumventing the proper channels and getting stiletto six is a betrayal of N. Korea.....
  19. A guy she knocked down to save Mia.. And while checking on said innocent her head malcontent gets stabbed thru the gut or heart... The stupid things may in fact be William Zoe and Connor all taking orders from the 21 year old with a bad attitude... William and Zoe are in their 30's him about 33 or 34 her 30... And I'm raging about the hair flip because it was mad unecessary
  20. Arrow... I swear to every conceivable name that ppl use for their creator... If you EVER do that hair flip while Mia is shooting an arrow.. I will literally, figuratively, metaphorically and actually end you... Yes I know you aren't a living breathing entity.. I will find a way... Otherwise.. Good episode... Loved William and Oliver having their talk.. Loved Dinah getting Rene and Diggle's heads screwed on straight... I loved how competent Connor and William were... I appreciated John and Rene having mini meltdowns... Liked Diggle and Connor coming together at the end.. Liked William and Curtis working together... Loved Rene's speech at the end... Even chuckled at the canaries eating together.. Then I remembered how much they wanted to kill each other and smiled some more... I really enjoyed so much of this episode... Except for Mia... She's an ass.. An arrogant impulsive abrasive joke.. Somehow in her let's get revenge for Zoe she failed to mention it was her complete lack of skill that got Zoe killed.. Her horrible plan.. Her nonexistent fighting skills compared to JJ.. She's been bested by him like 3 times... Zoe dies saving her non fighting ass and she wants to run off and fight the guy who trained him.. All alone? When even more ppl who have more experience than the ppl who previously told you that you couldn't do it alone.. Tell her not to do it all alone... Then her attitude with Ollie... I for a second thought that maybe the kids didn't know about the monitor.. And just know he dissapears... But no William said the monitors name... So they know the score.. That a damn near God called on Oliver to assist in saving the universe. And she's out here laying down guilt trips like he was some deadbeat who left to go on a rock tour in the Midwest and started up a new family... How the CW thinks this character will carry a show is beyond me..
  21. I guess festivals are generally in the same place
  22. I guess for me.. Her speech talked about how they couldn't even fathom someone else being in charge and making decisions.. Which to be fair is their job.. But the way she framed it.. Made me think that sometime in the past they overruled her or had her do things she was really against.. Didnt listen to her advice etc... But over the three episodes I didn't see any of that.. I saw a power struggle between execs and a star.. So it was a bit of a disconnect... Cause even tho I'm 1000000% sure that the older exec guy is an ass.. What the did just selecting Bradley in front of the world.. Was a big deal... Something that you should prob apologize for... And if not to them... Definitely to the other anchors and producers... As for Bradley James.. I believe its her network that was conservative.. So the belief by some of the morning show ppl was that she was this stereotypical blonde conservative beauty queen type.. But in actuality she's probably more down the middle.. Which ahe pointed out when ahe was trying on clothes.. Saying some said ahe was too this or too that... and later in one of the episodes Billy crudup's character calls her a libertarian... Or says she's more libertarian than conservative... She reminds me of my friends who agree with me like 65% of the time but still say they're center left or center right...
  23. Stevens face when Martin was going over what he'd done... And Martin being so oblivious... Smh
  24. Black folks in general.. Darker skin.. Worse results... I'll have to go back and listen.. I think he presented that the software helped catch the "killer" but then made some comment to the effect of its a ways off from being everywhere and that timeframe is the same one the tech guy gave...
  25. I think the commander said it still had some kinks ( seriously downplaying the mess up... And it would be a year or so... Which I believe is what the tech guy said it needed
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