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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. Now I don't think zoey was wrong to take the job with Joey... Her putting her Ex's work in the mix without giving him a heads up was not ideal... Glad Vivek us getting something.. Felt like he's been the footnote too long... Jaz and Doug are always good for a laugh and are a pretty solid young couple.. Reminds me of a few I knew in college which was only a few years ago...
  2. I remember when I thought Alex was gonna be a part of the main cast... Time flies.. He legit sat there Nodding and Smiling while tiny Jane ran the interview... Then I thought the show may have the older lady have some out there views about men... Or black men or something as they pointed out she's from another time.. You know highligting... That even amongst us super progressive folks we have blind spots or problem areas... But nope... Alex just sat there.. I did wonder if she had a bad past with RJ.. The way she recoiled at the sight of him...
  3. Boy some folks really can't stand Maggie... A perfectionist who a big part of her self image is how competent she is.. Whos always longed for family.. Right after a pretty devestating breakup Meets some family instantly gravitates towards it and in the blink of an eye is partly responsible for the death of said family... Because a mistake ( that seems reasonable to me.. But I guess could've been avoided) she made and in top of that gets sued By her uncle.. Her father initially can't even look at her.. I mean that's a lot... Karev nearly beat a guy to death.. Hell so did Jo.. Kepner abandoned her husband to go almost get killed in a war zone.. Ppl on this show have done and reacted a lot worse and not faced the wrath on all the message boards I've seen directed at Maggie. As for Link... I dunno what ppl are expecting from him... If Owen is the dad their whole future changes from what he was probably imagining.. And I don't think he was angry about it possibly being owen's ( cuz they weren't together like that) I think he was miffed that Amelia was like it doesn't matter... When that's just delusional
  4. Didn't like him from jump.. Still don't for the most part... But the actor really sells his more tender moments and the jerkiness so well...
  5. I dunno how much its her high powered job as it us her husband feeling like hes put himself on the back-burner so she can accomplish her dreams.. And when she was let go he saw it as an opportunity to get more active while she shoulders more on the home front... But getting her job back and Patrick dipping off means she's more involved than ever before.. And he's done sitting and waiting.. Not an uncommon storyline.. I've seen it before usually with the genders flipped is all... Could be done well as long as they don't try and make anyone too unreasonable
  6. I enjoyed pothos... He'd be fun to have around more often if he didn't eat hearts... Poor MG... Lizzie ignored him.. He finally moves in and now Kym is gone... And even if he wanted to rebound with Alyssa.. Looks like she's moved on ti Kaleb.... Was fun seeing the "B" squad try to save the day.. Hope was both 100% correct and a bit obnoxious... But Landon was way too thirsty to prove himself and almost got folks killed... Unfortunately Hope and Landon still more often than not make epic pronunciations about their love to each other and other ppl.. But I don't really see it.. And his insecurities are... Tiring... So honestly is the actor who plays Rafael just gone.. Is he doing a play or movie somewhere, because this is ridiculous
  7. In a vacuum I like the new doctor Cormac.. He's competent and level headed which a show like this needs when the majority of the characters can go pretty close to the ledge... As a match for Meredith while she's still in the middle of figuring out what's up with Deluca, I'm less a fan of... He's a widow and age appropriate he's taking over for Alex.. He's got a stamp of a approval from Cristina... Its all a bit too much.. I'd prefer if he stayed single dad and struck up a friendship with one of the guys... I enjoyed Deluca only calling Meredith for doctor advice.. While I was upset with the show last week for making it Deluca was in the wrong for asking Meredith to figure her self out.. This week he skipped over the relationship drama and spoke to her like the genius doctor she is and asked for help... pretty mature if you ask me... Richard and Maggie was great.. Totally agree that's why you don't operate on fam... Overall a well done episode nobody was too much everything that happened made sense.. Looking forward to next week
  8. I pretty much read recaps and cruise the boards to figure out if I'm gonna watch the episode.. This one sounds like a "stash" and watch later I do wanna know of Toni was actually a member of this quiz team or did she just exist as the fourth member
  9. They got him talking to copy his voice ( I dunno if the tech is real... But in a bunch of tv shows if you get someone to say enough base words and sounds then a computer program can mimic them saying anything) add to that gambi's holo projection and you got a fake odell who they were gonna use to take down the shield
  10. I don't know enough about who history but so many ppl seem hard pressed to place Ruth before this incarnation of the doctor I assumed she's from the future.. But if gallifrey is gone already I guess that doesn't totally work either... And Gather seemed to be surprised.. So I dunno.. But I have enjoyed it
  11. Hog- tying your sister and father and allowing odell and the other ASAP jerks to escape is exactly why they didn't tell you about robo-khalil Jennifer... And " you thick lipped bastard! " oh thank you Dr. Stewart that was amazing... Great seeing LaLa spar with Lady Eve... Looking fwd to that storyline going fwd
  12. Pretty awesome. Really enjoyed it.. Loved the meta-ness of having a forgotten black female doctor.. As unfortunately previous contributions by black women have gone unheralded for too long before coming to light later... And just for the show itself.. I've always wished for a more martial doctor.. Or just a more physical time lord.. Not all the time.. David tenant is still my fave doctor.. But every once in a while all that pacifism feels overly idealistic.. And watching Ruth dispatch those judoon was top notch.. ( also im sure some of the more unsavory posters on the Internet are clutching their pearls and screaming "agenda/ PC nonsense " etc... And having them upset is always fun)
  13. I too would appreciate a good angel.. Preferably not a love interest... Also I'd like the witches to show more of an interest in Roz... It seems odd that their so blahzay about her powers and haven't at least had a talk about it... Also I didn't know seers could implant images in ppl's heads... Also would rather she wasn't with Harvey.. He's a blanket and lying to himself that hes over sabrina... Their whole dating thing ( Roz/Harvey) always felt weird and desperate for some reason... She'd do good with a warlock or demon or angel... 3 seasons and I'm not sure sabrina has actually learned any lesson.. But she's the devil's kid so maybe hubris is just baked in... Sad about prudence and Ambrose.. I enjoyed them more than sabrina.. I hope the other backwoods speak more next season
  14. It seems like ( for tv purposes) most of what happened to our tv show main characters on the various shows happened the same.. At least major incidents... So Winners still left to go fight brainiac and stayed in the future... But in his future Lex and all his nonsense is canon... It wasn't until J'onn gave him the mental exposition dump that he realized his past present and future may have been altered...
  15. Well beth didn't die.. Which I thought was gonna happen in the car, I enjoyed her... The flashbacks were ok.. Woulda rathered more interactions between ppl.. More Luke/Kate or Mary/ Beth or some other combo... Didn't need to see the Alice origin story... Pretty much figured that's how it all went down for her
  16. I hope Kai somehow magically has a child now... Even better if its kind of Bonnie and Kai is now a different kind of psycho
  17. Its probably more to do with the day's news of Kobe.. But this episode really didn't keep my interest at all... I enjoyed Winning.. It was good to see him.. And as someone upthread said he interacted with Kara in a meaningful way more in this one episode than like almost all of his scenes post season one... But other than that.. Meh.. I've already posted how I feel about Lena.. And she's even worse now because she's gaslighting Andrea.. If she knows the how and the why of the andrea of this world "betraying " her why still be all mad at her.. And since when was it "her mother's amulet" I remember it was something her momma talked about.. But it didn't belong to her and it seems like the power was always meant for Andrea... Smh.. And finally looks like they are gonna try and give us William/Kara... And he's so Bleh
  18. Same here. Tho Kat was a bit smarmy while doing it... I was like.. I get your point but RJ isn't exactly wrong and his point has some merit.. Lastly dude is still the boss.. Maybe wipe the Natalie former grin off
  19. Well the prison world thing is cool.. And I’m glad wade wasn’t a running joke again.. That was getting tiresome… More tiresome is that once again No Raf…. Wth is going on? As it stands for how Landon and Hope are together.. They seem to trade grand speeches about how much they love each other.. But most of their interactions don’t show that… But even if he isn’t brought back as a romantic option the show has done the actor and character a real disservice… He was a wolf for the beginning of the season and then wakes up to save Landon.. Almost immediately gets possessed.. Consistently has his mind messed with.. Had a flicker of hope ( no pun intended) when he was gonna ask hope out but then his memories returned and he couldn’t be around here and now he’s dissapeared off with his bio dad… Wouldn’t be surprised if the actor left to ” pursue a substantial role” elsewhere.. Which is what I’ve seen used to explain why some other black folks on these Genre shows dip after not being written for and pushed into the background... I read on another forum that they may be foreshadowing that the sheriffs son may be a wolf... Here is that excerpt " His name is Ethan and I have a feeling he could be supernatural. With the way the Shunka Warakin from episode 3 of this season seemed to be watching him as he stood up to that jock bully and then mistakenly tried to eat the bully (but Shunka Warakin only eat werewolves) and now hearing about him getting into fights, reminds me a bit of how Tyler acted before he triggered his transformation, all that misplaced aggression. So he’s potentially an un-triggered werewolf and he definitely has an alpha wolf vibe, with the way he got those other jocks to stop vandalizing the Salvatore School. And with the way things seem to be going between Landon and Hope, if he accidentally triggers it and Hope is definitely the type of person who would want to help him through it that could be what leads to a romance between them"... To that I say... sounds plausible and reasonable… But if this show brings in a white dude to be not only a love interest for hope but an (Alpha) wolf.. While never giving Rafael anything to do.. I’m quitting the show.. Which would really piss me off cuz I really like the show.. But that scenario would be such a slap in the face…
  20. They were also right about the "Fear of middle America" the belief that a largely more conservative and religious minded less accustomed to diverse settings homogenous population will not accept as readily the things us coastal ppl will... I guess in some instances its true... But I also think the fear stops too many ppl in decision maker roles from doing "bold and controversial" things
  21. Since they were all already Firefighters and not just randos from the streets- the answer to your question about taking the standardized test is yes. I mean..... Smh thank you.. I cant believe its 2020 and I'm still out here defending diversity and pushing back on the notion that a very diverse group of ppl is an agenda or some form of "wokeness"
  22. First of all.. You forgot to add the word PERSON after all those descriptors... Secondly the mandate from the DOJ lady and the Fire chief was to be more diverse than before.. Apparently almost all the firehouses were lacking before the mandate came in and as of the pilot 36 of 45 had gotten some percentage better.. So this captain looked for talented firefighters ( who happened to not be white men) and asked them to come join him
  23. What exactly does this mean... I've seen similar sentiments all up and down this board
  24. I had a moment when Nate said he rotated hair products... And Im generally ambivalent towards Nate at best
  25. Enjoyed it well enough the Russians hamming it up for the cameras seemed odd.. I did like the relationship between Behrad and Sara… She’s needed that since the show decided to shelf Jax until the actor decided to bounce… I hope we aren’t looking for zari for too long.. With Mona gone and Charlie doing a disappearing act the waverider is looking kinda monotone…
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