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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. The Sophie/ batwoman interactions are getting better... Kate was brutal in that verbal takedown of Alice.. But everyone needed what was said to be said... Glad Mary figured it out.. Hope the show doesn't waste tine trying to tell her she's wrong. As it didn't make much sense to keep her out of it... Still love the dynamic between Kate/Luke
  2. Damn Lady.. You brought it with that one... 10000 rounds of applause
  3. Lol.. Aww man... That one had me spill my fresca I hope we get more of the Detective from last week.. The one who was working with Rollins.. Who I've always actually enjoyed.. But he was good and I like that this captain seems to not be adversarial... Too many higher-ups on these dick wolf shows are always shown as dirtbags... I mean look at the Chicago shows... Especially fire and PD Seems like every new bigwig has it out for Boden and Voight
  4. I enjoyed it.. I knew that Isaac was holding a torch for Julia... Didn't love Julia parading her bio dad in front of Leon... I notice that Edie already knew what that look was between Issac and Julia... And if by miracle of miracles this show survived I'd be here for it... Because Donavan is a wet blanket
  5. I was happy as well... Its possible he was angrier before and some of that rubbed off when the daughter was younger.. But they seem to be in a good place now... Also Tommy has good taste.. Or she's hot ppl catnip . or both between the two women so far who've flirted and a good looking ex.. Tommy has got it...
  6. Well said... I know I have a preferred way for this to play out.. But that may or may not be in the cards.. So what I'm really hoping for is that Link.. Or somebody in Link's corner gets this message out there.. And some of the other messages that have been floating around... And then they let Amelia respond.. Say why she thinks her actions are right and proper and we go from there
  7. Yeah she decided that guy was guilty the second she called him a Stanford frat boy... I would've preferred it if Luna was the bad guy... Or if she only did some of the stuff and her underlings did the rest to ruin her... Instead we get another poor rich white lady victim... Because apparently those seem to be the vast majority of ppl who call borough across the bridge home
  8. She wants an answer to a question he can't answer because he can't honestly know how he feels until he knows for sure... Someone upthread called the is it Linc or Owen's baby contrived... I don't totally agree... If her math was off... It was off.. If it happened in real life and you had two partners.. Who I guess both went unprotected or condom rips whatever... The question of who the bio dad is.. Is pertinent... Its Amelia's insisting that Linc Declare his unfettered love that seems contrived... Even her just wondering or asking him after the results came in.. If they were plunging ahead because of the baby, would make sense.. I'd imagine other women may have felt like that... I know some guys who have felt the need to " do the responsible " thing... They coulda explored that.. But honestly that type of reaction isn't really who they've ever written Amelia as... This kinda zero sum obliteration, selfish, confounding, self sabatoging move is right up her alley
  9. My DVR didn't record.. What happened you can shoot me a mail if you don't wanna spoil others...
  10. Agreed, my problem wasn't that he could speak Italian.. And I laughed at them being surprised that he does.. But it made me roll my eyes because its such a try hard thing for the writers to do to make him oh so perfect for Meredith... And its not like hes been paired up with anyone else for any substantial amount of time.. So they just been dropping 20 ton anvils every time the two of them are together... He's already got the Cristina stamp of approval ( hell he was gifted to Mer from Cristina... Which.. Is kinda gross but I'm not really stressing it) he's age appropriate... He's A dept head... He's a widow.. With kids... Who aren't the same race... Oh he speaks Italian.. And he's always around Meredith... Blegh.. Maybe if they made him chase someone else around.. Maybe of they didn't make it obvious that Meredith was checking him out and comparing him to her loyal ass boyfriend who's stood by her and jumped on a grenade for her... Maybe then... But the way they're doing it now... Nope
  11. Oh I loved that show.. God bless the Amazon algorithim that put that show in front of me... Sharon.. And Paudge.. The kielys and the hennessys... It was wonderful wish we'd get one more season Did I miss when he said this?... My understanding was that he needed some time.. And the expectation was that during this time he'd find out if the kid was his or not.. So he could figure out how he would be dealing with all this.. To ask him to go back to before when it was them in the baby bubble.. Well that burst.. The toothpaste is outta the tube.. All you can do now is accept and assess.. And Amelia seems to have decided unilateraly what Linc's decision was and Accepted it as fact.. Even tho he hasn't made one yet
  12. Buddy really is an interesting character.. I feel left all to his own whims he'd be a super progressive honest good mayor.. But that's just not the world.. So I guess he pushes back when he can.. And bends when he has to.
  13. But that's never been shown as the reason Amelia is dragging her feet on this... She's holding all this up( putting aside Link and his feelings for a second... a possible nuke on owen and teddy's new relationship) because she needs Link to pass some purity test "on her timeline" or he can't know if he's gonna be a father.. I think we can stipulate that both Amelia and Link fell deeper into each other after the news of.. And the decision to keep and parent this child... Now thru no fault of anyone Link's position has been changed.. Or possibly changed... He may be a dad.. He may be parenting with just Amelia.. He may look that kid in the face and see pieces of him... Or he may not.. And he may have to share parenting with the ex-husband and his new wife... Amelia is the Mom and only Mom in any scenario.. You would think with her position a little more secure and with her ability to clarify all of this.. So all involved move ahead accordingly she would.. But that wouldn't be the character at all... While not as bad I see her and the cheating wife's side-dude in the same vein... Causing chaos and pain while constantly telling yourself you're a good person... Hell he said it something like this " I don't care who I hurt as long as I'm not feeling the pain"
  14. While I don't really watch station 19 anymore ( at least not religiously) abs def not before I watch my DVR Grey's.. It hasn't been hard for me to keep up with what's going on.. And it hasn't really affected how I watch Grey's... But I am a pretty chill viewer.. That's prob why I haven't ripped my hair out over this Alex storyline... Partly because I know whatever the writers had planned or did shoot had to be redone because the actor left.. And partly because I was never really all that interested in Alex.. He was a jerk.. Then he wasn't... Then he was but he was cool with Meredith... Him and Jo always seemed blegh... And I used to think it was her.. But lately she's been fine on her own.. Also he nearly killed Deluca and spent about as much time in Jail as Deluca did for jumping in the grenade for Meredith.. I'll hold out hope that all TPTB are working hard to come up with a farewell that honors Justin's work all these years and still works with the storylines going fwd.. Who knows how many Stories he was gonna be a part of that have to be re-worked.. and that's changes for a very big cast.. Some of who have other things going on.. So I'll wait
  15. I just want iris to ask one of those common sense questions that never really get asked on these shows... Like what do you eat? Why are you in heels? Are there any sweats laying around etc...
  16. Their relationship changed the second she told him she was pregnant.. The loss of the FWB and the birth of something else.. With a child being at the center of it... Blaming link for some trepidation.. Trepidation she's also causing by not doing what needs to be done.. Its hypocritical because before the child the calculus for this relationship was different anyway... Its like she's punishing him because he might have an "out"... She doesnt get to make any informed decision because the baby is already growing, but Link he can.. And because hes asked for all the info.. She's mad and hurt.. But if the baby is what moved the relationship from a 5 to a 8... Isn't it possible it could move it back... Or it could move to a 10... Until Link hears the words.. And sits with the results.. Set in stone.. He could I guess say all the pretty words.. But as they say words are wind... Of course all of this seems rational but they've never written Amelia rational.. She's selfish always has been always will be.. But they like to backtrack and give us a reason... Cuz her daddy died... Her sisters are mean... She's an addict... She's got a tumor... Now its hormones and emotions... Don't see why her emotions to hold all this stuff hostage ( and to dump him) are ok but his emotional response to possibly being a dad. Then having it yanked... Then just forced to wait and make a decision and because he's hesitated he gets dumped.. Aren't also respected... Hope the show continues to examine both POV's and then get to some conclusion
  17. Replace probably wasn't the right term for what I was trying to convey... A subsection of the fandom( can't speak for actual size) that's vocal on the Interwebs have never liked Iris and still complain about her now for "reasons" I felt initially the showrunners and writers looked to get those folks on board with Caitlin Snow's character.. And she's kept a different subset around.. One that nay have bolted from the show if Caitlin was an older woman... Because "something" about Iris being the female lead and Love interest didn't "click" generally the complaint was " no chemistry" or that theyre "basically siblings"... The powers tried again with Killer Frost. Not really sure if its successful yet... Smug Dearborn ( just from what I've perused online... From the same ppl who couldn't and can't stand Iris) has been a hit.. Historically that subsection of fandom gets catered to way more often than the ones who are the most ardent Iris supporters. So my fear is that to capitalize on Smug Dearborn's potential.. Others will have to suffer... And it can't be the flash.. So even if I don't think it'll just be a zero sum game that Iris' loss is Smug's gain... It may be the characters around Iris. Which indirectly limits what Iris can do.. Not surprisingly the subset that love Smug and aren't fans of Iris.. Also aren't big on Allegra, Cecile, Kamilla or any plot to do with The citizen... I hope I'm wrong.. But I've been burned before, its still a business and even if the powers have good intentions.. Don't be shocked if Smug pops up at the citizen and co-chairs some meetings is all
  18. So to recap... UGH, AMELIA... SCHMITT.. NICO... RICHARD... MCWIDOW( seriously son speaks Italian too?) DR. RILEY.. THE ANNOYING SISTER ( not so much this epi but the entire arc she was just... Blegh) MEH, MEREDITH... BAILEY... DR. PEREZ( the intern from Pac-North) HELM... DELUCA( this was tough.. He told off Meredith.. But did it really publicly also talked pretty disrespectful to bailey.. Stuck to his guns for his patient.. But was reckless.. Also had more of a beard.. So mixed bag) YAY... LINK... OWEN... MAGGIE... JO... JACKSON... CARINA
  19. I'm sorry are you saying that Amelia should raise the child alone( so to speak) because that wouldn't make any sense.. At the very least both men would be over the moon to co-parenting a biological child... Also Link hasn't said for sure that if its owen it's over... Right now he doesn't know how he feels.. Either way it was never about if he'd not care about the baby more about what it would mean for their relationship
  20. I blame Amelia for holding the information hostage… She’s mad at link for doing kinda the same thing she was doing… Maggie told her she was spiraling… And wouldn’t stop doing worst case scenarios until her mind landed somewhere else… She also at least gave her a bit of the reason why Link is freaking out… And what does Amelia do… Apparently what her Selfish Sheppard DNA is hardwired to do… Whatever the hell she wants and damn everyone else.. Derek was a jerk.. Most of the sisters we’ve seen are jerks.. Maybe its genetic. Until he knows for sure he can’t have solid footing.. Its not ideal for her I get it and the thought that she may be alone is scary… But its just a thought…
  21. Why not?... I didn't know there was a cap on how much shit you've had to deal with that allows you to just check out on the ppl you care about... I still for the life of me don't see what it is Deluca has done to anger so many ppl... As a boyfriend he seemed to do a good job... He stood by her... And he also told her when she was being the worst... So what that he's younger... He's not been shown to be overtly immature or a bad doctor... So color me confused... But if this is the end... Ok they had an ok run...
  22. Forgot to add… To everyone upset about the way its going with Alex so far… ( as we don’t actually know what the final plan is) what would you have the writers write?… Doesn’t seem like Camilla is leaving so not a ton of options
  23. Hooray for carina as well... Maggie and Owen were really good this week.. Moreso Maggie as she had more to do... Cormac was a lil too much up into whatever was going on with Meredith... Show needs to do a better job of not always having him just so nearby... Didn't like the guest doctor.. Seems like she was happy to stir the pot even as she knew Deluca and Meredith are together... Didn't like Richard and his woes is me.. Catherine won nonsense... Really didn't like Amelia.. But I generally don't care for Amelia.. Tho it was even worse when reminded of how crummy she was at times with Owen.. And after Maggie did such a solid job of explaining Link's possible thoughts.. And now she's not telling owen either. Ugh... Glad Jackson apologized for dipping off into the fog.. While I thought the two of them equally tanked the relationship he was def wrong for that... I mean bears... Jo was solid.. I've enjoyed her and owen and Jackson.. As a little triumvirate of functional working doctors these few weeks I hope they keep it up
  24. I've had to spazz on some ppl who showed up in new threads after I gave them substantial financial assistance Im Filipino sir... I'm Harrison I have a Ferrari How else will ppl know I'm a capable lover? First White Hypeman... Here comes the petty
  25. Well.. If You've seen what I've been writing you know where i stand on this... My fear is exactly that... The show catering to some fans will have the canonical romance of sue/ Ralph take up the screentime that the ridiculously chase West-Allen do now... And with Smug Dearborn aka CatWidow she can slide into Star Labs stuff and field stuff while Iris and the League of extraordinary melanated ladies all cram into the citizen scenes... I hope we are all wrong and this isn't an Abby/Katrina situation.. Which on my last re-binge of sleepy hollow is even worse the 2nd time around cuz I knew it was coming and what it meant smh
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