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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. Another week and no RAF... Smh... Boy did they build this Sebastian guy in some lab that creates what TV execs think young girls squeal for... He felt like the worst parts of Damon and Elijah put together... And I loved Elijah... I'm confused... Does Lizzie not know she was crushing MG's heart.. I mean some of her words made it seem like she knew how it would land.. But then some didn't... And her demeanor def didn't.... Landon in any form that isn't Lovey-Dovey for Hope.. Is a great Landon.. New human football guy is dreck and I wish him gone... The sister was ok.. Maybe MG can rebound there.. Cuz as much as im rooting for him and Lizzie.. I dunno when that'll happen.... If I don't get RAF next week... We Riot
  2. Oh i got you.. I agree.. The actors flowed well even if the setup of a teammate thinking they knew best and works better on their own.. Has been done to death
  3. Really Cuz it seemed like Mia ignored Connor and whatever rene's daughter 's name is.. And then when they went at JJ.. The plan Connor came up with didn't go exactly to plan and Mia proclaimed that they would do things her way.. Even though as William pointed out Connor is the trained agent...
  4. Just started season two and Henry is still really hard to like
  5. Super Morbid.. And when is Nick gonna mention the brick of drugs he found
  6. Though I grew up in the ubiquitous cell phone era I still memorize some numbers.. At least of the ppl who've kept the same numbers for a while.. Plus some old landline numbers to older families members who don't get cell phones... I think that was a burner that tiffany was calling... I know that I'd notice if any of my friends pulled out a flip phone now.. So odds are nick has a normal one that he uses.. And then that one... But like I said earlier I'm more interested in why tiff was calling and. Maybe knew Nick... Maybe he didn't do the crime and she fingered him anyway and felt guilty.. Maybe he's a secret relative to Ryan.. Maybe he did find out who she was and was blackmailing her somehow... And of course he could been sleeping with her... Lotta options...
  7. As one of the 8 ppl who like both canaries.. I got no beef with a spinoff.. I will ask if anyone else thought dinah's face looked off... Like work done... Maybe it was makeup or her hair.. But it threw me
  8. Now I am intrigued as to what Nick had to do with Tiffany
  9. So I see that the once outspoken Toni Topaz is still just that obnoxious creep Cheryl blossom's mute black arm candy.. Relegated to walking behind standing below carrying things for and kissing Cheryl... Riverdale... Do better For the love of god.. Y'all already ruined the pussycats.. Never used Josie.. Railroaded chuck... Cut Toni's vocal chords... My last hope may be mad dog
  10. This was great.. Stephen did an amazing job... His reactions to the minor differences was golden... I Lol'd at Dig calling Adrian Ollie Curtis and felicity all rolled into one.. Even better was the Bruce Wayne name drop. Always hood to see Moira and Tommy... My only gripe was the flash forward... Not so much the storyline... They couldn't devote much time to it with what's going on with Ollie and the ever exciting Monitor.. My issue was Mia not being a team player at the beginning and then the horrible delivery of her saying they will do things her way from now on.. Because??.. I mean I get it.. She's the wunderkind of felicity and Ollie.. But ugh.. Maybe I'm being to hard and unfair.. But I watched her be a know-it-all who blunders her way into victories that cause Tons of collateral damage on shadowhunters I dunno if I could do the same here
  11. As someone who's always liked Cecile.. This was a great episode.. Enjoyed the focus and integration of some of the side characters in the main plot.. Minus the flash.. While still being relevant to the flash.. Sure the VOTW was kinda lame.. But her being used by some secret group is interesting for maybe after crisis... I enjoyed KF and her dig to Kamilla... West-Allen is rock solid as usual... I agree with a poster upthread.. Has CP gotten thinner... She still looks amazing.. But I feel like she had more heft before
  12. I thought on the show J'ONN was on earth longer than that and had chosen other black men before.. But settled on Hank when all the stuff with Alex and Kara's dad happened
  13. Felt like some missed opportunities in this one.. Mainly Elijah and Emerson talking to Sydney about being minorities and her blind spots.. Overall decent
  14. Yeah.. And two of those are on black lightning.. A show dedicated to actually exploring some ideas about race and injustice etc al. Also Khalid is dead/ winter soldier and Grace is out in the world eating ppl as a cheetah... So other than the girls Cisco has dated ( don't forget hawkgirl for a hot minute) most of the WOC have been paired with white partners I figured heat of battle/ Fog of war and ahead thought ahead lost it elsewhere... Seeing a batperson probably overrode all the other memories
  15. Oh.. I know that could be good.. And maybe just maybe they do it.. Especially if the Luke character also has a bit more seriousness to him... But like I pointed out before this network.. And maybe just film/TV in general right now seem to not be able to put a WOC with a MOC... I mean in the arrowverse I remember Cisco and Gypsy as the only long term one.. And they still mostly stayed in the background.. Though now he's with Kaylee(?)... Other than that I'm drawing blanks for a major character.. So the odds are the show will pair Mary up with some very nice and handsome ( and I assume capable white actor)
  16. Kayla(sp?) Is headed for the danger zone... And somebody need to check Jordan.. He making the rest of us light bright brothers look bad.. He's the only one of us on the show.. He gotta do better than being the spoiled idiot
  17. God Bless LaLa.... I need him and Slade Wilson to team up and just wreck the heroes of the arrowverse... Poor Khalil... Whenever he eventually gets his mind back again... He's gonna be a mess... I like that the pressure and overall horribleness of all this is making our heroes falter a lil... Anissa was rough with that perdi... I mean they were kinda whining.. But its hard to at least not understand where they were coming from... And yeah Jeff did pump a scared and vulnerable girl for info.. And was spying on his ex (?) Lynn maybe is getting to comfy in her hamster wheel.. A newly improved hamster wheel at that.. And Jen.. Well she's Jen... I gotta say as much as I'm loving the season... I'm confused as to what the ASA us actually doing.. And the logistics of it all... Freeland has gotta be on the eastern seaboard right.. How else are the markovians getting seemingly unfettered access without the USA intervening
  18. I'm somewhat in this camp... The only thing naming it Nancy Drew did for me.. Was let me know. She was a young female detective.. I know very little else about the source Material.. So whatever changes there are don't bother me
  19. She is.. But also.. Unfortunately she may not be wrong.. I mean she called Kara winning a pulitzer and wanting to continue to do hard-hitting journalism.. "Elitist".. But I've heard the same thing from so many other ppl ( who I disagree with about every single thing) and they're the ones buying or not buying... Clicking or not clicking.. So they are sadly driving the business of journalism.. Of course my statement could be seen as just another "coastal millennial liberal elite" looking his nose down at the "common" man.... I've literally been called that and accused of it
  20. Especially on the CW... I feel a bit of a saving grace is.. She's the love interest of a woman.. And so far at least its been opposite sex interacial LI's that have gotten the most guff... But even if her husband bites it and she doesn't get with Kate right away.. Have no fear... The cw will pair her up with another White LI... The track record for this across their shows is astounding... Every WOC on Legends.. Everyone Iris went with on the flash.. Linda park on the flash.. Sophie on Batwoman.. I'm sure Mary will pop up with some dashing man before the season is done.. Kelly on Supergirl.. While technically not a WOC Maggie sawyer was presented as one on Supergirl.. Everygirl Archie Andrews has dated... George on Nancy Drew.. Jane from Jane the Virgin..Rafael's sister on Jane the Virgin... Bonnie on TVD.. Whatever the Name of Madeline Mantock's character was in the tommorow ppl... I'm probably forgetting some.. But you get my gist
  21. This... Was sooooooo... Bad... I assume they were trying to tell us he's not a smarmy douche... But he is... He's a smarmy douche.. Who helps out at homeless shelters... I'll admit I wasn't the biggest Mon-el fan.. Tho it was more about his intro and the show throwing James in a ditch without a proper explanation.. Than me not liking the character... But I really don't need another LI who's obnoxious at first but the power of a good woman fixes him...
  22. Another good episode... I wonder what the stepmom's motivation is.. I think/hope.. Its merely business... If it came out that the madwoman causing mayhem was the long lost daughter of the guy protecting the city.. It would hurt the bottom line... Enjoying the stepsister and Mr. Fox... Sophie is the wettest of blankets.. But for some reason I've never enjoyed Ms. Tandy on any show she's been on... I've always disliked her characters.. And I'm always partial to the sisters getting good roles.. So I hope that works itself out.. Looking FWD to next week.. When we finally get the proper suit
  23. Good return... I like the new setup... I'm not looking fwd to any harry/fake harry/Macy stuff... Not that the two don't have a spark.. Its just so cliche... Look fwd to more out there cases of the week.. With diff kinds of magic.. And I'm cook with Macy keeping her don't powers.. As she's my fave...
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