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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. I enjoyed it… A little cooky… Odd energy… Some weird camera choices… I laughed my head off at one of her daughters casually saying her teacher punched her in the face… And a different one said with perfect deadpan delivery ” that didn’t happen”.. And yeah poor Katja Herbers’ show husband… Cuz your lady out here swoonin for some Hot Priest.. Looking fwd to next week
  2. Well this particular show is focused on someone who is half white half black who's first experiences with race were in 1985 in a school that seems pretty segregated socially and racially... Also if my math is right she was born in 73 or so so her parents got married basically right after the loving act was passed.. In her speech she say they were one of the 1st legal interracial marriages.. And unlike her siblings who seemed to both pick opposite sides she's gonna be trying to navigate this right down the middle
  3. Aunt dee-dee said Johan looked like a runaway house slave... Lol also I'm always here for Gary Cole... And the divergence between identities for Johan and Santi started early.. And I've seen it in other mixed kids too.. Who go completely in one direction or another... Lucky for me.. Both my parents are also mixed so I just couldn't be bothered and ended up pretty neutral
  4. I would agree except for how long they just stared at each other before his attempt... If as soon as she consoled him and they started to separate from the hug.. He tried I'd say sure but they separated and then just stared at each other for a few beats... Still I hope they don't make a big thing of it
  5. He's a special constable.. I did enjoy him and it felt properly progressive of Murdoch to offer him the job... But still realistic enough to say that he wouldn't have all the powers of a detective eventho he's already qualified.. I didn't catch pieces of last season... So I'm confused as to the bad blood between Dr. Hart and Murdoch... I did notice that Dr. Ogden didn't mention her moment ( and she was definitely a part of whatever was happening) and instead decided to speak on Dr. Hart, I too hope they don't put Julia in a rough situation... Looking fwd next week.. And hopefully the return of Brakenreid's daughter eventually
  6. Went thru the imdb cast list for episode 2 and it looks like were finally getting a minority policeman... I've been wondering when that would happen( always assumed a show with a more progressive protagonist would) so I'm excited about that
  7. I feel it was 60/40 keeping the secret/protecting Gigi... Sky did have the gun.. And in that kind of unstable situation anything can happen.. But she was also threatening to do something that would forever change his relationship with his son... His wife... His boss and his boss' family... Not to mention the number it would do on Jason... Tho considering it'll probably still come out... Except now his dad is also the murderer of his friend's sister and his bio-dad has been shot... Not sure things worked out the way Malcolm was hoping
  8. Especially this latest blow-up.. After she's given her a place for her and her children to sleep and be safe.. She catches a fit because Jessica is helping Yoli's mom instead of... I'm not even sure what she wanted... Seemingly forgetting that the immigration issue is personal to Jessica as well.. As her mom came from Cuba( and I think the show made it seem like she came illegally) but I guess Angela feeling guilty trumps all that... Arrgh I can't help but take this whole thing to heart.. Because to some members of my mothers extended family.. And to most of my stepdad's family we are Jessica.. And I grew up hearing them make snide comments about how he married into "light skin money" and left his real family behind abd what not
  9. I'm waiting for Jessica to unload on her cousin cuz this has been weeks of bad treatment... In the show's history I think Jessica's father and his Cuban wife kept themselves separated from his family.. So I get the feeling Angela grew up hearing about her bougie uncle and his non black wife and their kid who are rich and fancy and don't associate with them.. And I guess once Jessica got older she didn't really reach out either...plus from the first episode.. It looks like in an attempt to make up for her side of the family Jessica tried to keep them from getting evicted.. But once she saw that it wasn't an option.. She settled and took the job to try and help the community and her family that way.
  10. After Javier blew her off and the parkers took her in.. I think she started to reevaluate her feelings about Jason.. Then when he himself moved on from his Uber crush on her ahead to get tried to derail his nascent relationship with the genius cheerleader.. But momma P told her that wasn't cool to not really want him.. But to not let him find anything else... And then she thought she had an opening when daddy p was in the hospital.. But Vanessa was there again.. So at least for now she's back to mater... What she actually feels and how finding out that Jason is also an heir ( if we get season 2) is up in the air
  11. I can't either.. But I feel like Alicia would try to make it happen otherwise.. And I don't think anyone else really has a leg to stand on to go against her... That's if Santiago is even really dead... ( and we get a season 2)
  12. This x 1000... I tried really hard not to compare this to the original because I knew I'd be upset and for the most part I didn't.. But suspecting that they would make Jason a half-brother like the original.. I kept wondering why they didn't have the two of them interact at all... In the original you saw the relationship between the heiress and the servant who grew up together but not equal and when she finally found out the truth... The realization that her brother had spent his life serving her and her family was all over her face... On this reboot I recall only one Jason saying he's known Alicia all his life( when he told Danny to just tell her the truth) but I never saw it... For that reason alone I hope we get a season 2 so that we can see that relationship on-screen
  13. The only "newbies" I cared about this season were halo and cyborg... I'm interested in how The "grandchildren" will develop.. But the whole markovia family stuff just never resonated with me... If those two just wanna quit the outsiders and join up with the team.. I'd be down to watch that... Beastboy blue beetle.. Kid flash they were meh in season 2 and still meh
  14. Logan is annoying.. But I don't think he wants to kill anyone... I would like to know what it is he's tryna do tho... But I feel like this far into the zombie apocalypse.. We'd get some petty nonsense.. To paraphrase Wes... Ppl gonna be ppl... That's why i don't mind the tree painting or the somewhat low stakes villain Logan... So far... I enjoyed Wes' and his cynicism I hope he pops up again.. Need ppl who aren't total Tru believers.. But who still have some decency in them
  15. Another great episode... Manboy with his casual lies... You could see the pain on Franklin and Leon's faces when they finally found her... The actress for Wanda did an amazing job.. Cant wait for Next week looks like stuff may hit the fan
  16. I'm glad Jeff talked some sense into the cousin.. Cuz she was being extra...
  17. Naw he's at an undisclosed location with the kids... I enjoyed the episode.. Tho I gotta know who's been shaping up strand. I doubt its Daniel and morgan's hair game really isn't on point like that
  18. Also take it with a grain of salt that the guy who said he was passing was that right winger Latino guy... But I do find it odd if it goes that route.. Whether he ( or more likely his parents) don't classify themselves as afro-latino Al looks like he has a good amount of Afro blood.. So I dunno if I'd call it passing... I'd also be surprised if anyone really cared all that much.. Except to ask Al why it never( I'm assuming here) came up... Out here in Brooklyn its not that big of a deal for even Latin with very little Afro blood to basically be our brothers and sisters in arms and vice versa.. But im not sure where this show even takes place
  19. I enjoyed this season.. Woulda liked a bit more of Al and his identity issue to pop up... I lol'd at Reggie bringing up R. Kelly when he and Jo were arguing about moses.. Who was too good to be true... Sad.. The shows done a solid job of integrating the non-black characters around the edges... I'm up for more ppl knowing about the order.. If we get a season 4... Plus my avatar for the show Troy is in on the secret now
  20. Just made it to episode 4 and Abigail flexed on Lionel after he tried to flex on her and I spit out my drink laughing.
  21. I think Deke is in the past as well... Dunno about piper and flint.. But I'd be good with them in the past as well... Tho that would just add to the racial predicament of these particular agents being in the 30s... It would be interesting to see how Deke and Flint react to racism.. And how the experience would be diff for both of em... Tho I guess piper and daisy may be able to pass without too much problem... Obviously may and Yo-Yo couldn't
  22. I think the coulson shell weakened him when daisy quaked him... His shell blew away and he was full on demon.. At least that's how I saw it
  23. I'm amped for the final season... Tho I'd like to know what happens with flint and snowflake... I hope they both show up... Especially flint... As for the final season... Man should be interesting to see how this particular team deals with 1930s America... A very large proud black man who has a white man as his number 2 ( with Simmons amd Deke somewhere lower down the totem pole) two Asian women and a latina.... Oh joy can't wait... That's not sarcasm by the way... I mean it
  24. Yeah.. But when Wanda was getting thrown out ahead said she knew the real reason he's called Manboy... And that's when he wigged out and almost choked her to death... So I'm thinking there might be more to it
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