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Everything posted by UNOSEZ

  1. I really enjoyed this.. More than I expected and way more than ABC's other summer show with poppy Montgomery and a ton of Aussies doing trash American accents... I always love roselyn Sandra bullock" Sanchez.... But I did feel myself thinking who these characters were in the original and forecasting what might happen... So that was kinda hard for me... May. Of DVR but I'll Hulu this every week
  2. Could just be growth.. I knew folks who were rock star students in HS... But the freedom of being on your own caught them up for a bit.. And I get the feeling that before the chemistry debacle she was still doing ok.. Even tho she was partying and what not... And it caught up with her.. She already seems like she's righting the ship so I don't mind it as much... I do mind the sisters constantly being so snappy.. They're starting to feel a bit one-note I'd like for sky to have something to do
  3. Who keeps telling the writers and showrunners that ppl are out here wanting to see Serena feel bad about the horror movie bizzarro world she helped create
  4. I'm further along than you are... Just watched episode 88 and yeah he's still really loud... Not sure why they made him so...
  5. She looked older.. So maybe a new character to be fleshed out later
  6. Black don't crack baby.. Or as they say in my very mixed race light skin household... Beige don't age...
  7. Kaldur is the only aqualad I know... That said I did enjoy DVA on PLL... When I understood what was going on.. Plus his energy with troian bellissario was great to see even if they were supposed to be siblings or whatever
  8. Maddie and Ben looked like some addicts listening to ryn's song... Given her family history I'm worried a bit... Ben should stepped up and told her no... Matter fact shoulda never told her he was listening to it... That newspaper guy could be a friend or foe... Not that he'd actively wanna hurt the merfolks.. Just that its a huge story
  9. I'm more excited for this than handmaids tale... This show is great.. I do hope little sister grows up a a bit tho
  10. Well now that they're both on the royal knights squad we can finally get back to making this show about asta AND Yuno... And not just the loud doofy Asta show... I'm guessing one of these two is the child of the elf and the human princess... My gut and hope is that its Yuno.. But the history of the show makes me think it'll be asta... I mean he is blonde like both of them... So we'll see
  11. Daniel is still a dick.. Never liked him.. Never understood why others did... That's not to say he doesn't have reason to be weary of strand... But IIRC he's the one who wanted to steal the boat from strand way back when. I guess the point was to get Alicia out of her funk and for Morgan to grow Into the teacher... Not the best episode but it moved some pieces along... And set up some stuff... The nuked up walkers was interesting
  12. Levi makes the most sense... He's loyal and after Ryn the most acclimated to humanity.. Thus the best to have on land and around the other actors.. And this is freeform which as a channel seems to do a better job of not totally side-lining its minority characters... If this were on the cw I'd say a new white merman with a scruffy beard and a bad boy attitude... So let's all pray freeform kept their brains
  13. I think Ana was right to reasonably expect that telling Zoey would upset the dynamic between the two of them and the friend group writ large... So she and Aaron needed to be sure it was something serious... Then it just came down to bad timing and TV drama
  14. Damn it freeform.. Y'all got me out here siding with a conservative Cuban from Florida or Texas wherever.. Over the woke blk girl from Cali... But Ana you do you girl... This is now the 2nd time zoey done said she was done... Let's not forget she dipped off on Ana in the premiere... If this was real life.. She should do like others are saying And just ask where the rent at.. When its due and if not.. She up outta there... But we all know that won't happen... So I hope the show drags Zoey for a bit and then we get moving on Like re-visiting nomi and her predatory ass teacher Freeform already dropped the ball with Kat on The bold type and her power dynamic bull... So don't fail here as well
  15. i can only like it once.. But please know.. This is a hall of fame worthy post... What's funny about Alex is.. When the show started I assumed he was there for Jane.. Not a foil a good guy maybe a will they won't they... So I was pleasantly surprised when they went with Sutton.. Until it was obvious that he was just a place holder for Richard ( who I really enjoy.. So can't harp on it too much) if Kat wasn't being shown as queen ladykiller she And Alex could been interesting because of her relationship with being black( well bi-racial) woman... But yeah looks like we may end up getting Jalex and I'm sure the writers ( who are either trolling us or tone-def) will have Jane be horrible... On a wildly shallow note Katie Stevens looked great dancing... Sue me ima red- blooded growing boy.... Kat was flip-floppy... I liked adena settling her down.. Would preferred someone else do it.. And be more forceful... Tho they had the common sense to have her know it was ducky to be having the cold feet ( but I do feel completely honest to who Kat has been) her whole deal with Tia has been a mess and I'm praying she gets called out for her nonsense before the season is over
  16. Ima chalk a chunk of her reaction to Aaron /Anna to her spinning out from her probation/ Financial cutoff.. And to not deal with that properly is focusing o. Something nowhere near as important... I do get the initial feeling of betrayal. I had a similar situation happen when I was like 18 or so where a girl I was pretty sweet on and I danced around each other for a bit but never took the plunge.. But it was well known we had some mutual feelings.. And a few months later while drunk puking my best friend told me they slept together... In that moment I wanted to drown him under the water and for a lil bit things were icy.. Eventually all 3 of us moved on which I assume will happen on the show.. But if I had the other stressors zoey has... And the lack of coping skills a life of being daddy's lil girl saddles you with.. I may have gone threat level red too... Incidentally ima Zoey...
  17. So Cassie's bio mom had the gift too... And her Dr. Daddy treated her mom.. So maybe that's how they ended up taking her in... Interesting way her powers worked this week... She Can block a spirit from her house... and sometimes touching someone can pull up images.. And the images she sees aren't always literal...
  18. Of course they had pinstripe stray... Bet you Dr. Ben was off doing emergency surgery on child he pulled out of a fire while subsidisizing the prescriptions for the elderly in the hood... But he was too into Jane's medical condition so he had to go... Sutton was amazing as usual.. Tho she kinda let Richard's dream die on a vine without much say... Kat was waffly and wishy-washy.. But at least she owned it.. Tho seems next week she's in bed with adena.. So I wonder if Jane will be as mad at her for stepping out as she was at pinstripe for kissing some next lady... Overall really enjoyed the epi
  19. That's one of the better options I've seen... I still say Landon has a secret ability to make some strong ppl care for him greatly.. Because Raf also seems super into caring for Landon
  20. I liked the voodoo stuff too... It was something diff and very New Orleans... I liked Evita well enough as well.. What I really liked was how they never made her feel like just the girl he was with until eventually he chose Tandy.... They could had her around some more.. But that's the way it went down... I will say that if/when the show went there with the two leads other won't feel as cheap and obvious as it has for some other shows.. Bit its also something I could def buy... Those two really care deeply and you can see it when they rip into each other.. So the show has done a good job of showing a deep connection that.. Sometimes can lead to something more
  21. Only after every rat bastard who's ever written "I did it to protect you" gets banned 1st
  22. I hope Khan stays around... Too bad about Keller he was a stand up dude.. But I guess the show has enough stand up dudes so he had to go... This show kept Deke.. Hunter and Ward on way too long... And killed off Tripp Keller and that cool inhuman kid.. Also Lincoln... Shame
  23. I wasn't looking fwd to Deke... But it was fun seeing him... His framework fantasy was exactly what I'd expect of him... And of course he has an Asian GF now.. Way to stay in brand... Also loved the ending with the GF and her social media story... Good fights and some movement on the motive for the sarge and his crew... All in all good stuff
  24. I can answer those for you... Tyrone said he cont be perfect.. He knows he's one guy and can't stop anything.. He was about to leave town and was just checking to see if what he spoke to with Solomon stuck.... I think Mina was awarded a grant to do a study on the effects of the energy she released... So grants mean money and equipment As for mayhem and the grenade... Well shes still mayhem
  25. I'm excited to see where they're headed off to... NY and LA are two spots they've been in.. In the comics I think.. Plus LA keeps hope alive for a Runaways crossover.. Them holding hands was pretty big.. The two of them jump off the screen with just the way they look at each other... Especially if its just one looking while the other is staring off somewhere... The show and the actors have done a good job of putting two obviously attractive teens in front of each other and still didn't hit us over the head with them eventually pairing up.. Even if we all knew it was gonna happen
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