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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I used to have someone on my facebook list, who would comment on pictures of things like the monkey supposedly rescuing a dog from a tsunami, or a baby elephant surrounded by birds. when they told me what the probable reality was, I cried. I can't watch those shows.
  2. Ooh, I liked that elevator scene! I also liked Danny more, this episode.
  3. It was okay. If he keeps responding to people with inspirational quotes, this is going to get annoying.
  4. @reggiejax Yes, really. The monologue, I expected. I knew they weren't going to let him off the hook. He didn't shoot her the first time he had a gun to her head. Although this seems to be a week of people shooting the person they love, before someone else can, on TV. I should have known they wouldn't keep her around, but to me, it would be more Pope to kill the bad guys, protect his daughter somehow, and figure out who the rest are. I don't really care, though. I don't know why I comment anymore. I'm not into the "tune in for a really shocking moment" or "someone will DIE" promises. I only watch when I've cleaned everything else off my DVR. i didn't say that I thought she would live. I was surprised by WHO killed her.
  5. I don't care either way. I was only asking a question.
  6. The only surprise for me, was that he killed his girlfriend. And that he briefly seemed human. Olivia knows her father is a murderer, so I don't see where the traitor comes in - unless it's next week? (the preview cut out on me, so I don't know. What I did see, was no surprise.) I am so tired of "big bads". They aren't creepy, they're just bullies with power and connections - and I don't see why they would want Mellie in power.
  7. If someone is looking for a person in a bad part of town, there will always be some sort of death metal/heavy-sounding music playing in the building. Never anything like Michael Bolton (I don't know why I thought of him, but you know what I mean).
  8. That made me cry, too. I've heard a few men say things like that about their wives - like that actor whose name I suddenly can't remember, who is married to Emily Blunt. John Krasinski. My dad is the same way about my mum. She's gone now, about nine months, and he told me earlier on, "After our first kiss, I felt like my feet didn't touch the ground, until I got home." This show reminds me so much of them at times. I've avoided a few episodes, like the one with Randall on the road trip with his dad. When I realized what was happening, I had to switch it off. Too soon for me, after losing mum.
  9. I stopped watching a couple of years ago, too, so I don't know what's happened since, and I agree re: relationships with family and friends. That's why I kept watching (I had no interest in the love triangle). I liked seeing Elena reunited with her family, and Damon and Stefan as the last scene. When I figured out that Stefan had married Caroline (I haven't been watching), I was bothered that he wouldn't be with his family. I remember the brothers always coming together, though, so that wasn't unexpected. Stefan also turned Damon into a vampire, didn't he? That's why Damon was so pissed with him in the first place.
  10. I stopped receiving notifications for this thread, last November. I knew something was missing from my visits here. I can't remember my unpopular opinion, that I wanted to post a few hours ago.
  11. Anela

    S07.E13: Bury Me Here

    She said, "sometimes". I thought walnutqueen was happy to have the show back, she wasn't one of those complaining. (One of us, because I've complained.) How many times does a woman have to say that she doesn't want to be bothered? That she doesn't want their food, or company? She isn't a bitch. And I say this as someone who likes Jerry, and would love some cobbler.
  12. Anela

    S07.E13: Bury Me Here

    I read spoilers for this, but was still surprised when Morgan attacked Richard. Poor Ben. :( And Richard - I didn't like him trying to set up Carol, but he didn't want the kid to die. Two episodes after mentioning the writers wiping that smile off Jerry's face, it's gone. :( It was nice to see the one reasonable-ish savior, yell at the long-haired douche, who has to be preparing for a really grisly death. It would be nice to see a few of Negan's men turn on him. It's been so long since we've seen some of the characters, I keep forgetting about them, until they're mentioned here. Morgan, flashing back to his son, and "clear". :( Of course they made sure he had that in common with Richard: lost his wife, then his kid. I wish they'd moved all of this along faster, like the Terminus episodes.
  13. Earlier on, when I watched Scandal, I thought that was one good thing about all of Shonda's shows: she features "older" women (although that makes me feel like I'm ninety years old, when people use that term) - so, women over 35. They are still strong, beautiful, smart, sexy, etc. They focus on younger characters, too (HTGAWM), but not exclusively. Not posting to argue, or anything. It was just a thought I had earlier. *edit. And when I was spending a lot of time in the hospital, a 90-year-old married couple seemed to have more stamina than me, as they spent a few weeks visiting their son, who had heart surgery. They were there all day, and when I finally dropped off for about twenty minutes, at the end of a very long day, the man said, "it takes it out of you." They were *so* lovely. And they stayed all day, until the evening, every day. So I shouldn't even use 90 in the way that I did. :)
  14. I'm sorry. ♥ After losing my mum, I've had trouble focusing on much, but when something does take me out of it all, I'm really grateful. I was thinking about the first season or two of Scandal, and how I was surprised that I liked it. I was watching it on-demand, in 2012, and caught up with what I'd missed online. I wish they hadn't gone the super-spy/assassin route with anyone - Olivia's dad could have been a really sleazy reporter, or something, if they wanted to keep him mean. I liked seeing him nervous, though. I also think it's her mother's doing. Agreed with those who think that Jake is a drama queen (and since I can't afford a phone like that, I thought he could at least have had her leave it in her car). I knew he wouldn't kill her, so the tension was weird. I figured his car might be bugged, but then couldn't they follow him with a signal of some sort, if that were the case? I feel so bad for Jake's wife. Not interested in yet another new character, even if she makes the dad nervous. Glad Jake didn't kill the woman.
  15. I was just going to say that same thing. ha! Earlier on, on TV, I watched yet another man, walk away from an explosion, like a super hero. This massive explosion, and he's still standing?
  16. I came to this board, after wondering why it hadn't recorded for the last two weeks. That does suck. What's the point of watching anything, if they're only going to give two episodes a chance?
  17. That little bit with Chris was weird, in the revival.
  18. Damn. I figured he would die, but not so soon. Not saying who, because it's spoiler-tagged.
  19. I watched it this afternoon, and laughed when she said that if fans were going to hang around, they may as well make themselves useful.
  20. *happy dance* All of these promos remind me of the build-up to AHS, last year.
  21. Yep, I've been there for a few years now. :D I I sometimes feel lost, in the discussions, but love the comments from those who lived it in ways.
  22. Anela

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    I was thinking the same thing. When they first fell into that room, and said, "I think this could be it" I thought they were going to stow people there, like Judith. I also wondered if any of Negan's lot had turned up early again, and noticed they were gone.
  23. Was Feud good? I didn't know that it was starting last night - they've moved The Americans on me, too. At least that's already set up to record.
  24. Anela

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    I thought Rick had noticed something helpful - I saw that "ER" written on something - only to find it's a bloody deer?! That, of course, didn't survive anyway. I suppose it's nice to have callbacks to previous episodes, but it's been so long that I don't remember what he's talking about. I also totally forgot that Maggie was pregnant. I missed Rosita going off on Tara, so I don't know what happened there. I did see Tara talking to little Judith. I must have missed more than I thought, because I don't know why they would find a stash of guns at a fair. At least they found food. It was slow, but no Negan, so that was good.
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