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Everything posted by Anela

  1. http://www.thepoke.co.uk/2017/07/28/people-sharing-little-things-ruin-tv-shows-movies-itll-make-nod-go-yes-thats-wrong/
  2. I'm watching this again, and just laughed out loud at Ravi's reaction to Major on positivity brain. "Can we play hooky, and follow him around all day?" haha.
  3. I watched this the night before Thanksgiving, and loved it. It made me laugh, and also embarrassed me a bit - I don't pay much attention to likes (although I do appreciate them, and hand them out regularly) - it was because I've ended up involved in drama here and there, and shut down facebook because of it. I can't stand the vague-booked, passive-aggressive status messages that I occasionally see, let alone the drama that starts between friends, or because of stirrers. Same here.
  4. I've just watched this, and loved it. Although I briefly regretted putting it on, when we got to the hospital scenes - too close to home, even a year after losing a parent. I loved the happy ending. I haven't watched all of the episodes, because it's usually so bleak. The only other episode I've loved, was Nosedive. I kind of wish we had the option to do this now. I'd love to see my mum again, although I wouldn't be able to get dad off the machine, if he could see her that way.
  5. I can't remember enough of the show to complain, really. I need to re-watch the whole thing, and give Gilmore Girls a rest. I can't believe it's been three years since I watched any of it. I loathe love triangles, and also hate it when a villainous character somehow gets all members of a love triangle together, and insists that they talk about their lurve for each other, forcing someone to admit something, etc. LOATHE IT. Reading about that is already putting me off watching some of it. It's been so long that I had to google a few characters, because I couldn't remember who they were, and the fact that time has gone so fast is freaking me out (I watched the season finale seven years ago).
  6. This was my favourite show, for a few years. I watched the whole thing, but only got through the first season on a re-watch, a few years ago, other than catching a couple of episodes in the middle of the night, on a channel that showed repeats. I'm watching the pilot now, and just got past the first exposure to the monster - it did sound like a dinosaur. I bawled when I watched the finale, in 2010, even though I was bothered by the fact that we didn't get answers, and it did seem to have been purgatory all along (even though they denied it).
  7. At least they aren't making us guess this year. Although I liked the little clips they posted on instagram last year.
  8. Aw, I'm disappointed in J. I know he helped out on other jobs, but Baz still didn't trust him - he said something about how a fire could have attracted the police. I did think that he meant it when he said he'd put a bullet in Smurf, though. I like Deran (?) being serious about the bar, and a real job. Acting like an adult. I hope he doesn't lose the bar. I wonder what the church lady has in her past - of if she's up to something, too. I thought she was Vera Farmiga, at first. I've just looked her up. She's Michael Landon's daughter? I'm sleepy, and can't remember what else I wanted to say. That house in Mexico is something. Is the girlfriend's child his? If he is, I didn't like it when he indicated that a kid getting used to him being around, wouldn't be a good thing. Not that he's any better with Lena. I should have known he'd turn out to be the biggest douche of them all.
  9. I'm not sure why people through that J wasn't smart enough to pull that off. He's been guarded from the beginning, and it's been pointed out several times how smart he is. Street smarts + that intelligence that has his girlfriend copying his school work. So that guy got Smurf's mother killed. I wonder if he did anything he shouldn't have, with her, and that resulted in Pope and his sister. I don't know how old she was supposed to be in that clip. I guess I'll look up the rest on-demand, or online, for the second season. I did get more into it, as I've binge-watched today. I thought the end looked like he was going to get revenge on his family, for whatever drove his mother away, but maybe it was just showing that he's ready to be one of them.
  10. It stretched credibility for me, that they would encourage a teacher to sleep with her student, unless they wanted something else to hold over her. I don't like mustache-twirling villains. I roll my eyes a bit at the bad boys/overgrown boys, too, but their threatening a teenager bothered me.
  11. I figured the teacher was being used by the police, to get information.
  12. I had the same thought. Disappointed that Baz is cheating on his girlfriend. I also thought she was his wife, at first.
  13. I'm watching this on Amazon. I also feel like I need a shower. Baz seems okay, and so does the kid. I don't like the way Pope is looking at his girlfriend. I was kind of wondering if he was the boy's father.
  14. This has happened to me, but not with parents. I didn't want to be around the boyfriend of a family member, who hit on me more than once, and did other things (like tell my mother that he was in love with me - and then blamed that on food poisoning and alcohol?). My life was made miserable for a number of years, by my family member/his girlfriend, and I got hammered by others, that I should get over it for her. He was causing trouble the entire time. I'll probably edit this out, but damn, people can be mean when it comes to someone being in lurve, even when it's with a total trouble-making dickhead.
  15. I just came here to see if it had improved, after reading that it was renewed. I stopped watching after the first season, because it seemed like the hair of cast members, was more compelling than the show itself. Gorgeous hair, crappy show.
  16. The actress who played the much-hated doctor (can't remember her name) is posting about auditioning, so I think her character really will be gone.
  17. Mum watched House Hunters, and was always annoyed by people insisting on granite counter tops. She emphasized the "grey" part of it, because that annoyed her, too (we pronounce it gran-it). :) I don't like the look of it. We have a few nice appliances, but they'd be leaving with us, if we ever sell this place. Which I suppose is a good thing, since they aren't stainless steel.
  18. I thought about this a little while ago, as I watched the episode with the knit-a-thon. Lorelai screwed up there, although I hated Chris for talking her into getting married so soon. She was more concerned about the town's response to him, than she was about his feelings. Unless she was looking out for him, too - since she wanted them to love him. "You're not what they expected" - well, that's none of their business. They didn't marry him. Thought I'd add that, since I was all over Luke about not supporting her. ;)
  19. Whoa! I wondered what split up his marriage. I don't know much about them, but knew he was a newlywed, a couple of years ago. I wasn't expecting this.
  20. I didn't think Christopher was in character, either, when we saw him briefly. I didn't picture him sitting in Luke's diner, and them being one big happy family, but he didn't seem like himself with his daughter.
  21. Oh, and that reminds me: Richard left Luke some money to expand the diner, but Lorelai told her mother that he didn't want to expand, and asked for the money to improve the inn (otherwise she was going to lose Michel). Since that money had been set aside for Luke initially, she could have given some of that to April, for her trip. I can't remember how much it was.
  22. That bugged me, too. It didn't seem like they were much of a blended family, and left me wondering if April ever got to meet Emily. They weren't married (Luke and Lorelai), but they were together. Or maybe Luke didn't want her to be Gilmored. I'm going to have to watch again. Logan was going to take Rory to Asia, at the end of Season 6. That would have been another expensive trip. She supposedly had that job at the gazette, but we never saw her back there.
  23. I'm watching it on-demand right now. It isn't holding my interest fully, but I'm not able to concentrate on much, anymore. I've also just remembered Veronica Mars, thanks to a comment above. I started watching it last Summer, but stopped when my mother went into the hospital. I should see if it's still on Amazon.
  24. I thought the trust fund reaction there, was to Rory being free to leave her, and not come back. She wasn't ready to let go.
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