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Everything posted by Ms.Moon

  1. I am going to watch this show. Thus far I just saw the first episode but it’s interesting and I am going to see where it goes. There are secrets here and I want to see what they are.
  2. I am consumed with this honestly. I have rewatched The Mandolorian several times and these Gallery insights into the episodes are amazing.
  3. I am addicted to this behind the scenes stuff. I need more Baby Yoda in my life and this Gallery stuff is filling that void.
  4. This is the cutest thing ever. I want it for myself.
  5. There was video and North was playing and having a great time in what appeared to be a house decorated in very pink and glitter style. It seemed more like corporate synergy in the meeting than actual babysitting but North was having a great time.
  6. North loves JoJo and I saw on a gossip site somewhere that JoJo babysat her for an afternoon or something and she loved it.
  7. Ms.Moon

    All Austen

    I got to go see it before we were given the shelter in place order here in NY. I went to an early show and had the entire theater for myself. I absolutely loved it. I loved this version more than the Gwenneth Paltrow version. I think this actress is absolutely perfect as Emma.
  8. I don’t trust Serac or Delores. I am interested in seeing where this goes especially since Liam’s friends saw her and saw her beat Stubbs like a disco drum. I am not surprised that Delores made copies of herself, she trusts no one but herself. She never had friends or relationships with others except Teddy and her dad. Maeve had friends and allies in Hector, Armistice, Constance even their counterparts in Shogunworld.
  9. Akane no Mai and Kiksuya were my favorite episodes of Season 2 as well. I honestly wished we could have spent more time there in Shogun World because it was so pretty and I loved the Japanese actors but many people complained about the subtitles. I am willing to take the ride with the show runners for this season. I have always preferred Maeve’s journey to Dolores’ since Maeve was trying to save her daughter but will have different motives this season so I have to see where each story takes us.
  10. Black women do spend more to do their hair. It is usually twice what a white woman will pay in a salon according to what gets done.
  11. The lack of stylists who can do black hair has been an ongoing issue. Many black actresses have said they would wear wigs or braids to avoid having white stylists do their hair. Many black actresses brought their own makeup to sets as well. I am not at all surprised by the nepotism in the industry being a barrier to stylists of color working in the industry.
  12. I saw her face when she walked the red carpet and did a double take. Her makeup made me think of that scene in Drop Dead Gorgeous when Amber is doing the makeup of the dead woman and her boss tells her that she needs to glob on the makeup because her family was upset because she didn’t wear subtle makeup at all. There are ways to make bronzer work but whoever did Tanya Tucker’s makeup didn’t know how to do that. Also Shania Twain’s face has settled her fillers or whatever she has done looks much better than the last time I saw her at an awards show.
  13. Big Kev is trying to get as much money as he can from Wendy. According to numerous gossip sites he's been sealing from Wendy as well. There are rumors that he'd been stealing her jewelry over the years and she's hired a forensic accountant to go over the books so there is a chance that he will have that money subtracted in his settlement however much money it is.
  14. My sister was married to a cheater and many of the things that she went through I now recognize with Wendy as well. Wendy rarely went out by herself without Kev. They worked together, she went out with him if not she was at home and he didn't like her to spend time without him with her family. My sister's ex did the same. If she wasn't going out with him or with relatives she didn't go out. He hated for us (her other sisters) to spend time with her without him there. He went out by himself and it was fine but she couldn't do that at all. Big Kev made sure to isolate Wendy from people cared about her. I think he believed that he could have that baby and keep his life up because Wendy knew he had a mistress but it was out of sight out of mind for her until the baby changed things.
  15. My sister interned for Wendy back when she was on the radio with Charlemagne on WBLS. According to my sister they were great friends and Charlemagne has never had anything bad to say about Wendy. Charlemagne has never had the same energy for Kelvin Hunter, however.
  16. I saw Ocean's 8 this weekend on HBO and I got to enjoy the clothes more. The clothing the ladies wear are all really nice, reflect their personalities well and in Lou's case made me think she was a rock star. Honestly Cate Blanchett's wardrobe in this movie is the absolute most, the green suit she wears after the heist made me think of GLAM! Bowie and I sort of had a crush on her after that for the rest of the movie.
  17. Zendaya can sing, manages to have chemistry with everyone on the screen and looks good as a redhead so if she wants the role she's going to be a great fit. One thing about working for Disney and I'd said this in another thread if you do not mess up and are smart about your personal life messing up your career Disney will take care of you.
  18. I like Zendaya, I think she's making good choices when it comes to her acting. She had producer credit on her Disney show K.C Undercover, she's Mary Jane in the Marvel Universe Spiderman and she was in The Greatest Showman last year. She's also co-producing and starring in a movie with Reese Witherspoon. I think she's putting together a career more in the "long career mode," which is smart. She's also not rocking the boat at Disney which is good because Disney will take care of her if she does. There is voice over work, she can get roles in Disney productions long after the "Disney tween/teen star," wears off if she plays her cards right.
  19. It might be a bit of a religious thing with the people in the Caribbean and Haitians I was in Trinidad after the earthquake in 2010 and the Jehovah's Witnesses were blaming it on voodoo. I hope Quiet Ann doesn't have her heart broken over this I want her to get the family she so desperately wants.
  20. The WB should have did the work from the beginning. They want to make the type of money Marvel makes with the Marvel Universe but Marvel did the work from the beginning. The proof is in the pudding as the saying goes. They also need to get rid of that very ugly filter or whatever it is they use when making their movies that make the coloring look brassy and dark it's depressing to look at. Marvel did not even have the shared universe until several movies in, there were hints around the shared universe over several movies but nothing came together until there were established heroes in their own movies and those movies were good as well. The only DCU movie I enjoyed was Wonder Woman because the colors were fantastic Themyscira was absolutely gorgeous, the story was compelling and the crap CGI fight at the end was not enough to take away from the movie. WB needs to hire better writers and stay from the Justice League for awhile. Make better solo movies for their heroes then revisit the team.
  21. The blonde woman is Nicole Kidman right the cgi has rendered her face so smooth or photoshopped it looks like animation. I might give Aquaman a try if the reviews are good.
  22. Johnny is an idiot. Lyn is not reliable, she’s young, she has no responsibilities and honestly she has one priority herself. That is okay if they were just messing around and he just had a fiance, not a fiance and a baby on the way. There are so many things wrong with their whole “heart wants what it wants.” The now ex fiance was right to kick Johnny to the curb, she is better off prioritizing herself and her kid because I do not know how safe Lyn is with her hookups and Johnny was not asking. That is too many people in the bed right there if he’s messing with Lyn and is still with her as well, she has the right of it, she has her kid, she will be okay. Johnny did say he was already being called an idiot around the neighborhood for messing around with Lyn when he had an excellent woman at home.
  23. I really felt for Emma. That collapse she had while making out. I finally understand what her issue was with Vida. She felt punished for her sexuality and Vida’s relationship and eventual marriage to Eddy feels like a slap in the face. Lyn needs to get real help a therapist because she is coping with her anger and grief in very unhealthy ways.
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