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Everything posted by Ms.Moon

  1. I'd said this after Dr. Strange and I will say it again, it should be nominated for an Academy Award for costume design and win because the costuming, fabrics, and tailoring for this movie was exquisite. I loved the patterns, richness, boldness, the costuming was everything and I just wanted to touch every single costume everything was so beautiful and the richness of the style was so unique and interesting. I loved everything about it and I am sure the Academy would overlook this movie because it was not a period piece and it was a popular comic book movie but it is a true shame because I thought the costuming was one of the best aspects of the movie.
  2. Called my aunt in Trinidad yesterday to wish her a Happy New Year, so many friends she had made here in the United States have up sticks and moved back home. The crime rate in Trinidad is crazy (Americans love drugs and Trinidad unfortunately is pretty close to South America and drugs are moved through the country), prices for land is crazy expensive like New York expensive (a piece of land with no house on it in the now suburb where I grew up just a few blocks from where I actually grew up went for half a million US dollars). People who have property back home are moving back, some were here illegally and did not want to get deported, others wanted to get while the getting was still good. They sold their homes here in the States while they're worth something and they went back home to enjoy their lives. These are retirement age people of course contemporaries of my aunt's but I hear so many people wanting to do just this just get out while they still can.
  3. The Democrats in Congress are much better people than I, they would have to suffer the consequences of their actions they voted for that and then they should pay the price for it actions and votes have consequences. The Republican view of their constituents seem to be I'll get rich and you die quick or slow. I feel sorry for Americans because they have such screwed up priorities. Say what you will about Fidel Castro but the priorities of the Cuban government are exactly in the right place I am currently reading Island People: The Caribbean and the World (excellent read) and the Cuba chapter reveals something wonderful about the people of Cuba: They really care about their children and elderly. They have a 99.8% literacy rate and even though they may not have sidewalks and there are medicine shortages you can go see a doctor in Cuba for free. The Cuban people love it. Cuban doctors are well regarded throughout the Caribbean and the world. Fidel Castro was considered "Uncle Fidel" to many for that reason. The problems of the American electorate is that they cannot understand that their selfish self interest is quite damaging. Healthcare for everyone would mean exactly that and it chafes some people but good that everyone would be able to see a doctor rather than they think of it in this manner that when they need it they would be able to get healthcare for free. I do not know what a Trump presidency means for us all exactly but what he is doing and the people that he is putting into positions of power show a lack of interest and empathy for the working class voter many of whom voted for him. We will all be in the same boat under a Trump presidency but since I did not vote for him his inevitable betrayal will not be a shock at all.
  4. Thank you for commenting on this I just started watching and I watched three episodes in a row it is so funny I am loving it.
  5. After reading up on the CNN Trump Voters interview you know what I am good. These people are stupid, they think that the east coast liberals look down on them and then their words and actions confirm exactly what we knew all along (they are incredibly stupid). There already are a great deal of Trumpregrets starting and it is going to get worse. I am willing to sit back and wait for the wailing and gnashing of teeth when their hero Trump robs them blind and craters everything just like he always does. My main worry is that I live in New York and he's probably going to rile up terrorists and we're always a target. I don't care about North Carolina and neither does ISIL unfortunately. Is it terrible to hope that people ticked off and radicalized by ISIL and Trump supporter actions find stuff to blow up or run over in Trump supporter states and please leave us poor suffering under this Vichy government in our blue states alone.
  6. This episode made me realize that Cookie's loyalty to Lucious grew out of her needing to do so for so long she said it herself they raised each other, getting kicked out of the house, her father dying, she had to cling to Lucious they really had to have each other's backs. I don't know if they can ever really be "done" with each other because they had been through things together that other people might not be able to understand. I do not know if Angelo is the right guy for Cookie in the long run, he is a good guy and he obviously cares a great deal for her I hope that he can understand that she's got complicated ties to her ex husband. I do not know if he really understands that there is so much more going on than Empire the company and the "thug" elements of the life that Cookie and Lucious have seemingly left behind are still there just under the surface, he might not be able to handle it.
  7. I am so depressed I have been avoiding news and just catching up on my books because honestly I needed to secure my mental health for a bit. Catching up on my Entertainment Weeklys finally and what do I see my beloved Leonard Cohen has gone to join the Hallelujah choir, I started crying because I thought we had more time. I fell in love with his voice so many years ago in the oddest way I saw "Pump up the Volume" and his song Everybody Knows was used in the movie. I work in a library and we were sorting CD's to send back to their libraries and I came across one of his greatest hits CD's. I recognized his face even though as far as I knew I'd never seen him before I recognized a few of the songs and I took it home and I knew I'd fallen in true love. I listen to other artists versions of his songs and I loved them too but there was such a quality to his voice it's like he knew me, knew my pain, knew my wants, knew my fears, found so many parts of me that I did not know existed yet. I knew he'd been ill that he'd recorded parts of what were his last album in bed but I was not ready for it. 2016 has been a trial and so many legends just gone and now my beloved Leonard Cohen. Hallelujah, we were blessed to know him.
  8. I'm tired of trying to help people who do not want to be helped it's like trying to hold back the tide with a spoon. What we could do is just have a trial separation New York, California, and other blue states can sit out this administration we can keep our tax dollars and manage our own economies the rest of "real America" can do with our input and money and see how that works out. We are not considered the "real America" anyhow.
  9. I live in New York (not upstate) so I am not so worried about the klan coming round to burn my house down with me in it. NC can miss me forever because there is no way in any way shape or form I will ever set foot in that state please NC save your advertising dollars and do not run ads in this market for vacations come summer because I will not be spending my money there in fact I am looking forward to spending more of my time here in New York I will head for the Long Island wine country. Or not because I am also looking for jobs in my prior country. I have a transferrable degree and can work in my former country. I do not know if Trump and the Republicans have their way if my citizenship might be taken away and myself and my family deported I put nothing past these people.
  10. I'm not here yet but my godmother had the hot flashes and the PMS but she started seeing an acupuncturist and it has really helped her out. If you have issues go see your obgyn and get your hormones checked. I have heard that menopause is very different for every woman so it could be anything but if you are worried get checked out with your doctor first.
  11. I was blown away by this episode so much was revealed by there are still so many questions like who was messing with Meave's programming? I am agog like two gogs because I did not really think that Bernard was a host but I have to put nothing past Ford. I know I was correct to not trust anyone not Ford and not the board I am on the side of the robots but that is kind of complicated as well because there is alot of undercurrent and we don't know who is really pulling the strings here.
  12. I absolutely loved this movie. I am not disappointed at all with this aspect of the Marvel universe and I loved Cumberbatch as Strange. Other people mentioned his accent I did not notice. What I did notice was the gorgeous costuming all of the fabrics and clothing were excellent if they do not get nominated for an Oscar for this it would pure prejudice against this type of popular movie on the part of the Academy.
  13. I do hope that white men who do not think that any of the things that Trump/Pence stand for will not affect them have sisters, wives or daughters because Pence is absolutely against abortion of any type so if your sister, wife or daughter are of childbearing age I hope and pray they are never in need of abortion services of any type at all. Also if a woman of childbearing age who voted for Trump/Pence is the unfortunate victim of rape I do hope she knows the legalities surrounding custody arrangements in her particular state because she might bear the child of her rapist and have to make custody arrangements with him.
  14. Thanksgiving is coming up and I'm thinking of making America's Test Kitchen Cheesecake for dessert it's a very heavy rich indulgent thing but I did it once and it fell apart, I think I left it out in the hot kitchen too long while waiting to serve it and I want to do it again and see if it holds up better, everyone loved it anyway but I like to get things right. Plus it tastes so much better than store bought I used organic eggs and cream cheese and it was magnificent.
  15. Let me tell you all I am at the anger stage of grief as well I'm getting paid tomorrow and I'll be donating to Planned Parenthood and the ACLU as well. Let me tell you what will happen with the Republicans in control of all of the government. There will be no more affordable healthcare what may be replaced will be a healthcare voucherized, as will Social Security, schools, Medicare and Medicaid. Roads will be privatized, the post office as well perhaps, and say goodbye to the minimum wage a well as the EPA. People want me to give Trump a chance there is no way in hell he'll be getting that from me. I'm already hearing stories about Trump voters realizing by his winning something they like might be taken away from them well boo freaking hoo dummy you voted for that.
  16. I live in safe blue New York I work in the library and it is a polling center it has been steady all day around lunchtime the line was out the door and down the block. There was a little un that came with his parents he got an I voted sticker he was the happiest little thing he came out singing I voted with his sticker on his chest I do hope in a few years he gets to enjoy that for reals. I will be taking myself home to vote later with my siblings because it's always fun with the two of them.
  17. My impression of the Meave/Felix walk is nobody noticed them because he's walking behind her looking at his tablet. If his job is maintainence and he's walking around looking at his tablet while following Meave he can say she has an occasional glitch that he might be checking for like a car that makes a funny noise when overheating etc. He looks like he's working and if nobody has any reason to suspect anything else there's nothing to worry about. I am enjoying this show so much Thandie Newton was a revelation this week I'm enjoying her more and more she was so scary hot. Anthony Hopkins also brought the scary hot there is so much underlying menace this week I do not trust anybody.
  18. I am a librarian that works with teens and I set up a display (I live in NY and you had to register by October 14th in order to be able vote in the general) right at the entrance to our Teen Room with registration cards. I saw so many new 18 year olds taking cards to fill them out to be registered a librarian coworker filled one out to change her address (she'd just moved) and I got one of our college student workers to fill out his card to vote in his very first election I told him he has to vote every election it is important. I will do another display next year and get more teens registered if I can.
  19. Saw the Black Sails panel at New York Comic Con everyone was super gorgeous in person saw a trailer for Season 4, the creators were super cagey with details but they said alot of what we will be seeing in Season 4 will be everyone dealing with the fallout from the death of Vane and the rise of John Silver.
  20. Went to New York Comic Con Tom was there but I did not go to see him, instead I found my new Friday night show. It is a genre series called Midnight, Texas it will be on NBC. I saw the pilot it is based on novels by Charliane Harris is part mystery there are witches, ghosts, vampires and all sorts of other beings there is a very diverse cast and I really liked the pilot at least so I'm willing to give it a go. I will not be giving any more of my time to SH but I want everyone to know about this awesome new show that I hope will find an audience with people who want a little diversity with our genre series.
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