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Everything posted by haje

  1. as someone who enjoys messy drama, i loved this episode and these latest 3 in general lol!!!! these 3 episodes have solidified that i adore riley keough as daisy and i think she has incredible chemistry with all her scene partners.
  2. i wasn't quite feeling the first 2 episodes but the final 15 minutes of this is when it really clicked for me. once daisy gets to the studio, is introduced to the band and they record the song then there was an actual energy and spark that i found entirely missing for the first 2 episodes. i hope they keep that kind of energy up.
  3. I won't lie I pretty much just put this show on as background so I can barely remember what happens in the show anymore but I do pay far more attention when Luke Kirby shows up. The dude has IT. I do wonder if the Palladino's regret not just casting him as a character inspired by Lenny Bruce. From what I remember he was meant to be more of a cameo role in that first season but they expanded his role, they obviously couldn't have predicted the kind of chemistry he would have with Brosnahan although I'm sure a part of my enjoyment of the character is that he doesn't overstay his welcome. Just comes in, does some very good romantic gazing and good banter with Midge, gives her some advice but also isn't afraid to call her out when needed and then leave us wanting more. They gave Kirby a hell of a showcase in this episode and he nailed it.
  4. I watched The High Note recently and it was mostly fine but I was really so charmed by Kelvin Harrison Jr's general presence and it made me think about the other films I've seen him in so far (Waves, Luce, It Comes At Night) and the range he has shown in what is a relatively young career. I genuinely think he's the whole package. If Euphoria Season 2 gives him good material, I can see him breaking out in a big way and I hope he does because he deserves it.
  5. The moment Olyphant walked into the screen, helmet on and all, I knew it was him. I would know that walk/pose anywhere. He has mastered it. Dude is aging wonderfully. He's clearly getting typecast a bit but he plays these kind of character types so well, and still makes it feel fairly fresh, that I certainly don't mind. Maybe give him a spinoff and cast Walton Goggins in it, basically what I'm saying is just give me Space Justified lol (and I'm only slightly joking about this).
  6. I finally got around to watching this and wow, what a wonderful example of adapting a book series. I have such a soft spot in my heart for these books because when I first moved to Canada when I was like 11 I pretty much collected every single one I could find in thrift stores. My old childhood bedroom would just be wall to wall BSC books so I was fairly nervous/excited about Netflix adapting it but the people behind this did such an incredible job and you can tell they have such a huge love for the source material. These girls were cast absolutely perfectly! I honestly have zero complaints regarding any of them, I especially love the TV!Dawn mostly because she might have been the least memorable for me in the books but I loved her here. And I love that the show takes her social activism seriously and doesn't turn it into a joke. This show honestly handles some of its more serious issues better than some adult shows out there. Also in love with how perfectly styled the girls are. So perfectly in keeping with their personalities. Obviously growing up I always wanted to have a style like Claudia's but watching the show now as an adult I realize I would be totally down with just rocking whatever Kristy is wearing. I really hope we get a season 2 although considering COVID and other previous show cancellations, it does slightly worry me that there's been so little news of it and the show premiered quite awhile ago. The above news does make me feel slightly better about it. Hopefully they announce renewal news soon.
  7. I finished watching this last night and I genuinely loved it. I'm definitely way above the target demographic age-wise for it but it's the kind of kid/tween show that is genuinely I think appealing to everyone of all ages because it's just got the right amount of warmth and sweetness that makes for such good comfort television. The last 2 episodes in particular were very emotionally affecting. I think for a music-centric show like this to work the songs have to be good and as someone who has literally listened to the soundtrack non-stop I can safely say they nailed it on that one. I think the High School Musical series for example is quite a decent watch with a talented teen cast but the soundtrack didn't really stick for me.This show is also really excellent at nailing it's main musical moments to hit just the right way emotionally. I know Netflix is on a cancelling spree but I really hope they give this show a second season. I need more songs and more adorable friendships with this cast.
  8. Decided to finally watch this show or well, re-watch Season 1 and Season 2 and half of Season 3 which I did watch live, and then finally watch the seasons I missed and it's funny to me that so much of Season 3's problems seemed to always be automatically be blamed for Nick/Jess being together when imo the main issue really is everything with Schmidt and the Elizabeth and Cece debacle and them not knowing what to do with Winston still (luckily they figured this out eventually). It definitely is clear that the writers thought they put Nick and Jess together too soon but the way they handled their break-up was genuinely terrible? It didn't at all feel organic, it felt like the writers panicking and realizing they just didn't know how to write for these two characters when they're together anymore and decided to find the laziest way to break them up. Which is kind of shocking because these are the same writers who wrote them in Season 2 in which their build-up is genuinely great and well-done and everything with them post-kiss and them navigating their relationship was wonderful. I would have been fine had they spent an entire season slowly building up as to why Nick and Jess really aren't working out, because I do think they needed to grow individually (especially Nick), and them sadly realizing it and breaking up at the end of the season but instead they do it in all the course of one episode. It's a bit baffling. And then also kind of weird how so much of season 4 post-breakup feels more like them acting like Nick and Jess were some sort of casual hookup than an actual serious relationship? I know months passed after the s3 finale but it feels so odd to me. Anyway, my re-watching and then watching future episodes reminded me how much I don't like Schmidt and CeCe as a pairing because he automatically turns into a worse character whenever he's around her but luckily once they FINALLY get them together for good, I liked them more. I'm glad they eventually found their footing with what to do with Winston as a character because he's a gem! And also watching this also re-ignited my Jake Johnson crush. The fact that he's not starring in a bunch of sweet earnest romantic comedies should be fixed btw.
  9. the only 2 time male winner i was really rooting for was yul but i don't mind tony winning again and he deserved it. he's a great mix of strategy + ott personality which rarely wins the game. i remember halfway through cagayan no one thought he was going to win because he played too fast too quickly and i don't think anyone really thought he had a chance to make it at merge let alone win this season. i mostly enjoy his game cause yeah he's nuts and he's a big personality and is way overly paranoid but he actually has a social game and he's never come across as mean-spirited like the dude he's constantly compared to (russell *eye-roll). honestly it was a solid top 3, i wouldn't have minded any of them winning although despite loving her natalie would have been my 3rd choice since i think eoe is just a broken system and needs to be abolished.
  10. This was cute, Lana and Noah still have chemistry to spare and Lana especially has such a wonderfully expressive face. They couldn't have cast a better romcom heroine. I found the ending incredibly rushed though and despite Fisher's best efforts, John Ambrose never really felt like a credible threat because the movie never really gives him enough to screen-time to feel like one. On paper though, that character is bland as hell but Jordan imbues him with a certain warmth and sweetness that a part of me was even more confused as to why they gave him such a cruel ending. Especially when earlier in the film he openly talks about always feeling second best to Peter! The lack of closure with him and Lara Jean there is so weird. I feel like the piano scene (probably my favourite scene in the film) would have been a far better conclusion for them than just having the dude be left out in the snow. Anyway, give Jordan his own romcom please. Also, I know they really wanted me to feel bad for Gen but.... I don't care???? I feel for her having family problems but uh, that doesn't really excuse the bullying. And I do wish the movie had allowed to Peter to be a bit more flawed, in the book I think it leans far too heavily on making him too flawed to the point where it's hard to even root for him, but I think a middle ground between having him at least make mistakes and be a little inconsiderate but still sweet and understanding would have made for a far better movie instead of having so much of the issues be just about Lara Jean's insecurities.
  11. Re: The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy cast, Driver and Isaac will be fine. They were established before Star Wars and Driver especially has established good working relationships with directors who seem to love him. His career was probably going to be fine without Star Wars anyways, his trajectory seemed to always be indie character actor and if you remove Star Wars from his resume, it's pretty much exactly that. As for Isaac, I'm glad he's free from this franchise because I thought pre-Star Wars he was making really interesting decisions with his career and then Star Wars happened and it started to be less interesting. Boyega also has projects coming up that seems to be promising. As for Ridley, I do worry about her post-Star Wars. Her roles outside of SW haven't been great and I'm not sure if it's because she just hasn't been getting interesting offers or if she's just not good at choosing the right projects. I think she's been really good in the trilogy so I do hope she manages to carve out a career for herself outside of the franchise.
  12. I just don't buy this idea that certain viewers have that Logan was in on this or somehow knew Kendall would publicly call him out for criminal wrongdoing and provide receipts. It's giving Logan way too much credit. This season in particular showcased how fallible Logan is. He goes by instinct, he's a bully and the times we've seen him "win" is not through master planning but due to sheer force of personality and through money. Maybe when he was younger he was some sort of business genius but that's not the Logan this show has shown us this season especially. And yes Brian Cox thinks otherwise but Brian Cox is going to bat for his character no matter what so of course he thinks that. He also thinks Logan hitting Roman in Argestes was the first time he's ever hit him and I don't buy that at all. Jesse Armstrong was asked about that theory in another interview and his first reaction was "Okay, wow." (to which the interviewer of said interview mentioned how his reaction definitely felt more of an "Are you kidding me?" but was trying to be polite about it) and then just says "All interpretations are valid". I'm willing to buy the idea that deep down Logan maybe knew that Kendall would ultimately betray him but to believe that Logan somehow orchestrated this whole thing so his own son would call him out on live television and have documents of Logan covering up criminal wrongdoing (which Logan doesn't even know Greg has) is assuming that Logan has an even an ounce of selflessness in him and I don't believe it at all. He was 100% willing to have Kendall take the fall. He's spent the entire season breaking down Kendall enough so that Kendall would ultimately accept his fate without protest but the moment he called that boy who died an NRPI to Kendall was the moment, I believe, that Kendall decided there was no way he was going to take it lying down. Also, Emily Vanderwerff on twitter has a great thread on how this show isn't a show that's about providing twists or revealing that so and so person has a master plan. People seem to think its storytelling is like Game of Thrones or Westworld and build theories upon theories about how so and so character have a secret hidden alliance we haven't seen yet or how so and so character has planned this all along and I just don't think that's the type of show Armstrong and Co. are writing here. Edited to add a link to an article by Emily where she expands on her points from that twitter thread regarding this show and how it does its storytelling.
  13. THE ADRENALINE RUSH I FELT ONCE KENDALL PAUSED AND SAID "BUT..." Give Strong his Emmy for this ep alone. His face when Naomi, rightfully, tells him Logan only loves him broken. To the entire final scene with Logan and that dinner table scene (the look he and Roman share! They probably have the most genuine relationship out of all the siblings) and then the final moments. Whoo boy. Felt like I ran an entire marathon. Already annoyed by some viewers immediately going the "IT WAS LOGAN'S PLAN ALL ALONG" theorizing route. This idea that some Succession viewers have that Logan is some sort of all-seeing chess master who sees 4 moves ahead of everyone else is baffling to me. He’s an abuser and a bully and that’s how he’s gone about his business. The two times Kendall tried to fuck him over he managed to survive through pure sheer force of nature and also through emotionally manipulating his own child. He thought he could throw Kendall to the wolves and Kendall would take it because Kendall has done so this entire season without any protest, not because he had some sort of ultimate plan to ultimately sacrifice himself by having Kendall do it for him. Him being casually cruel about the car crash isn’t him deliberately needling Kendall to fuck him over on live television, It’s Logan doing what he’s been doing to Kendall this entire show and this entire season: Be casually cruel and emotionally abusive. It’s just this time Kendall didn’t take it lying down. And that final smile is Logan being proud of it. Not because he and Kendall are secretly working together (The fact that this is even a theory is baffling) or because Logan KNEW that was the plan all along. It’s because for the first time in his life one of his kids had the actual guts to blindside him and stab him in the front. Curious about how the family relationships are going to be handled next season. Kendall is going to habe Greg in his corner but who else? Will another sibling jump ship? A part of me hopes this move doesn't completely destroy Ken and Roman's relationship because I've grown to be especially invested in that dynamic.
  14. haje

    S02.E09: DC

    It's either Kendall or Tom and I can see either one but I do think ultimately this season is about Shiv's "downfall" (as Season 1 was Kendall's) and ultimately we're going to have a situation where Shiv will have to choose between throwing Tom under the bus or standing by him and I think it's fairly obvious as to which she would choose here. And also, I don't know if I can handle another season finale where Kendall's soul gets absolutely crushed. Like, yes they're all monsters but I can't have Logan have another win over his children like this!!!!
  15. haje

    S02.E08: Dundee

    This show truly has the amazing ability to utterly devastate me one episode and then have me die of complete embarrassment the next. Incredible.
  16. I have never been more worried about a fictional character's mental health than I do Kendall. The work Jeremy Strong is doing is almost too good, watching him makes me uncomfortable because it feels so lived in and real. Just his physicality alone. And it makes it even worse because the last episode and the beginning of this episode was probably the happiest we've ever seen him. It's tough to see it all go away in mere seconds and simply because Logan was clearly punishing him for expressing his worries about Rhea (which is perfectly reasonable but to Logan any of his children questioning his judgement must immediately pay for it).
  17. Kendall, maybe for the first time this season, snapping out of his "Dad's plan is better" robot mode the minute Roman gets hit says SO MUCH. God these kids are terrible but the glimpses we see that they genuinely care about each other makes me feel things. Also moments where Kendall shows he has a glimpse of a soul, him being the only one actually having a conscience re: the cruises thing (which isn't saying much lol), is depressing because it shows that he's just not made to be a CEO for this kind of company especially. He's not Logan, which to him is a flaw when really it's probably his greatest strength but he clearly doesn't see it that way. And it feels like this season is just Logan breaking him bit by bit to mold him to be the kind of person he wants him to be to eventually take over (cause I still don't see him giving it to Shiv).
  18. I hate every single one of these endings for these characters. Maybe except for Sansa. I don't know how anyone thinks this is relatively happy for the Stark's either, they're alive but they're all separated. The show barely gave them any screentime as an actual family altogether after years of separation and then the only significant scene they'll probably get is them saying goodbye to each other again. I'm all for Arya exploring and going on adventures but the fact that she says never coming home? Even though so much of her arc was her going back to her family and going back home? Thanks I hate it. I already mentioned how I feel about Bran being put in any sort of leadership position and no thanks. And this is a far better ending than Tyrion deserves imo. I mean I guess I'm glad that the council isn't filled with just dudes but that's all I have. I am truly impressed at how this ending is definitely going to piss off fans of well, everyone on the show? Except for Bran fans I guess.
  19. I've managed to accept most of these leaks are real but Bran being King is something that mind cannot genuinely comprehend. Even if it's just him as Head of a Council (with all men apparently wow), I still cannot buy into it. He's a non-entity. He's basically a meme at this point. They're going to try to justify this by them pushing the "maybe the best ruler is someone who doesn't want to rule?" and then call back to Bran's "I don't want anymore" and then have it be that and that is going to be such a major cop-out.
  20. jaime/cersei dying together? completely tracks. made absolute sense. but the way they died? my fucking god. bull fucking shit. the ONLY thing i even semi-liked was the hound telling arya not to be like him but even that should’ve been executed better. he should’ve been dying. she should have had to mercy kill him. THAT should’ve been why she gives up on revenge. her having to kill someone she genuinely cares about and realizing that she’s no longer consumed by revenge. not her seeing a bunch of random no-names die around her. they try to really shove down these civilians and ask us to care about them when they've done zero work in the past 8 seasons to make us care but then decide to do it all in one episode. and clearly that was why they gave that to arya. because we care about her and they thought seeing it through her eyes would be effective and it was effective in that maisie acted the hell out of it. but i felt nothing because it was so clearly the writers pushing something they never properly developed. they really managed to ruin all the character deaths even though they were handed this shit on a silver platter and all they had to do was follow through. jaime killing cersei as they died. cleganebowl happening and arya giving sandor the gift of mercy. but instead they choice the shittiest way to execute these deaths. i am baffled. on the other hand, i thought the actors were great? bless emilia for trying her best to make this writing for dany work. i've never been the biggest fan of her acting but she has truly impressed me here especially considering what she has to work with. ncw and lena were great in that last scene despite everything else being terrible. maisie was wonderful. bless all their souls. they really are trying their best to rescue the shit show they were handed. the only reason i’m going to watch the final episode is to make sure arya lives through this. that’s all i care about anymore.
  21. I would hope that Jaime and Cersei would have a better end than having a building fall on them. Especially Cersei considering she's the big bad but D&D seem to not care anymore so who knows. I think the most disappointing thing about these leaks is how everyone's arcs end so disappointingly. Dany as Mad Queen is something I think audience would accept had they spent at least 1 or 2 seasons building up to it. Yes, there have been hints but hints are not enough. They took everything away from her in order to accelerate and get her to this moment so of course most of the audiences wouldn't buy it. Jaime dying with Cersei makes sense but having him get together with Brienne then leave her all in one episode makes him look like even more of an asshole than he already is. If they had given these arcs more episodes, more space to breathe then it wouldn't be so bad. Clearly Jaime and Brienne were together for more than just one day, it seemed like a week at least, so have Jaime play domestic with Brienne and then show him in a span of one or two episodes feel like he doesn't deserve this life and ultimately goes back to what he knows, Cersei (if they really are having Jaime go back to save her or die with her instead of killing her). Even how things end for The Hound is disappointing. He and his brother both fall into fire? That's it? Arya isn't even there during Cleganebowl? I was expecting him to die but not like this. And Arya leaving Winterfell and going off on her own? Okay, that seems believable but Arya leaving Winterfell and saying she's not coming back (without any goodbyes) when her family was the reason she even came back in the first place. I want Arya to go on adventures but I also want Arya to embrace life and love and her humanity again. I thought we were going somewhere good with that in the first 3 episodes with her but now I don't even know. Tyrion, I don't think they even know what they're doing with him. Same with Jon. If D&D wanted to be done with the series then they should have handed it over to writers who still cared at the very least. HBO would have been willing to give them all the episodes they asked for and I think had they done a 12-13 episode final season or at least 2 seasons of 6 to 7 episodes they could have explored Dany's descent into madness better, actually given time and space for the revelation about Jon to breathe, dealt with the Night Knight better, have the Starks actually interact and so much more.
  22. Michael functioned purely as a plot device to make Jane/Rafael endgame but they didn't even need to do that because I'm pretty sure people managed to move on and accept that they were going to end up together at the end of the series, even people who don't like them together. Bringing Michael back was so unnecessary and to bring him back like this, someone who was tortured and lost his memories and who missed out on years of his life with people he loved and who loved him, and to have barely any of that trauma addressed is certainly a choice. It's not just the Jane stuff. Michael had relationships with other characters but somehow everyone's just out here acting like Michael was an ex who came back into Jane's life after years of being away. Like, if you were going to bring the dude back from the dead at least write it better instead of this nonsense.
  23. gendry, oh boy gendry. you get legitimized and suddenly you lose a few braincells. he started off so well lmao (her face when he called her beautiful was so sweet) and then he kept going..... i do hope we get more of them aside from that???? cause it ended too abruptly imo and i'd like to think arya's arc ends with her choosing her family and love and not just going off on her own again (which btw i thought her comment about not coming back was her not going back to wf but thinking about it more, i'm guessing she meant she thinks she's going to die in kings landing). and the jaime/brienne stuff was genuinely great. ncw and gwen are so good together. i'd be more mad about the last jaime/brienne scene but like everything about it points to him going to king's landing to kill cersei. the writing could have been better but this is game of thrones and they've always put tricking the audience over having characters actually have a conversation to talk about their motivations so. i'll take it. if i'm wrong then.... fuck these writers even more. also i don't get some of the complaints i've seen regarding brienne getting emotional and people acting as if it's out of character. brienne is extremely loyal and gets emotional over people she loves and it's clear she loves jaime. just remember her reaction to when gendry died. and most of the final scene with them was yes, her asking him to stay but also her telling him that if he goes back to cersei he will probably die and it's him regressing when she knows he's a better person than that. out of all the issues in this episode, i don't think the brienne/jaime stuff was one of them. anyway the hound and arya should just go on their murderous adventures and forget about king's landing. go have fun you two.
  24. True. It'll be sad for the shippers but it's totally consistent for her character. I would be sad if we end the season with her going off alone though (which is what I think one leak said) because what I want for Arya is for her to make connections again and reconnect with her humanity for a little bit.
  25. Eh, the Arya/Gendry stuff in Ep 4 seems to be the most promising in terms of it not ending up terribly. Of course, Arya rejects Gendry offering something more permanent. She's still getting her humanity back, she still has her list to finish and unless she manages to get some closure from that, I don't see her being ready for any kind of relationship as of yet. And there's still 2 episodes left for her to get that closure and to choose life instead of death. But then again this is D&D so who knows. I'm still the most skeptical of the supposed Jaime betrayal especially because there are leaks contradicting themselves regarding him but Jon killing Dany has been a consistent thing in these leaks and I'm almost positive it's definitely happening now.
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