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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. I was feeling worried this week. We received an email that a “suspicious character “ was hanging in the station parking lot and if we felt unsafe, to call for an escort inside. I’d been scouting the property from my car upon arrival and so far nothing. i ran into my supervisor who reiterated the warning. I asked if there was a specific description of the person (age, color, etc.) but he couldn’t tell me. I ran into the unarmed overnight security guard who told me the suspect was a little old man, Asian, who had brought a chair and sat outside the security fence during the afternoon. He seemed confused and didn’t appear to want to cause anyone trouble. I think police were called just to help him get home. Thankfully, no one else has been seen on property that didn’t belong there (except Bitcheroo maybe! Ha ha!). As if we don’t have enough to be worried about!
  2. Had another dream - which would cause me to awaken. When I went back to sleep, the dream continued for a while longer. In the dream, I was covered in either boils or leeches or some such on my body. I would peel each one off of me one at a time. When they were removed, there would be a small hole where they were attached. Sort of like when a pore strip rips up a blackhead from the pore and the pore is now empty but open. According to the dream dictionary, peeling can be seen as a positive thing:
  3. You can, although the key to avoiding issues is to use organic produce. When I say organic, I mean ones that have never been exposed to herbicides, pesticides, commercial fertilizer and fungicides. Those get deep into the fruit or veggie that's grown in it. You can never completely wash it away. Always double check with your produce manager or your local farmer's market or local farmer.
  4. The produce aisle is full of items that are hybridized and decorated for your eyes! They create fruit and veggies to look pretty and shiny so we'd be more attracted to them. Unfortunately, that makes many of them unhealthy! These are not the produce aisles our grandmas used to shop in. I have used products like FIT veggie wash to get stuff off of produce but I have found that (non stabilized) hydrogen peroxide works as well. Plus the extra oxygen makes them last a bit longer in the fridge. Fill a sink with cold filtered water, put in about a cup or two of peroxide and gently scrub. Rinse and dry.
  5. Are you sure this isn't from a rejected script of "The Critic"? Why not a movie based on that famous painting of poker playing dogs? Attention Hollywood: NO MORE!! There must be a ton of material from writers known and unknown you can glean from! Make something entertaining! Until then, I'm not interested in your wares!
  6. THIS! I saw the film and like you, I appreciate the message of trying to make one's own decisions and take personal responsibility. However, the magic was stronger than Ella until she fell in love with the prince and was able to THEN overcome it. All it did was make her a virtual slave of her family (and everyone else) until that point. One could argue she could have left home but she still would have been affected by the "gift" of obedience.
  7. A good rule of thumb is if the person is old enough to be your child or your parent, then he or she is too old/young for you. I personally wouldn't go younger than 15 years. Someone older may not be able to take it! IMO, just be double sure he's into you for you, not a green card. Plenty of foreigners like to take advantage of Americans.
  8. You could spray the item with cinnamon or pepper or peppermint. Something to discourage them from a specific item you don't want chewed, and catnip on things you want them to chew/play with. I think you might want to try a holistic veterinarian. Some even make house calls! I have also heard of many pets having issues solved with the prey or barf diet (raw grass fed and finished meat mixed with ground bone) . Holistic vets are more open to alternate methods of treatment that most might not think of otherwise.
  9. Oops! I must be thinking of another breed, but I could have sworn it was the PBGV! Sorry!
  10. Looks like Robby DOES get sent to juvie! Daniel chides Johnny for (possibly) the violence at school. Miguel wakes up (yeah, not surprised at that one! I get annoyed every time some kid asks, "Is he alive??") Johnny and Kreese have facial injuries! Did they fight again? Or was it someone else involved in the fight? Johnny also ends up in jail again! Looks like it was same day as the visit to Miguel in the hospital (same clothes). Curious as to what he was arrested for this time. Maybe doing something while drunk after leaving his car at the beach?
  11. Interesting! They're not too common in the US and only recently accepted by the AKC. YES!
  12. I always thought it was to show I was earnest. Besides, I hate it when interviewers ask stupid questions (the kind where you get the feeling they're toying with you and not asking relevant questions about your abilities). Meanwhile, I'm really getting fed up with these stupid video rules! It's one thing to censor video for bad language, blood, bodies and body parts (AM news still has to be chipper!) but it's getting harder to edit when you can't use file video just because people aren't masked up! Even if the video comes from FOX or CNN, I have to remind the producer we can't use it! At best sometimes I just use exteriors of the building or sign but then I end up recycling the video several times and then management (who never edited a thing in his life!) gets on my back for that! You can't have it both ways! One or the other has to give unless you shoot it yourself! When we're discussing school, we have recycled the video so darn much, it's infuriating! Then the producers have to stack a show with SEVERAL stories that end up requiring the same video! On the plus side, I got a kudo for a suggestion on one story; This place is offering pumpkin spiced turkey this month, and the producer decided to add it to today's show. It won't be offered nationwide, but the script didn't mention if it would be available locally. I took the time to look it up and turns out it won't be, and suggested to alter the script to mention it won't be available at our local stores but if you really wanted to try it, try driving to Texas. He thought it was brilliant! I think ahead - because I just know that we'd probably get a ton of calls asking where they could find it! Almost forgot: Good luck @MargeGunderson!
  13. Not only for dogs, but humans. My nutrition consultant wandered into a crowd of vegans at an event and he was shocked at how proud these people were about how many times they'd poop in a given day! One guy bragged it was SIX times! OK, TMI fella! @saber5055 I see you have a bouncing Beardie! Is that your show breed of choice? Pet peeve: When something happens in a store (or the street), you bump into someone by accident, you apologize, and the other party never says a word! I HATE it when they can't be bothered to say, "Oh, it's OK", or "Sorry, I beg your pardon!". They just move on as if they're entitled! Manners anyone??
  14. Just say something along the lines of you were looking for a new challenge and the new job opportunity seemed like a good fit at this point in your career, NEVER badmouth a previous employer - even if it is the reason you left. If they ask you what do you think is your biggest flaw, use something positive like, "I do tend to push myself too hard", or "I'm a perfectionist - I like doing things right the first time." Regarding the reference: the previous employer can only confirm (by US law) the dates you worked at the job and legally can't say anything else (good or bad). I lost out on a job because a spiteful bitch spoke out of turn to a prospective employer but I didn't know any better at the time to take legal action. Considering it was for a cashiering job (I was a college student at the time), it might not have been worth the legal effort anyway. I usually don't allow for calls from a prospective employer made to a place I'm currently employed for that reason. Should being the operative word. As I mentioned above, they spoke to a supervisor who had a spite streak a mile long. Don't be surprised if they choose to connect to the supervisor mentioned on your application.
  15. He also appeared in the original pilot for The Monkees TV series. He played a "man on the street" reporter interviewing people, including his writing partner, Larry Tucker. Both of them wrote the pilot as well.
  16. I knew fairly early on. Everyone around me kept telling me what an awesome show this was (this was about Season 1 of the show first run). I decided to give it a try. IIRC, the first episode I saw was the one about George being bitter about losing out over a primo apartment. I remember thinking this isn't funny or entertaining. I tried one more episode the following week but couldn't get past the first act and left it behind. With all due respect to fans, I still don't get the hype. Don't feel bad - neither did I! It wasn't until Laura Prepon mentioned it in an interview that Grace would correct people who would call him, "Chris" and he would correct them by adding, "topher" to it! At least it gave him a unique stage name.
  17. Found myself having a dream about money. According to some rudimentary research, In this dream, I was going through a bag of some sort and found a few thousand dollars! I remember thinking during the dream how that would come in handy because I could really use it. I've been cash strapped lately due to a few financial hits (HVAC went out and I had to repair it), and I've been looking into starting a business as a freelance writer for extra money as well as something to do when I leave my current job.
  18. Quite possible! They would have definitely claimed Phoebe as a copy of Morticia, intentional or otherwise. It did seem funny though watching Herman being this child like guy in love with a hot vamp like Lily though! For years, I'd thought Lovey WAS her name! In my area, the pilot wasn't often run (most of the black and white episodes in fact - probably was the syndication package at the time), so I only knew her as Lovey Howell. If anything, it means the Howells adored each other, and Thurston alluding to her nickname just makes thing so cute between them! Sherwood Schwartz has said more than once that Gilligan was his last name and his first name is "Willy". It was in the original bible for the show, but I don't recall it ever being used on screen. Plus, my HS principal's last name was Gilligan and we used to make affable jokes about it! That woman must have heard them all from 1964 to her dying day!
  19. Well a lot happens when one takes a few days off.... I come back into work after completely disconnecting only to find out corporate came by and fired a bunch of co-workers - mostly anchors from one of our fluff shows (entertainment reporting) and a night side anchor. Apparently times are tough and after forcing everyone on salary (management to corporate CEO) to take a pay cut and 4 day work weeks, and running a pseudo infomercial about the product du jour, it still wasn't enough cost cutting. I just hope I'm not in their sights. I'm just 2 years away from retiring (even though the money isn't that huge) and I'd hate for them to take nasty advantage. Then today, I'm asked to download video of the Patriots coach (because he looked really rough during his last presser) and the producer never bothered to notice the clip was 14 minutes long! Some systems might be able to process it in a split second, but not mine! I politely explained it was a no-go and why. Yet stuff like this keeps happening. Was kept on my toes all morning because there was a shooting at the Aria and we had to do some last minute interviews via phone with witnesses. I have casino contacts who tell me they are scared to work on the Strip now due to the recent influx of scummy visitors. Strip hotels that used to have room rates from $300/night to $500+/night are offering rooms for $17/night! It's ridiculous! There have been fights at nice establishments like the Wynn and Encore (search YT for vids) and I'm told money laundering is going on frequently! Apparently these people are bringing bricks of money to the casino cage, exchange them for chips, then cash out. Gangbanger types have been making the Vegas experience a nightmare! Should I mention the people who bring their own 6-packs of beer with them to the lounges?
  20. Looks like Alyssa Milano made the news. Not in a good way either.
  21. He lives in the same city when he and his mom first moved to CA - Reseda. The apartment building Johnny lives in is just a stone's throw away from the building used for Daniel's 80s apartment. Meanwhile - I got a surprise when I checked in one one of my favorite YT channels. Better late than never I guess, but at least he liked the show!
  22. We may have a date for the release of Season 3! According to this Youtuber, it seems it was accidentally leaked onto IMDB, then removed shortly after. A screenshot of the date was saved before it was taken down.
  23. 48 since Daniel won twice. Fewer still depending on how many other former champions won more than once. I agree it might have been nice to have all remaining champions stop by but they acknowledged them with banners. Plus, Daniel was on the committee and an active part of the community. I think so! He was an obnoxious character and rather disrespectful to his family at times, his weight or hair style not withstanding. I have heard the actor who played Anthony has indeed lost weight and changed his hair. If the character plans on returning for Season 3 (he was off at summer camp during Season 2), perhaps we'll get him involved more in the story.
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